
Two months on the ocean soared by, every time we so much as glimpsed a marine ship sugar painted us in marine colours. When they jumped aboard I just recited jargon until they left. When a female would request my name I had to swap ligma balls for alternatives.

The HR department needed to sort out several cases of sexual harassment to the communication team. Ligma balls, sugandese nuts, sacoma sack, Hughes erection, Mike coxsmal, mike litoris and Ben Dover are on a no calls list. Anyone who mentions those names gets a pay deduction.

On other news I realised I may be in an alternate universe. Luffy had a 30 million berry bounty released along with someone I wasn't expecting. Sarquis the hyena with 55 million. It would seem the north blue was a few years ahead than the rest of canon, nothing to do about that. Though it would explain why Blackbeard is out now.

If my calculations are correct and by mine I mean the girls, we should reach jaya ahead of them assuming they calculated the route correctly. They looked at me like I was nuts when I described the travel pattern. Even more so when I said sky islands, they wanted to test me for cabin fever but senor confirmed their existence.

Anyway back to us, we're arriving at Solaris shortly. Russian said that people seemed to be gathering at the port as if waiting for something. Oh shit the dragon! But this gave me a fantastic idea. "Sugar paint the ship marine style, Muret come with me I need an outfit!"

Sigh, I hate this time of year! A dragon always comes demanding the drunken dew because it will help them live a little longer. I don't even understand why they want it as it just makes them more heat resistant. They have those stupid suits for that! I could be giving them to my military or even offer it as a prize to the participants in the games.

I'm beginning to think joining the world government was a bad idea. Grandfather really fucked up that decision, all that got the royal family was more paperwork, greater taxes and the heavenly tribute that would bankrupt us if not for the games. Maybe I should wake up jormy and move us to the new world and go under red haired shanks.

The ship has arrived and it looks noticeably more pleasant than other years. The crew don't look like they're scared to mess up and become one of those retards slaves. A horn sounded out that made me twitch, my jewels jingled drawing some attention from the males. The cotal family are always decked out in jewels with numerous piercing. (The queen looks like Quetzalcoatl from nasuverse).

This tune screams arrogance, beginning to think I should toss the crown to my runt of a brother. He reminds me of that slime ball Stelly from the east blue but at least Drogba can play the games well. I looked at the crowd who were in awe to meet the dragon for the first time. I wonder why they wanted it more public than previous years? Drogba was among them ready to start bootlicking. He'd played some political bullshit that made my disapproval among the masses rise. I'm more violent than my parents so he used that to make himself seem more presentable. It's making me want to leave a little and give him the crown, I just need a suitable reason that won't make me look weak.

I heard the sound of jewels with my haki, all royals should know this in my opinion but the naive or idiotic ones don't. Atop the board of the bait connecting to my country stands a tall blonde haired man in a ridiculous getup that would rival a dragon. He's clearly not one but the people still seem to be in awe.

Wait is he mixing in conquerors haki with his presence?!?! And that face looks familiar?

"Greetings Citizens! It is I! Saints Julien Rosward! I bring gifts!!" Screamed the proud man, he began passing out bottles to everyone. This man isn't a dragon yet he seems entertaining, I'm getting a good vibe from him. His outfit is also oddly erotic now that I think about it, those abs look like they could grind meat. Wait those abs!!! He's Devil dick Bellamy!!!

I'm standing infront of the people of Solaris in the best outfit I could think off. The kid buu majin outfit with the baggy pants, black boots and gold bracers. I also am wearing an extravagant pink crown which resembles king julien of Madagascar.

I watch with a kingly smile as the people begin drinking from the bottles. Half of them immediately spit out the contents before racing to take the bottles from kids. I gave them all bottles of rum!

I begin walking towards the milf queen who resembles a fate character from my last life. I'm adding her to the crew!!!! As I reach the podium I take her hand and kiss it while giving her a heated glare that makes her bite her lips. I notice she's staring at my abs pretty hard right now.

"Your majesty" I greet her while she purrs back "your grace, it's an honour to be in your presence" "likewise, I must say your country is quite beautiful". I'm not lying this place is epic, it's like a mix of el dorado, Mayan temples and Brazil all roles into one. I notice the kids running around with soccer balls which made me grin. I loved to play in my last life but sadly was always contained to being the goal keeper, not that there's anything wrong with that.

"Fufufufu thank you 'saint' your kind words honour me. I assume you've come for the tonic". I replied with "among other things" and proceeded to look her up and down making her eyes tremble. With my haki I can sense she's horny.

I look back to my crew to gauge their reactions, two of them are glaring at her with intense emotions. Sugar and Carina! Sugar is admiring her vibrant outfit which is an explosion of colours while carina is staring at the jewels decorating her body.

The other girls just have smiles as they feel they may need help in the bedroom. As we were on the sea I continued my training non stop to as to remain occupied. I was using the anchors as dumbbells and doing yoga atop the crows nest.

