Flavours of the world R-18

"Ow owowowowo! Not so fast Muret! Your pricking some sensitive areas" my comment got me a hit on the head.

"Shut it bellamy, I can't believe you went after that window bitch in her office! Why didn't you lure her to the vault." "Cause it would be cooler to beat her in her home turf" she whacked me again "that's like saying I'm gonna fight akainu in a volcano or face tsuru in a washing machine" I raised my finger to speak but she just glared at me.

The other girls who were getting bandages covered their mouths to laugh "Oi! Don't shame your captain!" "Should we shoot at him next time he tries making a speech" said monet while lami and mani laughed in remembrance of how the marines were shameful bastards. Luffy could spew all the shit he wanted and not get shot at so why don't I get the same treatment.

My back was filled with needles as Muret was using her acupuncture to heal me rapidly. A regular man would pass out from the drain of it as her healing requires stamina from one of the parties. She refuses to use her own on me when I'm 'being reckless'.

Pink is just sitting their reading a news paper ignoring the burns that monet is treating with her snow. So hard boiled! I wonder if we should pick up those four groupies he had in the future. *shiver* I turned to see russian looking at me with a smile that isn't a smile.

"Nee? Bellamy kun, what were you thinking about just now." "That honey badgers are weasels" lami looked offended while Russian just nodded "good good, keep your mind on the important things and out of the gutter". Lami just screamed "discussing what species I am is not one of the important things".

"Ara~ so you don't like him thinking about your body?" And then the room went quiet and the girls turned to be while their eyes glinted like they belong in the mightiest disciple as a grand master. Why must you speak Russian!?!?! She then dragged her husband away saying they're going to put gimlet to bed. It's 5pm!!!!

"Let me escort you out" mani said as she walked them to the door. Senor pink just looked at me before quickly turning away like he pities me. Screw you!!! *kachink* oh mani just snapped the door handle *wrengggg* and welded rings into the door so it can't be opened. This is a place of healing!!!

I felt hands grab my shoulders and force me to the table. Muret was giving me a Cheshire grin "we're on the open sea and are officially pirates. She restrictions just flew out the window~" "I need an adult" monet chimed back "I am an adult~". Well I'm fucked.

Surprisingly sugar reached me first before everyone and jammed her tongue I'm my mouth. She tastes like an every fruit smoothie, didn't help that some of those fruits were aphrodisiacs. *mwah,sleph kwaff* the noise of are tongues battling sounded out through the room.

I felt someone undoing my belt and rugs on my legs to get my boots off. I was looking at sugar and focusing on the kiss so I used haki to see what the others are doing. Mani removed my belt while lami ripped the boots off followed by my pants.

She hit her lips looking at my legs which let me sense.... heavy arousal? My legs are muscled and scarred from years of combat training, gion doesn't hold back with her sword so I got some injuries over the years in the form of straight cuts.

Monet and muret, the resident adults in the room were fixed onto the noticeable bulge in my undergarments that was threatening to tear its way through. Sugar lowered her body so her well developed ass could grind on it. Both sisters are heavily developed in both departments with monet being bigger as she's finished growing. Well that is until we reach the new world and they start eating nicer meals with more super nutrients. That's what changed robin and Nami in the story.

Sugar then flicked her wrist popping a sculpting knife from her sleeve which she used to slowly carve through my marine top downwards. Once it finished the top split open to reveal my chiselled chest and 8 pack abs. Sugar ran her fingers down them and gulped down our mixed saliva she collected. "Like a statue" I heard her muttering.

As she was about to fully remove my clothes she was pulled off making a girlish squeal in the process. She turned to see mani and Muret looking at her wiggling their fingers. "We were first" she pouted then got off me before skipping to her sister who was locked onto my body with her golden eyes.

Lami was panting and began taking off her own clothes which I would love to see but a chocolate covered hand pulled my chin to the first two ladies in my life. Mani leaned in "not so fast tiger~ we're first. If you can still go after then feel free" before she tore off her pants and chose to hop on my face.

I was greeted with a wild dripping slit that I couldn't help but nibble on. *fuyaaaaaahn~* mani moaned as I got the taste of dark chocolate force fed to me. I guess the women in this world do have flavours. Muret wasn't one to stay idle as she pulled down the boxers exposing my anaconda, when she gawked some needles fell off her body which made me chuckle into mani who leaped at the vibration.

Muret put that medical knowledge to work as she aimed for all my pleasurable points within insane accuracy. Mani was squealing with delight as I began using my powers on my tongue. Inside her my tongue began to swish like a constricted spring before I released it causing it to rotate at high speeds. The timing was perfect as I was close as well.

Mani's hands crushed the bed rails as she came hard, Muret was busy chugging down my juice like it was endless. With how heavily trained and conditioned I am I reckon I could put a few hentai protagonists to shame in terms of stamina and power.

As Muret finished hoovering up my cum and siphoning the last of it she let it go with a pop. As mani got off my face and I licked the chocolate sauce off I got greeted with the sight of her swallowing a mouthful of jizz instantly making me hard again.

Mani had shrugged off the shocks she got that made her legs shake before straddling me and leaning back in a display of flexibility. She aligned her snatch to my tool and thrust down. Everyone is heavily trained so I had no illusions to tearing their hymen's making a bloody mess. She bit her lips concealing her new round of moans.

Muret then chose to wheelbarrow me by putting her legs on my shoulders and pushing back so I got to taste her fruit garden. "Mmm raspberry" I said before inhaling as much of her as I could. As she was about to scream mani hit her arms so she fell on top of her. Mani got to get a taste of the leftover cum in her mouth while also covering up their moans while I began to pump.

