Break in

Senor pink nodded along with the explanation "so captain which route are we aiming to take?" To which Bellamy grinned "we're going to take the G-4 base!!!" Senor pinks glasses slid a little so he punched them back and asked how.

"It's simple! With these" and then he walked to the corner and pulled a veil off of his device.....card board boxes. "By wearing these and shimmying our way through the base we'll be undetectable!" Lami tapped her palm with her fist "naruhodo" to which Muret slapped the both of them in the head "be serious!!"

Bellamy laughed and rubbed the spot that she hit. "Alright alright was just trying to disperse the tension". Muret deadpanned "we have haki, you were completely serious" Bellamy took a step back under her gaze.

"Fine~ alright from my understanding of the G-4 base we should be able to open their flood gates. Their unlocking mechanism is based on the gates of justice at their HQ but much more advanced as they didn't want Germa and the like slipping in under control"

Bellamy then unfurled the schematics of the base he copied from his granny's office. He then pointed at four different points on the map "these are the unlock mechanisms, they are guarded by the four women I mentioned earlier, all we have to do is slip in and pull the lever. We can beat the marines or we can slip past them. It's like a stealth game, we can either go professional and not be spotted or mid way through we can just say fuck it and ship out all our weapons".

They ignored his comment about the game while monet asked the next question while the others entered. "Bellamy taichou, you said four but you informed us of five. What about haruhara?"

Bellamy then stood upright "that bitch will be in the most valuable area here, it's the treasury of the base which she put her glass office on top off to show off. I will be heading their to raid it so mani will be waiting on the deck to receive the goods. She'll probably sense me so I'm going to kick her ass." They all looked at each other and went over the figures in their head. Could Bellamy beat a vice admiral? He couldn't beat his grandmother yet could beat Gion and helgart the tar tar fruit user I helped train in her devil fruit.

Over the years those two got promoted rapidly so when they came to visit I would bea—- spar with them. Enough reminiscing it's time to plan.

"Anyway I'll handle haruhara while monet, Muret, lami and senor unlock the Four mechanisms. Senor you'll take the one next to the ship here, now then russian and gimlet will be staying on the ship" monet raised her hand to ask a question so I nodded to her.

"Ok but how are we getting the ship there without It being blown to smithereens? Mani and sugar would be a great help in the infiltration"

I shook my head "they're our ticket into the base. Sugar will use her art powers to recolour the ship and skeleton crew too look like the marines. Mani will have to control them to follow regular protocol which she's already familiar with and she'll be receiving the treasures."

Senor then asked "how will we mask our escape? I'm pretty sure the massive gates swinging open will alert everyone in the north blue of our actions." So I smirked and pointed at another area of the map.

"This is the holding centre, here they keep all the pirates, gangsters and bandits they catch within north blue to prep for transport to impel down. On the way to the treasury I'll break them out, it'll mask the noise of your fights should they take place. The criminals will scramble for ships so sugar will add a few extra statues on the deck to ward them outs. Russian will be in the crows nest rapid sniping to make it seem like we're heavily armed. If one manages to make it through the gate we can then pretend to be chasing them. If not we can radio that we're going to place ourselves there incase any slipped out."

They all looked at me with wide eyes so I turned to lami "how long till we reach G-4?" She looked at her wrist that did not contain a watch and said "3 hours". "Welp better prepare yourselves" and then I left letting my captains coat flutter in the wind. Mani called out "what about our first nights on the ship?" Which made me stumble so I shouted back "first person to open the flood gates wins me for the night". I should not have said that as a war zone began forming amongst the girls who will be breaking in.

Mani poured and sugar looked down and mumbled "nee-chan will share" and then left to begin painting the skeleton crew.

<3 hours later>

As we pulled up to the boarding area to the port of the base the invasion crew dressed up as marines. I drooled a little at the sight of the girls in the female white pan suits that clung to their bodies, down boy! fun later mission now!

After we weighed anchor the five of us wearing marine hats to cover our eyes. I was wearing a pure white coat to signify I was a commodore rank meaning they only person I can report to is a.....

"You there! Report in quickly we are about to have a mass ship out" geh! It's Gion!!!!!! She walked towards me and looked at me with that oh so familiar glare. She has a bandaged thigh meaning she just got that tattoo. She apparently caught my gaze. "Something interesting down there soldier!? Identify yourself" so like a good soldier I clapped my heels together.

"Reporting in Vice admiral, commodore Balls reporting in, I was tasked with delivering vital intel about the donquixote pirates to headquarters therefore we are here to request the gate be open." She huffed at the mention of doffy, she also joined my granny. She then asked "commodore balls?" "Yes Ma'am, commodore Ligma Balls graduate of the 142nd class. I'm stationed in the west end however I had to handle an assignment in the north blue."

