Does He Really Understand...

The rain continued to fall just as hard as it had that afternoon, not planning on stopping anytime soon.

"Yo!" Grey said as he walked into the empty commons at 6.30 pm.

Sweat still dripped from his brow as his hair was pushed flat against his head. There were red marks from where his helmet had been sitting during practice. He was dressed in the same clothes he had worn earlier that day, a white long sleeve t-shirt on khakis with his silver watch.

"What's up." Jin replied.

"So, what's the plan?" Grey asked.

"Well, what are you struggling with?" Jin asked.

"Struggling?" He looked confused.

"Like, where in the relationship do you struggle?" Jin asked hoping it became clearer.

"Oh! Usually the part where I have to keep it…?" Grey replied, slowing down towards the end.

Jin realized that this wasn't gonna help, instead he decided to teach Grey how to spot someone who's into him and then direct that conversation towards Chandler.

"That won't do, first we'll start with the basics!" Jin said, ignoring the look of confusion on Grey's face.

"So, let me ask you, have you ever asked a girl out?" Jin asked, already knowing that the answer was no.

"Then let me teach you some basic body language signals," Jin said after Grey replied with a 'No', "First the eyes, usually, though this may not always be the case, when someone looks at something or in this case someone they like their pupils dilate, so that's sign one, if her pupils dilate."

"Ok… how do I see that?" Grey asked while frowning and squinting his eyes.

"You be perceptive! Let's see… someone like Chandler Morrison, you know her right?" Jin asked.

"Yeah! She's the cute cheerleader in our grade right?" Grey replied.

"Yeah, now let's say she likes you, since she has blue eyes it'll be easier to see her pupils dilate because she has blue eyes whereas on someone like Ana, who has black eyes, it would be harder." Jin said.

"I see, that kinda makes sense… so it's about… kinda..." His body tensed up as creases began forming on his forehead and he tightly squeezed his eyes, "listening!"

"Ay, you didn't really get the point but I'll give you respect for it!" Jin said while suppressing a laugh.

"No! It's about watching carefully!" Jin said after he could control himself.

"Alright I'll give you another tip, whenever you're talking with her, watch her feet." Jin explained while pointing to his own.

Grey took a step backwards as he stared down at Jin's feet. "Her feet?!" Grey looked like his mind had been blown.

"Alright buddy, it's not that amazing, you're just watching to see what position her feet are in and where they're pointing." Jin explained.

"Position…?" Grey disappeared into his mind, drooling slightly.

"WOAH! WOAH!! GET BACK HERE!!!" Jin yelled, fearing what he might be drooling over.

"All position means is what her feet look like, if they're crossed, one behind another, wide apart, or anything else," Jin explained after bringing Grey back, "So for example, if you're talking and she crosses her feet, her range of mobility is limited meaning she subconsciously doesn't want to move, leading to a conclusion of staying and wanting to talk to you."

"Here's another example, let's say you're talking and her right foot goes slightly backwards, but she says nothing about leaving or something to do, it means something in the conversation is making her uncomfortable, making her subconsciously create distance between the two of you." Jin explained more.

"Just like that, direction of feet are important because they tell you where the person's attention is, if both feet are pointed in a certain direction that means all their attention is at that person or thing while if only one foot is pointed there and the other somewhere else it means they're not entirely focused on that one thing but are focused on someone or something else as well." Jin finished, "Do you understand that?"

"Subconsciously…feet? *Poof*" Smoke puffed out the side of his ears.

"Grey! GREY!!" Jin shouted as he shook him around trying to get his focus back.

He finally let go of him and took a deep breath. "Anyway, just watch her eyes and feet, that's all man!" Jin said after losing all hope.

"Alright..." Grey said while still recovering.

"Alright… good luck… you'll really need more than that though..." Jin said as he slumped over to his bag, grabbed it and started walking away.

"I'll meet you tomorrow here! Same time! I'll also ask for an update in the commons!!" Jin shouted over his shoulder as he could still hear Grey short circuiting.

"Positions…*Poof*... Listening…*Poof*... toes?" Grey mumbled.