Jewellery Carina

"Mistress *pant* I've been waiting all night for you to *pant* claim me~" meowed carina as she crawled and cling to Mani's feet. I looked at the chocolate amazon and said "the fuck is this".

She was exasperated "it's worse than earlier!?!?" "Well what changed compared to the other times?" I asked her. She pondered while carina began grinding like a dog humping a toy. "Uhhhh well normally I don't put the stuff on personally, they try it themselves. Also umm I was kinda horny waiting for you to return~ teehee~" I bonked her on the head.

"Teehee my ass" carina saw me hit mani and got angry "How dare you hit mistress!" "I'm her man" and then she lost all anger and chanting "master" so I honked her on the head too but was met with resistance. "Hmm did what was in here?" She nodded "I was hungry and mistress pushed me towards it before she left me here. I assumed it was my dinner but it tasted awful".

Oh fuck she ate the jewel fruit, I rubbed the bridge of my nose. I then explained to her what she ate and what she is now capable off. Her eyes literally turned into diamonds before reverting. "Your kidding master!!! I love jewels! I'm an expert thief, before you and mistress got me I was going to raid the marine base before entering the grand line to steal from pirates but now I can make them~ oh wait I can't make gold and silver. I'll just steal those and eat the jewels."

I sighed, she was so similar to nami with her money obsession. "What are your skills carina?" "Well thieving, infiltration, wire tapping, appraisal of anything worth money, accountancy, knife skills, navigation, helmsmen skills, seduction, a little chemical knowledge and lastly parkour."

"Wanna join my crew?" She beamed with happiness and squealed yes. "To be on master and mistresses crew is a dream come true!!! Can I warm your bed master?" So placing the ring when she's feeling certain emotions infects the wearer. Mani is just writing in the corner with her finger as she made a mistake. "The bedroom is already full and now another one." I ignored her because even though this is embarrassing it has its upsides.

"Alright welcome to the metallix pirates, you will be my thief and accountant." She nodded along while wrapping her arms around me pressing my arm between her impressive chest. She's already fully matured which I assume is because she's slightly older than nami.

"Have you taken inventory while you were...waiting to be claimed" "yes mas—- Captain~ counting money kept my fire burning~" I nodded to her and escorted her to the deck where she will meet everyone else.

Her introduction got mixed responses, senor actually recognised her and praised her skills as a thief which was endorsement for the crew. Russian was onboard once she learned carina can make her all the nice jewellery that nobles get. Senor always spoiled her when they were newly weds but after retiring he dialed it back.

Gimlet was happy that he has an infinite supply of candy rocks and someone to teach him stealth. Marine issues training and those gained from a thriving guild are totally different classes. Yeah she was a member of a thieves guild which came with a lot of perks.

Carina could use the stealth version of soru, the pussy foot manoeuvre which I recognised as being used by captain kuro back when usopp joined the strawhats. When I asked her about how she can control her direction she said that the idiot probably only learned half the technique which made me laugh.

Carina also had some degree of observation haki that the guild trained her in. It wasn't complete but it was enough to sense presences, strength and be used to crack safes and pick locks. She also learned that she can sense value of things since she ate the fruit. She will teach us her stealth skills and share her navigation knowledge with Lami while we train her haki properly.

I asked her about Nami and she said she was a candidate to join the guild but she refused to leave east blue for some reason therefore never was inducted. Without being in the guild she just stayed a mediocre thief by their standards but in east blue she was top level.

Onto the more important bits was the reaction of the girls. Once they saw how close she was to me they assumed she was trying to seduce me. They check her with their haki and were overwhelmed with her obsession towards me and Mani.

We removed the choker but the effect remains, how horny was mani that she could change a person so much? I'll have to punish her tonight. After they learned Carina will be loyal they began bonding with her. I found that my girls click better with each other in certain ways once I watched carina integrate into the mix.

Muret and monet are close because of their similar mindsets. Mani is close to Muret and now Carina because of the obsession. Carina clicked well with Lami because of the navigation stuff. Lami clicks with sugar and sugar with her and money. Then they are all close to me, this is handy to know because when I assign them to travel in pairs I can determine who works best with each other.

Carina was delighted to begin studying her powers, she can produce any gem she had in-depth knowledge off which was a lot thanks to her appraisal knowledge. The basic gems as she called them could be mass produced but the problem came with imbuing them with effects and producing gems unique to the one piece world that are special in some way.

When I had her try certain things we discovered her powers may be linked to Steven universe in some way. Each gem she produced and manifested a power from reminded me of a crystal gem from Steven universe.

