
The bully

As soon as I stepped out from the office, I felt a little relieved. I retraced my steps to the stairsteps then to the corridor hoping to see the students chatting as I had saw them earlier because normally every first day of resumption, not much activities would be done but instead I met a fracas. I went closer and wanted to know the cause of the fight. I forced my way in through the crowd and as people sighted me, they moved a bit, making a passage for me.

"You're new?" I heard someone said behind me and I replied her warmly

"Hey! She's new", a guy shouted and everyone cheered paying more attention to me more than the fight that had ensued.

The fight had ensued between a plump girl and a thin blonde girl.

"What's your name? Where do you live? Your age? What do you like? What's your favorite color? Do you love sports? Can I be your friend?..."

They were busy asking me questions like that but I wasn't ready to answer any of it then I finally spoke,

"Firstly my name is Olly Madeline and as time goes on we'll get to know each other pretty well but for now I'll like to know what's going on here", I said and the plump girl shot me a cold glare.

"I'll tell you", she said to me and started her blabbering. "I'm Georgina and everyone here knows me as Georgie or didn't anyone tell you, I'm the boss here", Georgie said beating her chest like an animal

"I don't need to know who the boss is or who controls everything here, I just feel it's not right to pick on the weak ones and bully them and that's what led to the question I asked, that's all", I said and raised my left eyebrow a bit then the students made a mockery laugh and Georgie got angry.

She moved closer to me and whispered, "what happened here..." She stopped and then continued, "..is none of your business", then she turned to leave with two other girls.

The thin blonde girl who had noticed that the argument was turning into a nasty little slug-fest, dragged me by the hand then took me to one of the corners.