Iron doesn’t bounce.

Beside quetzal chan as she wants me to call her I could be heard screaming. "Come on monkey!!! Use the breath!!! Go between her legs!!! No not kick them pass the ball between them!!!" Gimlet was getting destroyed. My galactic football references were not helping him at all.

Stupid monkey finally remembered he could use six powers mid way through though. He spammed rankyaku to send the ball towards the goal but the gorilla would use soru and appear infront of the shot and block it with her chest. When the ball smacks her tits it sounds like it's striking pure iron, I know for a fact she's not using tekkai.

Gimlet tried imitating fancy footwork he say some kids using but he's too small compared to the opponent. One tackle from her and he gets sent flying. He then tried slide tackling her, what she did next was horrifying.

She sat down and spread her legs so his slide tackled slid him into something. It wasn't the goal *shiver* the look of satisfaction on the gorillas face and the sadistic grin on quetzal chan kinda unnerved even me.

When gimlet tried to struggle away she clasped his arms in hers. His instinct was to go hyrbid, she was also a devil fruit eater. She was a monkey model bonobo, the horniest species of monkey. Second to the.....(assasm) macaque..... gimlet may be getting screwed in multiple ways today.

She grew black fur and began panting which freaked him out. He then used shigan with his tail and stabbed her in the belly button which made her moan and release him. She began praising his tactics but he was clearly traumatised. He then sprinted and kicked the ball into the hole scoring a goal.

After that the score was 2-1 in the gorillas favour. As the ball was spat into the middle of the box gimlet charged at it using shave, the gorilla made one miscalculation though, as gimlet reaches the centre he pulled his leg back to blast the ball at the same time she did. As he swung his leg he slipped as his leg was 'greased'. He passed right underneath her along with the ball. I felt his horror as he looked up and stared into the abyss that was her strained short shorts.

He rolled and kicked the ball into the hole scoring a second point. It's all down to this, the gorilla woman wasn't playing anymore. She rushed towards him to smack him hard. He decided to curl into a ball and apply tekkai but I screamed "you idiot!!! Iron doesn't bounce!!!"

She smacked him and the ball with her lump of a leg sending him into his goal. His body actually got stuck in the hole sparing him the loss. The ball impacted him making him wheeze though. The gorilla sized him up "you'll be a tight fit gim chan~". The ball—- gimlet began trembling, not in fear but rage. He jumped out of the hole and decided to go full iggy the fool on her ass.

He'd make that mutt proud as he went ham on her face. I could have sworn he farted, the sea food diet on the ocean may not have done any favours for the gorilla. Being a zoan means her sense of smell is hundreds of times higher than a normal human. The shrimp scampi he had for dinner impacted her hard.

I watched as the dark haired equivalent to Connie from brickleberry passed out and fell over. Gimlet was panting with breath, he looked at his opponent who passed out with a content smile on his face then shivered before scoring his final goal. He's never been so exhausted in his life, he looked at his captain and gave him the finger before sprinting away on all fours.

I laughed hard as I imagined a young pickle from baki running from musashi or should I say the great ape.

Quetzal chan turned and looked at me "as much as that was entertaining I can't wait to see what your other crew member can do. Also what will you show me in the final match~". I was tempted to shout something that would boost my male ego like my package or what a real man looks like. But senor pink chose to do that instead as he arrived on stage in a diaper?

He looked at me with a vein bulging like he could read my thoughts. Russian was covering her mouth giggling while the girls surrounding her were loosing their minds. He screamed "I thought it was a sumo match!!! It's a mawashi!!" So I yelled back "imma need to washi my eyes after this, I didn't want to see you and your son's perverseness today pink!!" And like father like son he gave me the finger before heading off to the obstacle race.

Four major obstacles included the mine field, the tight rope, the scaly walls of death and lastly the mystery surprise which was the last obstacle. Senor pushes his glasses in before getting into his starting position beside three other men.

They looked at him strangely as he didn't look like he was about to sprint. It looked like he was about to dive! With a gun shot sounding out he kicked off the ground causing it to ripple and trap the other three sprinters. The crowd was pleased to see a devil fruit eater in action.

Pink screamed "I'm going straight through!!" And continued swimming through a line field with his upper body surfaces. As he passed each one detonated further pushing him forward. He ignored all the explosions and continued, women screamed out "so hard boiled!!!" At his tenacity.

Next came the tight rope, he continued going straight as he jumped out of the water and started swimming in the air just above the tight rope. It looked like he was humping the rope from my perspective though. The announcer screamed out "he doesn't give a shit about he gravity!!" And the women screamed sensually "so hard boiled~~" with four of them being familiar to me.

