On the sea again~

Last night was wild!!! After me and the girls had our rumble mani smuggled through some high grade sake that she scavenged from the island and the loot pile from the marine base. After making my girls have an ahegao I started pouring myself a few gourds worth.

Alcohol in one piece is incredibly weird, everyone has European names yet prefers Japanese drinks. They also drink rum by the mug like it's no big deal yet a few sips of sake and they're down for the count.

Not to mention red and white wine which is a rarity here. I've only seen nobles with it yet I can recall cavendish and Dracula mihawk partaking of it. Personally I was a beer guy in my last life, now I can drink mead. Makes me feel like a Viking! For the north! I yelled as I downed a pint of mead.

My rumbling voice awoke the girl who I escorted to the side of the cave. After they woke up they joined me for a proper soak this time. Some complained about having tenderised loins but that just made me a proud butcher.

So after finishing our drinks and our baths we returned to the ship for a good nights sleep. Surprisingly after leaving the underground pool the cold outside didn't feel as bad as before. That green substance must have had amazing properties. We broke off a chunk for Muret and monet to analyse.

It makes sense that we can monopolise a unique resource that can improve our already impressive strength. The only way for us to grow is either life and death battles or head to the new world which will take a while.

While the two nerdy girls scurried off to their lab carina and Lami led me to the navigation room. Carina has been extra close since I broke her in last night. Almost like a koala on my back~ should I recruit koala? Nah don't wanna cuck sabo.

We unfurled the maps of the grand line including some stuff from the CP2 base. Lami looked at me "bell~ marines will probably be ob the way here once they pinpoint the errors in the communication line. Probably even faster after you decided to mess with their HQ (I just laughed like alucard from tfs) seriously we have to leave. We're all set to go with the log resetting last night, those rocks must have sped up the process slightly."

I looked at her questionably but she just shrugged "what are the options girls?" Then then marked three islands. "First island is the drum kingdom, should be quiet however once the marines learn we were here they'll piece together that we gained the walrus skin so will start there." I nodded understanding this, I also don't want to go there anyway because luffy will eventually. I want my own adventures.

"Next~" carina pointed the next spot "kogwey, the island of the turtles. This island is filled with older people who wear turtle shells to keep their back straights. Martial artists also travel here for training, it's also a migratory area for kungfu dugongs." I had oogway and master Rōshi flashbacks. Really feel like going there now, my inner gintoki is screaming to go and find the kamehameha technique!

But as I was about to confirm our destination carina cut me off "it's also home to a massive marine base, pirates often stop there to try and take some of the local resources. The weighted turtle shells are excellent for training, turtle meat which is said to be amazing, pearls they harvest from oysters, martial arts manuals left behind by the travelling fighters and lastly the old people's fortune. I assume your friend gion will most likely be coming from there." I stared at her and she blushed before saying.

"I may have intercepted a call about a certain pirate she 'HAD' to bring in personally. Especially after you told her to lick your balls to her face. She got in trouble with headquarters after she called them requesting info about a marine called ligma bawls, naturally it didn't go over well as she ended up directly demanding info from an admiral about this marina."

Hahahahaha that's even better than what I was aiming for "did she get demoted or get so angry she spat blood" Lami looked at me and shook her head to the side while carina just looked confused "no?" So I clicked my tongue.

"Ok so the first island will be instantly searched and the second will get us caught. Tell me about the last".

"Ah this one is much better captain~ my devil fruit is telling me something of extreme value is there. The island is called Solaris and is frequented by celestial dragons because of their extremely rare export. It just so happens that the production of it will end soon~".

"Rare export you say? What's the loot?" She gave me a Cheshire grin. "It's a potion called the drunken dragon dew, it has an amazing property of granting the user extreme heat resistance said to allow the user to bathe in a dragons flaming breath unharmed." My eyes bulged, this will be extraordinarily useful once I encounter admirals not to mention all the heat related devil fruit eaters that appeared in one piece.

"Tell me more about Solaris". "It's a matriarchy rules by queen quetzal coatal, she ate a mythical zoan related to snakes. The island is obsessed with sports and alcohol, there's always a competition going on. Swordsman frequently travel there to gain experience against the locals as they use a weapon called macuahuitl, a strange sword club hybrid. It's also an incredibly sunny island that is quite warm, people there like to wear little clothing meaning bathing suits"

Fuck the kamehameha technique we're going there. That dew is to valuable for us "how many batches are made?" "10 a year, the dragon always comes to take them though" "not this time, set a course!" The girls snapped into action and the skeleton crew began running around the ship getting us going.

I really want to beat a celestial dragon, they always have a male vice admiral accompanying them meaning i could get a good fight as well. Solaris may also let me play some good games~ I wonder if they have soccer. Time to flex my ronaldo skills.

As we sailed away we just missed the marine ship filled with pissed of women. Their captain, gion has a permanent frown on her face. A vein bulging as she can smell Bellamy on the wind. She commanded her crew to search the island. The hot spring was the same as before as Bellamy covered up the cave so no one else could monopolise it. The base was destroyed and the towns long since empty.

Gion was getting angrier as one of her soldiers came "vice admiral, the island is barren. The villages have been empty for a long time with signs of an attack. Our haki users report that they get headaches inspecting the damage meaning it was not a member of the metallix pirates or so we think as we don't know their entire roster. We also found the population of the walrus being lethally low".

As gion thought about it bellamy would wipe out an island she could only picture him doing that to cannibals or criminals. This island was a peaceful one meaning it wasn't him. "What off the agents?" She questioned.

"The bade is destroyed and we found four bodies, one is MIA meaning the metallix may have taken him for interrogation." But before she could continue that line of speculation another soldier arrived. "Ma'am we need assistance. We found the last agent but he's with the alpha walrus. We're not strong enough" gion just nodded and was led to agents last known whereabouts.

She spotted the massive walrein and charged towards it. The battle was legendary but she came out victorious. After finally managing to win she pushed the carcass out of the way and entered is lair. She heard crying so was on guard. Bellamy may have left a trap for her, as she turned the corner so she saw a massive lump of lard moving towards her with slime coming from its head. It jumped towards her with its meaty limbs extended.

In a fright she stabbed it, the agent looked down at his now pierced junk. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell atop Gion. She released a girlish scream as a fat man was covering her, she couldn't lift him because of his sheer weight which was impressive as she could lift several tonnes.

His body was oddly wet, like he bathed in syrup. A after using her sword to leverage him off she looked at him gushing blood from his crotch and then at her own body covering the syrup.

Her second in command entered but quickly covered her nose. "Vice admiral why are you covered in semen?" Gion froze before inspecting the 'syrup' and then having a flash back about how the walrus was in a mating season and the man was running in fear.

Gion passed out on the spot making her crew panic. After she would awake she would furiously sail to the drum kingdom, blaming her horrible experience on Bellamy. This is partially true as he made the fat man into the walreins victim. This may also have marked the birth of the third sex change/ ball crushing caused by his punch, thought this one is very indirect.

All while this was happening bellamy was training the girls before suddenly sneezing. A devils grin formed on his face as he felt someone suffer because of him. Truly an evil pirate.