Hot spring r-18

(I didn't have one of these planned but seeing as it's valentines why not?)

Bellamy and mani were present in the kitchen preparing as much pasta as they can. Bellamy had a dream last night about a few videos he watched before he ended up in one piece. Today we're making shrimp pasta so we got shit to do. Bellamy began narrating for the people standing over his shoulder hyperventilating cause of the smell of the food. Mani just nodded along and listened to his instructions.

"Alright first fill the pot with water and get it boiling. Put some salt in there, followed by the pasta! There are more than 80 types of pasta in the world so take your pick. It goes in hard and comes out soft. It's pasta betch.

Smash up some tomatoes in the bowl! Stir that pasta and crush some garlic" Bellamy then proceeded to punch the garlic and stir the pot frantically.

"Get that pan on the stove, lube it up with some oil and put the garlic on. Get the sauce in there and stir it up. After that take the pasta and the sauce and dump em on the plate."

Mani popped a bottle of wine and poured some glasses. "Bon appetite hoe~" we said to each other. The crew was bamboozled but tucked in nonetheless as we got to cooking all the other tiktoks I could remember.

After everyone was fed senor and his wife left to have their bath. After Muret and monet had finished sewing the suits we could all live in this island without issue. It's safe to say that these materials are a good send so we're preserving and taking some with them.

Even the food made from the walrus serves a purpose, it raises resistance to the cold naturally once eaten properly. Mani suggested making a kivyak but I don't have the time nor interest in eating that shit.

2 hours later Russian came back positively glowing after going for her bath. Senor dragged gimlet and some of the skeleton crew up there for a wash. Gimlet wanted to bathe with me and the pretty sisters. If he thinks I'm having a momonosuke on my ship he's wrong. I'll toss him into the ocean and test out whether a devil fruit hoodie can work in the ocean.

His animal instinct kicked in when he saw me looking at him so he hurriedly left. 4 hours later they returned and it was around 1am, the girls were getting pissed that they didn't get their turn yet. Senor came back with gimlet over his shoulder.

"Sorry captain, we couldn't get him out of the water. He went rabbid as soon as he touched the surface and refused to leave. Had to knock him out".

Note to self, Japanese macaque may be defensive off their bath time. "Did he wear the hoodie into the water". Senor shook his head "not at first, once he was in there a while he pulled it over and zipped up causing him to change into his hybrid form. He was slow but had a hell of a grip".

Lami was getting antsy "enough of this, I don't want to hear the details about a little boy in the bath. Come on already!" The honey badger hath spoken.

We started our trek up the mountain and made some discoveries along the way. We found this islands version of a hiking bear, it looked like a cubchoo from Pokemon. We also managed to pass one of the walrus enclosures.

We saw the alpha resting with what I presume to be it's mate underneath it. We heard sobbing but ignored it and kept walking. After enjoying the clear night sky we found some wooden steps left by the islanders that led to the baths.

After reaching the top the normal chilling weather of the island vanished due to the steam of the hot springs. At the top we found the springs, the pool was boarded off with what seemed to be jade coloured rocks. Carina inspected them closely to confirmed, she even took a bite out of one of them. Rare logia really are weird~ first black beard now carina.

She turned to me and said "captain I believe that there may be an under water pool, these stones floated up from there. They contain beneficial minerals and a heavily diluted aphrodisiac that improves blood flow. Should we try searching?"

Aphrodisiac? Of course I wanna find something that would make my night better "sure any clues where it is?" She pointed to the edge farthest from us. I walked over to where she pointed through the water.

I stripped as soon as I arrived so I felt the hungry gazes trailing my figure. The pool is about 4 feet deep so most people can sit in it. As I found the spot she pointed I noticed that the temperature was slightly hotter. I took a breath and plunged into the pool looking for a gap with my haki.

I found a tiny hole that was spewing the water but it was blocked off with similar stones as those on the border of the pool. Without a second thought I smashed them as hard as I could while in the water. Thanks to my training that was orrery hard~.

The hole widened and the water inflow increased making the temperature rise in the pool. For us it was nothing though, the hole had widened to the point that someone could squeeze through. I stomped the hole repeatedly enlarging it. More stones came through showing that there was a blockage.

Carina came forward and dove into the hole swimming through. After three minutes she never came up so it was either a deep stream or she was drowning. I sighed and decided to follow after her, only sea water affects devil fruit users heavily. This just made us sluggish so I could use force to drag my body downwards.

Three minutes of going vertically down in the hole led me to a cavern filled with scorching green water. As it rubbed against my skin I could feel my heart pumping and my brother rising. I surfaced from within the cavern and found carina at the sides swinging her legs idly.

She snapped her head towards me "master~ your finally here. I was waiting for you~" I rose an eyebrow in a similar manner to my granny. It was a trait we seemed to share.

"Waiting huh? Can't get out?" "Oh no no no. The girls are letting me have the first round. Then they'll come looking their meals~". So this is them being generous? I pondered before shrugging and making my way towards her.

I slowly rose my body from the water, droplets flowing down my naked form. Carina had her eyes locked on me, she spread her legs as far as she could giving me a perfect view of her body. Every nook and cranny was exposed to me.

I gave her a lusty gaze that made her pant in anticipation. As I arrived towards her like motto motto I reached my fingers towards her cave. It was continually pouring out liquid just like the one we entered. She seems to have sensed the comparison I was making in mind as she smiled lewdly.

"Both caves also contain some aphrodisiac~" she said before crossing her legs and dragging me into her grasp with surprising strength. My dick was lined up with her pussy perfectly. We didn't need much foreplay so I smashed my lips to her and slammed my dick in till it's root.

Her eyes bulged from the mass stimulation from both ends. Both body parts began vibrating inside her causing her to moan wantonly. I just started blasting~ aiming to explore every inch of her cave and mining it out for treasure.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in further. I led my hands to her bountiful tits and got to work massaging them and fiddling with her nipples. She likes it rough I soon found out after I gave them a swift few tugs and twists.

My pace sped up after a few minutes before we both swung our hips fully colliding with each other sheathing our genitals. Her lower stomach bulged as I let loose and her eyes rolled back with an ahegao forming.

The way she looked instantly made me rock hard so I ripped myself out of her causing her to scream in delight yet it contained a hint of reluctance. I vent her over the edge letting her tits act as a pillow for her front half.

Her rear end in my face, I gave it a thunder clap like smack causing her to snap back into action. After that I spread her cheeks and watched as some of our collective juices dripped into the water. They were carried away up to the surface. I reached in and lathered my hands in it before rubbing it on her other her hole.

She seemed to panic a little "m master what are you doing??" "Mining your cave" I said before smashing into her ass just like I smashed my way into the cave. She fainted on the spot from the stimulation but I didn't care. I started hammering forcing in and out of consciousness with the constant organism she was experiencing keeping her on the edge of sanity.

She moaned about losing her mind and how I was breaking her. That didn't stop her from pushing back on me though~. So I continued and even made things spicier by starting up my vibrations again. I pulled her arms back and even gave her short hair a tug a few times. The way she squealed showed that she loved every second.

After a few more minutes I let loose my second load into her fully knocking her out. As I slowly removed myself causing a *schlop* noise to echo out as I pulled out. I turned around to see several other sets of hungry eyes surfacing from the water.

Like sharks they caught my scent up top as they were bathing. "Looks like you can't hold back any more~" I said as I swung my arms open invitingly. "Come on then!!" And with that the women tackled me into the water and our debauchery kicked off to a whole new level.

Happy valentines.