First bounties

Bellamy grained as he awoke tangled in several girls limbs, in the corner of the room was ripped up steel bars, a fabulous painting and a smashed up bowl of fruits. Bellamy closed his eyes and grinned as he remembered the aheagaos from last night which made his morning would impale the woman he was inside.

Muret moaned waking all the other girls, they turned to him with flushed expressions. He grinned and said "one more round?" They embarrassingly nodded before moans echoed through the ship again. The pink family had sound proofed their rooms so they heard none of last nights shenanigans. The skeleton crew however felt they were being tortured as they couldn't react, they deeply regret trying to mess with Mani.

After Bellamy busted a few more nuts and samples the fruit platter. They continued in the showers that marine ships come equipped with. He still wants an onsen so he'll make his request with the galley law company. The Lilith wood will help here immensely, as he thought about the lilting wood he turned to mani.

"Hey Mani was there someone tucked in along with the treasure I sent through." Mani froze as she was shampooing her hair and then slowly turned to me.

"Yeah there was.....I had to stick a choker on her to control her but I was met with....complications." Bellamy raised an eyebrow "what kind of complications?" "You'll see, after last night I think I can confirm you'll like it".

After that they got dressed they headed to get breakfast, plenty of meat cause Bellamy needed to replenish his protein. The girls blushed at that comment, when Russian arrived she guided them to another table to learn the details of what happened.

Senor and gimlet joined Bellamy and tucked into their bacon behemoths. Bellamy also had a croissant cause he likes them a lot. He needs a baker on his crew he thought. Gimlet left as he heard cawing from a news coo. Another thing bellamy actually appreciates about this world. That news paper doesn't have fake news most of the time, when it does you can tell with all the justice jargon that's rammed into it.

Gimlet came sprinting back into the room and stopped in front of Bellamy as he was taking a swig of his organ he juice "Captain? What's a dick?" Bellamy spat all over senor whose shades began trembling. The room went cold as Russian turned around from her conversation with the girls.

"Gim kun? Where did you hear that word?" She asked politely as a Hannya began manifesting behind her. He just lifted up the paper he got from the bird "the bounties were released! Captain has a title with that word in it." The entire room was looking at me like there was meant to be a reason for that title.

"I didn't rape anybody!!!" They looked away keeping their opinions to themselves. "What's rape?" "It's touching someone without permission now give me those!" I said as I snatched the paper and read the information.

To summarise the paper stated that the newly formed metallix pirates raided and destroyed the G-4 marines base killing hundreds of soldiers, stealing the heavenly tribute, releasing several prisoners and lastly heavily injuring the commanding officers of the base before making their escape.

It then showed several photos off each of my crew during the raid and escaping from the deck of the running horny. Then there were eye witness statements describing the attack, an analysis of our actions, quotes from soldiers and nobles who were docked nearby and finally a statement from the government about piracy and their lack of toleration on the matter.

Gimlet danced around showing off the new bounties which unlike the show contain a lot of information about the pirate. Stuff like their fighting style, personal history, goals, crimes, habits, hobbies and positions on the crew. The marines are stalkers~ I chose to read the bounties aloud.

Muret the seamstress, 130 million berries

Mani the unbetrothed, 57 million berries

'Charon' trafalgar Lami, 111 million berries

Snow angel monet, 83 million berries

Cursed art Sugar, 30 million berries

'Diver' senor pink. 92 million berries.

'Devil dick' Bellamy. 250 million berries

Russian and gimlet never made an appearance so they don't have bounties yet but more importantly WTF!!!! Is my moniker, did haruhara really get that traumatised by a male that she reported that as my name?

The girls began complaining about their monikers or why their bounties were small or large. "Calm down everyone, the bounties are a reflection of your crimes or strength. We are all capable of haki which means we would receive big league bounties soon enough however they can't make us too large off the bat because it would scare the public to know strength like that is fostering without the marines notice." They quieted down as I continued my explanation.

"Mani and sugar weren't in direct combat yet they received bounties meaning they pressed granny for info about our abilities. It's why you two got bounties in the first place, she mustn't have told them much other wise they would have made you two a much higher target. As for the people involved it's based on the combat potential they displayed against the higher ups in the base. Senor was also a documented member of the donquixote pirates in the past hence his bounty." I then asked if they had any queries which were about the monikers.