Next came the scaly wall of death, a massive structure the participants are meant to scale and it is loaded with traps that could put them out of the competition. Senor just swam straight through it..... ok. The announcer screamed "he went straight through" and the women screamed again "so hard boiled~~|" each time getting closer to orgasm. I spotted the four and examined them closely, those are the groupies he had in canon!!

He must have visited here in canon and picked them up then. Russian seems to be glaring at the other women but her gaze softens on those four. I'm adding them to the crew!!! If I get a harem then so does senor pink!!!!

Oh he's coming up on the mystery obstacles. I heard mumbling that the last one was a gigantic snake monster among the crowd. As senor approaches it swimming at high speed the door of the mystery smashes open.

The gorilla woman appeared?!?! She screamed at senor "I've tasted the son now I want the father". Without hesitation senor pink went straight.....around her while remaining submerged. The screams of his competitors sounded out as they frantically chased him not realising what awaited them.

As senor surfaced he was soaked with sweat, his wife and the four groupies approached him and have him towels and water. That bastard can't fool me though, he wasn't sweating from the swim that's sweat from pure terror. I notice his son glaring at him hatefully because his father escaped her while he couldn't.

Quetzal chan elbowed me "psst your turn! Maybe you'll be as hard boiled as your nakama". "What's my challenge princess?" "You have to face my brother in combat" I asked excitedly "is he strong" but she adopts a sullen look "no he is not, he's the child of my fathers second wife. He's spoiled and only trains to maintain a figure and play ball occasionally. He has no combat ability whatsoever yet vies for the throne." And then she sighed along side me as my hopes were dashed.

I wanted to fight a strong man for once, all the tough fights have been against women in my life. Doffy is a woman now so she doesn't count. Garp wasn't tough for me so he also doesn't count. Well I'll just one shot him and get this over with~

After a few minutes I walked out in nothing but black sandals and combat shorts. My kakashi quote tattoo is prominently showing on my chest. The women were drooling over my cut figure while the men were envious. They all think I'm a dragon who is actually decent so they dialed up the cheering for me. Then the prince arrived, prince Drogba looked like a clown.

He was incredibly skinny, had a six pack drawn on his body with a marker as far as I could tell and his hairy style was like kilmonger from black panther. He stuck his hand out for a handshake so I approached him to reciprocate but he pulled me in and whispered in my ear.

"I know your not a world noble pirate san, if you weren't boosting the morale of my people I'd have you executed. You seem chummy with my sister which is good. When saint charming arrives I'm going to present the celestial imposter to him and frame my sister for allowing it then take the thrown" he said with a sick grin on his face.

Why is he telling me this? It's cause one piece people are retarded have the time and this guy is among them. He continued "now your going to let me thrash you around or I'll dial it up for the dragon Kay?" Does this runt think I'm scared of those fish bowls? I continued smiling but he didn't notice the sinister flint in my eye.

As we backed away I began circling him while he shadow boxes to intimidate me. What he doesn't know is that I'm aiming~. I then said "prepare yourself prince! For my glorious magical kick!!" And with that I rushed towards him and performed an over the top jump kick.

He grinned manically as he was going to counter my extremely telegraphed attack. But as my leg approached him I pulled it back and chose to fall to the ground. His right hook passed harmlessly above me. He looked down wide eyed as I delivered a seiken straight to his abdomen sending him hurtling backwards.

The prince then wondered "that's not a magical kick at all, it's a damn karate punch" but bellamy's voice echoed in his ears. "That's what makes it magical~ good luck".

As the prince was spinning and experiencing the worst pain he's ever felt in his life he couldn't help but notice the child in the crowd. Little gimlet was in his vision fully decked out in his monkey hoodie and giving him a serious salute. It looked like a police officers expression when they buried their comrade. He was confused as to why he was receiving that expression.

That was until he gazed at the direction he was flying towards. Gorilla woman was in his flight path with wide open arms and puckered lips ready to receive him. He saw that she was very sweaty and was licking her teeth in anticipation for him. As he barrels into her arms she jumps and legs the momentum carry them into the dark corners of the tunnel that participants emerge from.

He began to scream as she dragged him away into one of the changing rooms. All the while Bellamy was grinning. The crowd went while as the queen made her way into the arena with a look of pure satisfaction on her face.

"Congratulations saint julien you have earned the Dragon Dew as well as my loyalty!" And then she kneeled making the crowd cheer. They knew that if Bellamy one their queen would pass the throne to either drogba or back to her parents. They assumed she was marrying a world noble and were happy for her.

As Bellamy and the queen raised their arms to make the crowd go nuts. A rancid voice echoed "queen Quetzal Coatal!!! Why was there no one to greet Myself!!!!! I'm saint charming damn it!!!!" Oh shit the jig might be up was the thought passing through bellamys head as he adorned the kazuma victim face.