"Ligma balls? I'll remember you closely. I look forward to your report at headquarters as I'm already leaving now." and then she turned away to start her own journey. Oh I bet you will remember my balls you silly bitch~ I turned and saw the infiltration teams shoulders shaking. Seems they caught the joke.

I then leaned into Muret's ear "change of plans for you. On the way smash their den den mushi hub, we don't want them calling her for assistance." To which she regained her cool and began following me again.

After we entered the base I signalled first then to make their way to each of the opening points. "When the ring your wearing fully glows green it means we are all in position. When it's yellow it means someone is fighting and well red means I started the break out." They all nodded and walked their separate ways.

I began using my conqueror haki to knock out every snail I passed or was approaching so that way those in the radio room wouldn't know what was happening. Muret is already rushing there which won't draw attention as a base is always hectic.

I continued walking with the sound of my navy issued boots clicking off the ground. I missed my comfy shoes, this monkey suit is choking the shit outta me. After about twenty minutes I finally found the vault. With my haki I senses four individuals nearby, a powerful one on the floor above which feels stressed and horny so haruhara. Two weak guards at the front of the door guarding the goods and something faint hiding in the treasure room.

Might be a devil infused item or a rare animal that a celestial dragon wants. "Open the door up solider I have loot to lodge in their" the two men glanced at my coat before nodding and begin unlocking the door. As I was approaching I noticed that all the den den mushi seemed drunk meaning Muret already made it to the communication room.

The soldiers then finished opening the door and the weak presence inside froze. The two soldiers turned to me "sir what was it you were looking to lodge?" I scratched my ear as I stood behind them "yeah about that" and then I grabbed their heads and slammed them together. They were out cold so I stripped them down and found keys to all the break rooms.

I dragged them into the vault and found what I was looking for. Inside was all the confiscated loot from everyone of the criminals here in the last 5 years. It totals about 800 million berry which will serve nicely for my crew. There's also a few rare items in here that I'll need to personally inspect so without further a do I rubbed the ring making a portal to mani open then began pulling all the gold and jewels along with the stacks of berry into it.

In the middle I heard an "eep!" Which sounded like a young woman. After checking with my haki I began to grin widely as I recognised who I pulled through. After the girl was pulled through I heard the signs of a struggle which was mani putting on a choker. I'll have to inspect that 'good' later but for now onto the nice stuff.

All that was left was some books on medicine, a navigation manual, a new devil fruit encyclopaedia issues a month ago by VegaPunk that I hadn't had the chance to read yet, lots of rum which I will be drinking later and finally the piece de resistancé. The heavenly tribute that was being built up to be delivered in six months.

I memorised the tribute schedules in my granny's office that contained the cash flow of the celestial dragons. It detailed which islands pay what, when and from where.

"Now then let's see the rare goodies~ holy fuck!! Is that what I think it is" I was truly shocked to find these here. The first thing is a tempest Garuda feather, it is normally infused into a ship to remove wind resistance which is a godsend in the grand line during a storm. The second thing was truly eye bulging, wood from one of the religion trees.

In one piece canon it's only mildly referenced however now that I've lived here and done some research I learned a lot more than one piece lore. One main thing was the religion trees, several groups are religious in this world but they're snuffed out by the world government. Within their bible documents the religion trees, trees that are tied closely with the beginning of humanity and are essential to survival in this world.

Each tree is a different fable with one being the devil tree that produced devil fruits. Another being the trees of humanity of which there are four. Adam wood, Eve wood, temptations wood and lastly Lilith wood. It was written in this worlds bible that these four woods were used to construct an ARK that carried the first of humanity during a great flood.

I have no idea if it's true or not but I read some of VegaPunks research and he believed the ancient weapon pluton to be made using the four types of wood. I have nothing to argue with this theory considering that these four types of wood are incredibly rare. Combining them makes for a vastly superior ship.

In front of me is enough wood to produce the keel for my dream ship. It's just the right wood too~ it's midnight Lilith wood that is the opposite of sunlight eve wood. This wood makes a ship unremarkably fast and is said to absorb moonlight to hide the ship. What that means is that when this wood is on a ship sea kings won't attack at night. The wood is pitch black with little white spots making it resemble a piece of the midnight sky.

It is said to only be found on islands of deep darkness like the island hidden in the Florian triangle or kuraigana island. The reason it's rare is because it grows underground. Each of the religion trees grows in a separate environments. Adam only grows in the purest of areas that are near people who are pure of heart, Eve grows along the ocean floor scattered about which made the fishmen monopolise it for their settlements. Fishman island isn't the only fishman residence in the world it's just their capital.

The last tree which is "Tall tree temptation" can only be found on a sky island which the world government can't get too. The birkeans, skypieans and shandorians as well as the similar cultures with other winged people all guard those areas. In one piece giant jack is an infant of one of those trees. The wood is meant to be harvested from one part of the tree before it would return to a seedling to be planted elsewhere.