She made a pearl that improved her thinking speed and memory. An amethyst that would begin rolling at high speeds and explode when released. Rubies that made her stronger when she wore them or were much sturdier when used to make things like walls and pillars. A sapphire that enhanced observation haki.

Bismuth that was making stronger weapons, Lami Gladys took two new bismuth sabres as they were sharper and more durable than her old ones. Peridot allowed her to attract metal to wherever the stone was, she had trouble manipulating metal while holding one so I assume she either needs to train or it's just useful as a magnet. Still useful for thieving according to her. Lapis was capable of freezing things when she placed it on something so we gave some lapis lazuli jewellery to monet.

Emerald reflected physical attacks and could be used to track for some reason when placed on someone. Aquamarine allowed for underwater breathing and could even reduce the effects of sea weakening on devil fruit users. Topaz reduces noise in an area when placed and could also blast out flames somehow. Nephrite stretches and was used as a grappling hook. Zircon was used as a magnifying glass and helped with identifying value as carina called it.

That was all we could discover on short notice, diamonds seem to be stamina draining for her but they can be used to produce any of the effects mentioned above. I was confused as to how but I just labelled it as devil fruit shenanigans.

"Alright so what does the log pose say about our next destination" I asked to Lami and Carina, they checked Their wrists. Lami has a three pointed log pose while carina has a normal one that she got from the marine base.

On Lami's pose the right and left needles we're going haywire meaning we would be in deep shit if we went those ways. Going over the math in my head I came to the conclusion Gion and heldegarth are waiting at one of those islands while basil Hawkins is on the other recruiting for his cult.

The centre needle and carina's pointed in the same direction and there's only wobbled a little. They then began doing some navigator stuff to identity which island. Carina had some supplies she gathered from the thieves guild which helped identify the starting islands. 9 islands never become starting points for pirates as they are close to the red line and calm belts however the middle pose pointed to one of those islands.

"So what's the word" lami hummed to herself as she ran some calculations. "Ok bellamy the island with no issues is called Bulwaq, it's a snow island with incredibly low temperatures. Only the inhabitants can live there because they have access to a rare resource. A type of walrus that has a skin capable of surviving any cold temperature. The locals make it into under armour for themselves. They also melt the bones down to make blocks capable of resisting the cold and retain heat inside which they use for their homes."

I nodded processing while Carina continued "these walrus' have a low population but so do the islanders. The walrus are also strong enough to kill sea kings in the vicinity meaning no weakling could take them on. It's why pirates never go to that island as a starting point. Every resource of that walrus is beneficial so I suggest we go there and take one. Just one is enough to make the armour for the whole crew and gain materials for a stronger ship in the future."

"You read my minds girls~ what's the marine situation on that island" "there isn't one Bellamy. The temperature is to low and they don't have enough resources to construct a base. Pirates also stay clear of that island due to the walrus strength and the inhabitants who could easily kill a fresh blue pirate." Spoke Lami.

Carina then spoke "there was intel in my old guild that cypher pole 2 has a base there which has a den den mushi hub connecting the world government throughout the first half of the grand line. Anyone that went to check died due to the cold or so the intel stated"

I grinned at the thought of fucking with the government. "How long till we reach that island?" "5 days and 4 hours" "good, carina will be training with me in the meantime to develop your haki. My conquerors can stimulate it, Lami call sugar and have her help you with whatever you need. Just mention that there is winter berries on the island and she will do everything in her power to assist you." They nodded and we went out seperate ways.

I went to mani to tell her to have the skeleton crew dress in their winter clothing. If they die our sailing efficiency drops so I always make sure that they're fed and rested. Next I informed everyone off our destination which made gimlet gloat as his hoodie offers cold resistance. A Japanese macaques are also known as snow monkeys so he would be fine on that island. Meaning he gets to go adventure, I went to Muret to discuss our clothing as she is the crew seamstress.

Monet was helping her as she likes it as a hobby now. Finally I went back to mani to help her in the kitchen, she's planning meals that will help us have enough energy to survive in the cold. Once we had this info sorted I went to the training room to find senor training Russian and Carina. They need the most work, gimlet is stronger than his mother thanks to whatever Muret did to heal him so he doesn't need to train as much.

I went to find my muffler to prepare for the cold weather while singing "baby it's cold outside" Russian demanded me to teach her the song so we began playing that for the next few hours to pass the time. I then started regaling her with the wonders of frank sinatra.