They both tightened their grips around me so I got thighs trying to crush my head and a pussy trying to rip my dick off. I sense the other girls are occupying themselves, the two sisters made tools with their devil fruits while lami is grinding off a table or was until it broke under her so she resorted to using her fingers.

I kept slamming into them *pah! Pah! PAH* harder and for minutes with my tongue beginning to vibrate as I channel vibrations into it. I felt the raspberry ripple and the chocolate shake so I went full force, the metal holding up the bed began to dent due to the force.

"Harder!!!! Fuck me harder!!! Bellamy ring me like a church bell! Holy fuck" Mani howled out lost in the throes of pleasure. So I did the unthinkable {busoshoku haki}. My dick and tongue turned black and the women began to scream as I went even....further....beyond!!!!!!!!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! cUmMINggggggG!!!" Screamed our mani as her eyes rolled into the back of head. Organismic bliss pumped through my being as I felt myself achieve super saiy—— ejacualtion.

Muret looked downed with her hair soaked in sweat at her best friend who she considers a sister. She feels...jealous. "Move bitch, get out the way. Your in my lane!" And she pushed mani off me who slides off like soap in a shower. She even comes with foam, different consistency from each mouth.

Lami just stares at her with her nostrils flaring a little. As mani lies there twitching she couldn't take it anymore and gripped her by the legs. She pulled Lami towards her and started sucking the spunk out of her which quickly made Mani spasm again further pushing her into dream land.

The sisters were using their tools like Jack hammers, the size of their dildos is smaller than my tool so I guess they want to experience being filled up. Monet and sugar watched with baited breath as the bloated stomach of Mani shrank and Lami sucked from her like a Capri sun.

Muret was quick to follow within twenty minutes as I 'gave her a check up' half way through she made me wear a lab coat and glasses. It's her kink so I played along "Miss I'm afraid you've contracted a deadly disease". "What is it doctorrrrrraahhhhhH!!!" "Grumph it's hah hah the Black Plague hah hah but don't worry I've got just the injection to hah hah keep you alright". "Give it to me!!!!! Now doctor!!!!!" And with that she whites out with me pulling out half way through and showering her body in it.

After she was down for the count I looked up with my tool pointing towards heaven. "Whose next" that was a poor choice of words. Lami used soru to ram into me pushing me up against the wall.

"I'm through with holding back, give it to me hard you banana flavoured bastard" I'm not confirming my taste but I'm happy to oblige. Still using armament I sheathed myself Inside her making her tremble and bite down on my shoulder. I grunted as she wasn't even transformed yet.

She decided she wanted to dominate and started swinging her hips back and forth like a pendulum causing the cracks on the wall to spread. Half way through I noticed she started to get curvier and her hold got tighter in more ways than one. As she pulled back from my shoulder I was greeted with her hybrid form, pure shite hair with beautiful tan skin. Just how I like em, she rammed her tongue into my mouth and started a hurricane inside with how desperate she was for it.

I began swinging my hips to meet hers causing the ship to move a little. She then stuck her fingers In my mouth and told me to describe the taste obviously jealous off the first two. "Mhm vanilla~" her pearly whites flashed at that and she used armament herself. I began grunting at the vice grip she had developed on me.

I couldn't hold out for long against her, with a manly yell I painted her insides white. She was panting, not down for the count like the others. She looked at me before grinning, she licked my face before making her body spin with me still sheathed in her. Next thing I know I'm doing her doggy style and giving her a spanking whilst calling her a mongrel and every other demeaning name under the sun.

After I finished with her I looked up to see to disheveled twins. I removed myself from Lami who whimpered while unconscious missing the fulfilment she had received. Monet wanted to try using her powers too so she turned to snow and coiled around me. But not before giving me a quick clean with her chilling mouth that made my shake off any fatigue I had.

My body heat was through the roof thanks to the intense exercise. The snow coiled around my legs while her upper body remained the same. I slipped three fingers in her just to see how wet she really was. It sounded like I just crushed a sea cucumber in my hands so I pulled out and spread my fingers. The thick liquid glistened in my hand, her hawk eyes shaking as I liked it sensually "oh~ Apple and (I looked at sugar who jammed a finger in my mouth) pear. You sisters pair nicely together".

These two didn't give a shit about sexy talk anymore. Monet just started treating me how a harpy would any man when they were in heat. Like they were the last piece of ass they were ever going to get. I was further turned on how sugar for some reason was painting me with each of the girls on the side while further satisfying herself.

After monet had squeezed as much juice from me as she could take I turned to my final lady off the evening. Apparently she also wanted to try out a sexual play but I had no complaints.

She unfurled a big white sheet over the only area of the room not soaked in our collective juices. After the white canvas was firmly placed down she turned back to me soaked. She then went to the corner and pulled out a full backer of fruits. She used her fruit and made them into a type of paint that she poured over herself.

She turned to me and splashed me with a little hitting the other girls. That stirred and began to wake up slowly from their sessions. Sugar just looked at me while we were both dripping with paint. She spread her arms and said "let's make a master piece Bellamy~". I then tackled her to the ground and after that it was kinda a blur of different colours and positions.

When she finally clocked out the sheet was fully filled, sugar laid down in the centre spread out like a star fish, I peeled her off and carried her to a bed leaving behind the centre piece of the artwork. It was the kanji for fire!

Once she was tucked in I returned my gaze to the other girls who were wide awake and staring at me like hungry wolves preying on a lone deer. like an emperor in his groove I said "bring it on" and the night of debauchery continued.