Truly an impressive treasure, no wonder the dragons would want it. If I take this my bounty will skyrocket. Now onto the final piece of the tribute, a chest which I opened carefully. My eyes turned red once I saw what was in there. A very rare logia!! It's the gem gem fruit, the last user documented was a woman 400 years ago in the new world named Cleon D patra. She could produce and turn into any type of jewels.

She was indestructible as no matter what she faced she could turn into any jewel to resist it. Magma? Turn into a garnet or a topaz and you'll be fine. In debt? Produce a few rubies to earn some quick cash. When Cleon fought she always earned a profit afterwards. To find this devil fruit is a true blessing. The only downside to this fruit is that it requires in-depth knowledge of the gems you wished to turn into so she had a limited amount of transformations.

It was also said that if she shattered in one of those transformations she couldn't turn into it ever again. Kinda like Ben 10 with chromastone only to turn into diamond head after. This will be tucked away for a rainy day and with that it's time to get set the prisoners loose.

*gasp* the sound of heavy breathing rang out as I had to fight my way through the marines to the controls of the first gate. I have the worst luck of the five that entered as right in front of me is two of the women that captain warned me against. Alice wunder and Tiana the tic. Two women who for some reason are dressed as princesses, I'm not bothered though because everyone in the grand line can be described as weird at one point or another.

The issue is their fighting method, Alice the blonde haired woman in blue has been releasing a mist that screws my senses up. I keep seeing winged monkey men dressed as bellhops attacking me and no matter how many I beat they just keep coming. I have several scratches on my body but those are nothing for me.

The issue is the small burns cause by the black woman tiana. She keeps ranting about baking and her husband l'frog while continuing to spit small insect eggs at me at high speeds from her mouth. On impact they try to bury into my skin and explode but my haki is to strong.

After twenty minutes of attacking blindly and only hitting mist I decided to stop fighting and close off everything. Captain said this would be the best way to breakthrough in haki mid fight when in a drawn out battle. He's never led me astray yet.

So I stopped and crossed my arms guarding my heart while I focused. The mist obscures haki somehow so I have to find a weakness. I feel another of the monkeys coming to attack me, normally I'd counter them or punch before they can but for now I'll choose to catch their fist. Even though it's not manly I shall do it!

So when the monkey took a swing I predicted it and grabbed. I felt metal in my hand so I clenched and looked at what I caught a hold off. As I looked through my shades I looked at the iron ball attached to a chain. I followed the chain that was being tugged and saw Alice wunder wielding a kusarigama. She was infusing her devil fruit powers into her weapons.

They weren't monkeys! The claws was the blade and the punches were this iron ball. I inhaled and activated my powers, the ground began to ripple so I jumped and acted like I was leaping off a diving board. With a *splurp* I sank deep into the water and pulled the chain with me. Alice has wrapped the chain around her arm so the massive tug generated by my weight and her lack of awareness meant she was dragged towards me.

As I felt her her plant her feet I angled myself and cancelled my powers. I'm using the move {swim glitch} that captain wrote about in his letters, once I stop I will be propulsed out of the surface I'm in depending on how deep I swam down.

Alice fell back as the pull of the chain was released, she looked down and saw a ripple appear on the ground before a hard boiled looking man flew out and drove his fist into her chin. He slammed upwards into her jaw forcing it shut and rattling her brain. {spring...shoryuken!!!!}. Alice was eliminated.

Tiana was shocked before she snarled and began inhaling beignets and munching them down. Her fruit allows her to turn what she eats into insects but her main attack is to super what the eggs and fire them like a butler. Beignets are her favourite food therefore the most effective.

Senor stood there watching her stomach begin to glow. He frowned as he saw a portion of the ring in his hand glow green meaning someone finished before him. He felt frustrated so he used his power and took a wide swing {tidal wave splashuuuuuu} his smack sent a liquid tidal wave off all the hard cobble stone of the marine base.

Tiana who saw it chose to spit out her flem explosives. She grinned as they should melt through the attack and burn senor pink to bits yet she underestimated the emeral—— the tidal wave splashuuu. Nothing can defeat the tidal wave splash.

The explosive eggs were absorbed into the wave of stone. It was so fast Tiana had no time to react as it swallows her to and carried her to the wall of the room. She was slammed into the wall and the thing she was trapped in solidifies. She opened her eyes and saw right next to her were the eggs she spat on the verge of exploding.

Senor pink then reaches for his glasses "spitting your flem like that is unbecoming of a lady" and with that he turned around and walked away. The explosion went off behind him swallowing Tiana. The stone absorbed most of the damage but her body was still burned. She would live, through the pain she watched as senor pink swaggered over to the controls off the room.

Her last thought as he slammed the lever down was "Hard——-Boiled!!!!!!" And like that Tiana and Alice were defeated.