The other girls trials

I seriously question bellamy's sanity sometimes, that big idiot was going to sneak in here with cardboard boxes. I have had to check several times over to find information about people. There is no one named solid snake, there is no gender activist named kazuma, there is no red man that is immortal and there is no such thing as an Easter bunny!

All those stories he told me and the others when we were kids made it all sound so magical. I loved the one about the pirate who escaped an island using sea turtles. Bellamy can definitely make it as a writer but I have to admit if this plan works he may be known as one of the greatest pirates of the north blue to ever exist.

I'm strolling through the base in this horrible outfit, white is for weddings only. It's also rather tight in a few areas which I'm uncomfortable with. Bellamy looking me up and down as we walked was a nice bonus. Maybe I should speed up and win the 'reward' he mentioned. Now that we're pirates the legal age just went out the window and he's open territory now.

It's a bummer that I have to share the big oaf however considering the other girls I don't actually mind them. If it was some random hussy then I'd be defensive. I can't help but feel bellamy planned this sometimes but alas as the first mate of the metallix pirates it's my duty to ensure cohesion among the crew. Though mani should be doing that considering she's the quartermaster.

After shutting down all the communications I watched bellamy waltz his way towards haruhara with the intent to crush her. I can understand why he hates that woman so much, the way she acted around tsuru-san and then turned completely two faced on bellamy was disturbing. Oh well she'll be dead after today.

I'm still having trouble with my {needle men}, maybe I should practice? "Hey lady your not authorised to be here" oh what perfect timing. With a flick of my wrist little golden needles soared into 5 men's foreheads. Their bodies shuttered for a few seconds before they started listening to me.

"End everyone in that room" I commanded, they walked in their shakily. I heard someone ask if they were alright so I closed the door. Gunshots and screaming echoed out, I opened the door to peak and saw they were still busy so I closed the door. Looking at my nails that could use a polish helped draw my mind away from the nasty things. I wonder if sugar can make nail polish with her devil fruit, isnt' nail painting a type of art? Gah Bellamy infected me with his weird thinking!

I shook my head to ignore those thoughts before entering the room. The sound of boots hitting puddles sounded in my ears. Though the colour is horrible I admit the navy gear is top notch. No blood got into the boots~ now then to flip the switch.

*kachink* the noise of its activation rang out so I rubbed my ring and began to make my way back to the ship. I heard the sounds of explosions before alarms started ringing. I checked the ring and found a second light there meaning someone else is done to.

Better rush back to the ship cause I have a feeling someone will need medical treatment~

Why is my switch the furthest in the base? Ahhh this is taking to long! The sounds of winds bellowed as a snowstorm passed through the base. I turned into my element and merged with them the snow around me and began speeding towards my area. On the way I spotted a few prison cells so I froze the bars and shattered them. I began hearing cheering and a stampede of foot steps take off in the opposite direction.

Prisoners certainly don't waste their time do they?

Ignoring those canon fodder I sped up my pace so I could fill the ring and make my way to Bellamy. He doesn't let me call him sama or master anymore which is a little inconvenient. I will never forget the day he saved me and parted the heavens, he doesn't know it but that image was what led to my sister being obsessed with art. Hidden away in her room is several pieces off that moment in different forms.

As I began thinking about those little "fictions" she wrote detailing her fantasies I heard a *shrink* noise. I recognise it as the sound of someone sharpening a blade. The room containing the lever is right up ahead. Continuing to crawl through the snow I was greeted with the sight of several criminal on the floor chopped to pieces.

Some of the escapees have made the attempt to open the flood gates. On top of one of the bodies is a blonde woman wearing a blue and white dress scratching a blade made of ice tenderly. Within the blade seems to be a face mask of some kind frozen into it.

"Oh Kuzan sama, how I long to be with you~ your mask is the only comfort I have in these times of odium." Creepy!!!!!

Better just go around her and pull the lever, I lowered the temperature a little so it'll be easier to manoeuvre around the place. As I crawled and was about to pull the lever a flying slash came hurtling towards me. I turned back to snow and dodged narrowly. That cut had haki in it, I turned to look at the blonde woman and then reformed myself into my snowy state.

She looked at me before pure rage dawned on her face "you!!!! You whore!!! You took the snow snow fruit. I needed that!!! I wanted to become snow for kuzan sama so he could wield me. Because of you I'll never be able to let is snow!!!!" And with that she lunges at me. She's pretty fast but not fast enough.

I clapped the snow angel wings I formed behind me in an attempt to freeze her but she seemed unaffected. I pulled my ice pick that Bellamy bought me and struck at the woman. He taught me an art he called "fencing" which manages to pair well with my favourite blade. The woman swung her froze saber to block but I added a little haki to my blade so it pierced right through and hit the little sleep mask inside.