"Big news Morgan or the marines choose them, they try to make them seem scary or weird so the public will be off put by us. Though I'm still confused about my title?" Monet then spoke "I think they must have spotted you last night fufufufu" which the other girls blushed and nodded at.

"Whatever, mani have someone hang these up in the captains quarters then take me to the treasure stowaway" she nodded and finished her meal.

Garp was furious as he smashed the wall down of the bounty department startling all the operatives in the building. He yelled out while holding the bounty of Bellamy "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!!!" The power from his roar made several marines piss their pants.

Another vice admiral who is in charge of this division walked toward him shaking. "It's the bounty of the metallix pirates, what's the problem sir?" Garp took a deep breath "the problem? The problem is I specifically stated that his moniker be 'small dick Bellamy' so why is he being named devil dick?!?! And what's with the photo?!?! Every woman in the grand line will be interested in getting in his pants now?!?!"

The photo was off Bellamy shirtless on the deck of his ship as Muret was beginning treatment. His muscles body covered in small battle scars would make most women's hearts throb but paired with the name he may begin recruiting female pirates by the thousands! "I'm sorry sir! There was a miscommunication. You wrote that you wanted that devil brat to be labelled a dick because of the suffering he gave you in the past".

Suddenly the building tumbled and Garp shivered. He turned around to see a very angry old woman who looks like she hasn't slept for days. "Garp! What the hell have you been posting about my grandson". Tsuru steamed as she yanked him by the ear and dragged him away.

Garp was begging her to release him while tsuru just replied "I'm so annoyed that I can't wash stupidity out of that coconut you call a brain. All I'd manage to do is rob you off any IQ you actually have." Garp chose to shut up and be dragged away, tsuru's crew looked at him with pity. Ever since Bellamy left to start his journey she became colder and more volatile. It's not in the way that some members preferred like in the past where she was a cold beauty. They blame Bellamy so spread the word to every female marine to capture Bellamy and being him to tsuru.

Several big pirate groups were reading the paper and claiming that they can't wait for Bellamy to make it to the new world. Several yonko wanted a man like that in their crew.

Big mom read the title "devil dick" and licked her lips while pondering who her 31st husband should be, Bellamy back in the grand line shivered for some reason. Several of big moms daughters were also looking at the photo with the younger ones carrying the posters to their rooms to hang on the wall like he was some boy band member.

In dressrosa Doffy-chan leaked her conquerors haki knocking out everyone in the palace. At her feet was princess viola who was forced to paint her nails, doffy had made her into a slave to accomplish any of doffy's whims. Since becoming a woman she had to deal with many new emotions such as a forced attraction to males cause by the new kama pirates and a new found jealousy to women who are more beautiful than her.

When she read that Bellamy had entered the grand line and had somehow recruited senor pink she was outraged. An idea that Bellamy kidnapped him and forced him into his crew so learn doffy's secrets brewed in her head. She crushed the bounty poster and shredded it with her strings. She began chuckling like a vindictive old hag as she planned Bellamy's downfall once he reaches the new world.

On newkama island the current chief puri puri prisoner learned about Bellamy before grinning "this is the brat responsible for the birth of doffy chan? I can't wait to meet him and learn some of his ideas~". Bellamy shivered again as he continued walking towards the treasure room with mani.

"So what's the problem with the stowaway?" "She had a unique reaction to the choker" she stated as she opened the lock to the treasury using her devil fruit. A series of rings covered the door and began to spin. It opened displaying all the treasure that they build over the years.

Atop of a pile of gold coins was a woman with lilac coloured hair tied in a chingnon. She was dressed as a marine officer and was rubbing herself against the gold like a horny dragon on their hoard. Bellamy recognised her instantly and grinned "phantom thief carina" the woman snapped towards them, she looked at mani before panting and crawling towards her. The jingle of the gold coins falling to the ground sounded melodic.

"Mistress I've been waiting for you" she stated while panting. Bellamy froze and thought 'mistress? Is he like darkness? This could work'