Everyone in my crew is dressed like a majin from dragon ball with the girls all wearing a similar outfit to Android 21. They splashed their colours on the pants and arm attachments though. Carina is now the crews bedazzler.

Quetzalcoatl continued the conversation "my my aren't you a charmer. Would you like to see the games before you claim the dew? None of the other world nobles have decided to watch"

I spoke aloud so the crowd could hear me "I would love to witness this fine lands culture. Perhaps some of my people could even participate." Which was met with resounding screams of excitement.

We then were escorted to a carriage to take us to the colosseum. As we entered the queen chose to kabedon me. As her well maintained nails passed my neck and held my chin up her eyes turned viscous.

"What's your game devil dick? Impersonating a dragon is ballsy especially with one on the way. Do you have any idea how much that could get me in!"

I grinned and pulled her towards me by the hips, she's light as a feather but her clothes are extremely heavy. She's using the fashion statement to train! I like a resourceful women.

"You said I was a charmer? I always did have a fascination with snakes" I said rubbing my hand down her exposed stomach which made her let out a hiss of pleasure. I continued "queen Quetzalcoatl, said to be comparable to the other most beautiful women in the world who also have a snake motif. Boa hancock and the world snake Hel, daughter of the giant king Loki~. I can see why they make the comparison." As she was swept up in my touch I leaned into her ear and whispered.

"I came for the dew but I think I may leave with you~ whatah you say? Wanna be a pirate?" Her eyes open and resemble a reptiles "you'd have to prove to be stronger than me to get that privilege". "I wouldn't have it any other way gorgeous" I said releasing her from my grasp.

The door opened and gimlet entered before sitting of my lap. "Captain when do we get to go wild?!?!" I laughed at his speech while the queen looked at him with a teasing gaze.

"Good timing gimlet, the queen just challenged us to the a few rounds in the games. It's like that Davy back fight your father told you about. If we win we get the dew and her on the crew" "and if we lose?" He asked so I turned to the queen. "Your captain becomes my slave and I make the girls into my maids. You'll also become a mascot of the arena". He looked startled before turning his gaze to me.

"Gimlet your participating" "wah?!?" "Don't worry boy I'll let you live" he looks more scared by our conversation. So we continue "please~ gimlet isn't afraid of you. He's the strongest in the crew." "Oh really?" The queen asked as her reptilian gaze focused on him making him tremble.

"Yeah! Gimlets gonna destroy your sorry ass. They won't be able to put in the paper because it will be so brutal." The little monkey just looked at me like I sentenced him to death. Which I kinda did to be fair, this'll teach him to train rather than waste his time annoying me.

"Captain I don't wanna" "hush boy, I'm speaking for you." The queen grinned sadistically and spoke "well then if this is the only course of action available to me I'll accept. I'll dispatch of the monkey swiftly and then I'll be back for you imp~"

She snapped her fingers causing some guards to grab gimlet off to compete. "Fool~ if only he had trained." "Your pretty evil to use my games as a whetstone for your crew" "like your one to talk. What's the first game, I know you do best of three".

She chuckled and explained it to be similar to a game from the show galactic football. Basically its a one v one in a transforming room. First to three goals wins.

We swiftly arrived at the venue and were guided to the VIP section. Gimlet was trembling in the arena while my crew gathered near me. I explained gimlet trash talked the queen so he has to compete otherwise we become her slaves. His parents weren't happy about how cheeky he had gotten lately so were glad this may discipline him a little.

Gimlet stood in the room and watched as the door opened and a massive gorilla like woman entered. "Hello beautiful nee-san, please go easy on me" he said trying to seem meek so he might be spared. Sneaky bastard won't escape the punishment though. The gorilla woman exhaled steam through her nose and looked at gimlet with heart shaped eyes. "I'm going to roll you up into a ball and stuff you inside me." Gimlet was terrified "your going to eat me?!?!" "Who said anything about eating you~" replied the woman with a shit eating grin. Her response made gimlet even more afraid even though he didn't understand what she meant.

If Bellamy was there he would say "anything is a dildo if your brave enough". Gimlet only wished his parents heard the woman so they would come save him. Alas the captain had given them some rum distracting them. He then grinned at gimlet who swiftly regretted all the times he messed with Bellamy on the boat. He zipped up his hoodie and went Hybrid as the gun shot sounded signifying the start of the game.

Meanwhile on an excessively gaudy ship that was approaching the island. Saint charming was making his favourite slave abuse her devil fruit. Saint charming has discovered he liked the view of his slave Sofya using her swallow swallow fruit to swallow things whole. His favourite is news coos after one left a drooling infront of him while he was on a stroll one day.

He requested (ordered) the marines to make sure as many people as possible gather at solaris so he can pick out a few more wives. He turned to his slave and yanked her chain "slave what do you think about swallowing some bird devil fruit eaters~". His sadistic grin made poor Sofya tremble "I think it's an...excellent idea saint charming". He just laughed to himself as he noticed her disgust at the idea. He can't wait to arrive at the island not knowing that he was heading towards his doom.