She began squealing after I hit it then began spinning tossing crystallised snow flakes. When they hit the ground the snow solidified as if frosting over. I see! She ate the paramecia the frost frost fruit, it's similar to the ice ice logia except no physical transformation. However it can freeze things to much lower temperatures when mastered.

I jumped back as she may be able to solidify my body and shatter me. She began prancing around the room to I fired {diamond storm} which is small heavily compacted pieces of snow that resemble diamonds at her. They shredded steel to pieces so she shouldn't survive them. I made this move after bellamy told me aboht a creature named Renamon that could produce this kind of attack.

I never doubt his knowledge because he's been studying forever, he's so smart and handsome. No stop being distracted look the bitch tanked the hits. She wasn't cut but she is bruised a little, she's mumbling something about kuzan who is an ice admiral. I see that he's her dream man maybe I should put her to sleep.

I began making a massive multi layered igloo that she wouldn't be able to cut her way out off. Her first ability is only reinforcing it so she can't escape. {kamakura——snows embrace} I flew towards her and rapped my arms and wings around her. She's immune to the cold but not chemicals that I mixed into my snow. Bellamy was right that mixing chemicals into my constructs could be a powerful idea. I only wish that mutt sarquis didn't give a demonstration by pissing in the snow. He's so small down there compared to Bellamy.

Bellamy always loved to take an onsen trip during the winter, thanks to the snow I always got quite the show~. This woman named Elsa is feeling drowsy and is pushing me away so I slipped in some sweet words. I began speaking slowly and sweetly like I used to for my sister back on that dreadful island.

"You can't push me away, your in winters embrace and you can't get away. Your losing strength thanks to my special snow, look it's snowing heavily and your feeling sleepy. Wouldn't your man kuzan greet you in your dreams? It's ok to rest, your lover is constantly doing it. It feels good to let go doesn't it? Close your eyes slowly and relax. That's it~ have a good night".

Elsa fell to the ground and passed out rather easily, mentioning admiral aokiji lowered her guard rather quickly. I walked over and pulled the switch before looking back to the ring. Oh? I'm the last one it seems. I wonder how lami went?

"Hah....hah....hah.....hah. Die already!" I bellowed as I took another slash at this slipper wearing cunt. She kept kicking my blades with those rancid red slippers.

Red ruby my ass, this thing has red glass blades on it that shred whatever she kicks. We've been fighting for a good 20 mins now! Her armament haki is much better than mine so I've been constantly clashing with her.

I transformed into my hybrid mode ages ago, sure my assets get bigger and the weight of it needs some adjustment but the power and speed increase is monstrous. Thanks to that my sword moves have extra oomph to them though she keeps spinning to slide the blades off or kicking them off her trajectory.

Most of my cuts are aimed at the neck to decapitate, that's where most people expend more energy to block so if they manage to block my blades the blunt force behind them should damage them somewhat. But not dorothy~ she's rolling off my {crazy cutting, slice n' dice and my whirlwind fangs} and she kicks away my blades when I use {pierce, rip and tear, devour, palisade bite and my explosive rush}.

As I continued powering through using the monstrous stamina I built up alongside Bellamy I couldn't help but let my mind wander. After this shit is done I'm dragging him to his room and getting my fill. I'm making him my mate no matter what! When I find my stupid ni-san I can't wait to see his face when he watches me with Bellamy. That'll teach him to be late.

"Gah?!?" Oh she spun and drove her heel into my gut, my reinforced muscles didn't get cut but the force behind the kick is no laughing matter. She keeps screaming out her attack names in french for some reason. I thought only devil fruit users spoke a different language when they attacks. She ain't one of us I think.

Ahhh this shit is getting annoying, I want to go find bellamy right now. I'll fight dirtier to end this {sudden throwing strike!!!!} I yelled out as I hurled my weapons at her. She panicked and kicked one of them away and chose to grab the other. Not waist if my chance I dropped all of my weight onto my legs like I was liquefying then sprang off blurring away.

Dorothy three my blades down and looked for me. I was already behind her though so i wrapped my arms around her skinny bitch waist and German supllexed her with all my power. The base tumbled on impact and only her red slippers could be seen as the rest of her torso is buried into the ground.

As I got up and dusted myself off I looked back to her slippers closely. I walked towards them and yanked them off her feet and checked. "Oh~ there my size. Thanks for the slippers bitch, they'll look nicer on me when I show them off to my man tonight."

Her legs twitched at my provocation, hah she's probably struggling to get a man. No wonder she works for that lesbo bitch haruhara. I'm a little worried for bellamy cause she's hard to cut down. Eh he'll manage. I pulled down the lever and rubbed the ring before sprinting to my blades and rushing back to the running horny. I love that name hahahaha.