
"WELL IS NO ONE GOING TO GREET THIS CHARMING-SAMA!!!!" The pug in a fish bowl screeched out. Who in their right mind refers to themselves with a sama? Or even in the third person? Someone with mental issues that's who.

He then pointed at me "you there!!! Who are you!!!" Oh he seems to be getting offended that the people keep looking back between us. They're questioning who the real world noble is. The horrible creature in the space suit or the flamboyant gentleman who gave them rum?

"Greetings Charming-sama, do you not recognise me?" He then titled his head and replied in an obnoxious tone "should I worm?" I felt a vein bulge on my forehead but I kept an amicable smile. "I'm julien rosward!! A branch member of the rosward family. You may have not met me personally as my cousins Charlos is always pinning for attention and trying to hump sharlia's leg".

The man grinned and then made a pondering face. "Ah yes now I remember, why have you come here julien?" Did you see what I did there? I took advantage of his weak mentality and lack of information to create an identity. He knows Charlos and sharlia personally so he knows how they behave. My personal statement shows deep familiarity with the 'family'.

"Gelfrod sama (made you name of Charlos dad) requested me to come and acquire one of the dragon dew for him. He mentioned a member of your family was arriving and said they would be magnanimous enough to give me one. Of course he intends to compensate you upon his return, possibly with something from his 'collection'".

The grin on this toads face could shatter glass, the meer mention of a pricy slave and he starts thinking with his dick. I couldn't help but notice the gorgeous woman beside him, she reminds me of sofya obertas from madan na ou to Vanadis. I remember watching it because the mc was an archer and that concept intrigued me.

She's thicc as a milkshake but she keeps trembling minutely meaning she's a slave. There is also sea stone on her meaning she has a devil fruit. Considering she's a personal slave taken for a walk by a dragon it means she has a rare or exotic devil fruit. I can feel some feathers clinging to her clothes so maybe a zoan?

As charming continued to drool to himself I decided to snap him out of it. "Come come charming sama, let us go and claim our beverages". He zoned back in and nodded before yanking the poor girls chains. I turned to the queen who was wide eyed at my performance. "!!!" She said which made me chuckled.

I took her by the hand and escorted her back to the stairs. The arena staff quickly went to placating the crowds boredom so they wouldn't cross the dragons path. We quickly caught up to charming, I rubbed my ring signifying to get all the stuff ready to depart.

The log pose adjusts fast on this island but people normally stay for the festivities. The ring glowed green signifying acceptance. As we arrived charming commented on why he hears screaming. Before quetzal chan could comment I stated "those are the screams of the gladiator who lost, he's receiving a punishment for not entertaining the crowd enough." Rest in peace Drogba, maybe gorilla chan can make a man out of you.

Charming snorted "humph good show queen coatl! There's hope for you to become a world noble with this conduct" and then he snorted smoke after flexing his pride. Good lord I wanted to end this creep, I noticed sofya looking at me intensely. She seems to have instantly deduced I'm not a dragon so I winked at her. She turned away quickly drawing Charmings attention.

"Hmm tell me julien, do you have any devil fruit slaves." I shrugged "personally? I have three. A girl with a cat fruit that made her into a cat girl, a man with the bang bang fruit that makes loud noises and lastly an old man with a whisker fruit. Was curious what the fruit could do so I gave it to the oldest slave." I bullshited but it sounded believable to a retarded dragon. Inbreeding first centuries kinda ruins brain activity.

"Not bad julien, I have five with sofya here being my current favourite. I gave her a fruit similar to that moron lower noble. What was his name? Waffle?" "Wapol?" "Yes that hippo fellow". The chomp chomp fruit? A fruit with similar abilities would be a nice addition to the crew. She may be able to produce wapol metal which would be useful for the ship.

The walrus material and the Lilith tree wood are already top quality materials but a flexible metal with devil fruit shenanigans opens up a lot of possibilities. Charming grinned and pulled out the classic celestial pistol and unloaded eight shots in the air hitting a passing news coo in the wing.

It fell to the ground in front of us, he began narrating his hatred of news coo and birds in general to me while I pondered how the fun technology in this world differed so much from my own. What they lack in rate of fire they make up for in power and compact ability. Seriously a pistol with 30 shots before needing to be reloaded is insane.

He then pulled out a little claw toy that senior citizens use to pick things from upper shelves. He grasped the gull by the neck and dragged it towards sofya. He wants her to eat the bird? She looked uncomfortable but the necklace on her neck detached. She gulped before charming thrust the live bird infront of her once more.

She looked at me with a gaze that said she hates what has happened to her. Her mouth opened and the bird was pushed in. It seemed to compress in her mouth and flow down her throat. A *slurp* noice resounded as the bulge in her neck led to her stomach.

It was bulged and was moving showing the live prey inside. Then a power noise that sounded like a rubber band being strummed echoed out and the bulge vanished. Sofya looked appalled but her body looked to have grown stronger. It was barely noticeable but for someone with haki they couldn't help but notice her strength grew. Charming seems to be unaware of this fact.

"Quiquiquiquiquiquiquiqui" he laughed out, it sounded annoying. "This is the power of the slurp slurp fruit, she can eat anything and keep it trapped inside her then digest it instantly. She's the perfect waste disposal! I've given her poison and metal before yet she was fine! She can also eat infinitely and make it so the bulge doesn't appear but I prefer it when it does! So now I use her to play with those feathered rats" he snarled out at the end.

Sofya just looked disgusted with herself but hid it behind a mask. Charming continued "her favourite food is birds isn't that right sofya?" "Yes charming sama". She replied with a lack of light in her eyes.

This guy is a real moron, he just said she can store things inside her which means she has a spatial storage ability. Also she can breakdown anything to grow stronger. It's like my own rimuru infront of me. With a bit of training she could be an expert infiltrator. She could swallow proper intel or items and no one could find them.

I would love to add her to crew but I can't take this guy out yet and steal her. The collar is easy, haki can remove it. The brand on her back can be removed with sugars power too. I just need to wait for my chance.

After we continued walking and talking we reached the greynarl building which brews the potions. I stopped charming "charming would you like me to transfer your trinkets to my ship?" He stopped "hmm why would I do something like that julien?" "It's so your ship can reach home faster, you can give the dew to my uncle first and receive greater benefits. I enjoy the sea breeze so I am fine with staying a float longer. What do you say?" His eyes glazed with greed. "Your a good friend julien, I despise the air down here so I see no issue." he snapped his fingers and commanded some of his guards to have all of his treasure transferred to my ship.

I was internally jumping with joy, I wonder how much heavenly tribute this buffoon has collected for me? As we entered the brewing room I couldn't help but reminisce about a movie from my also life.

The main character also disguised himself to break in and steal a potion. Now that I think about it, maybe I should take a page out of his book. I asked coatl where the bathroom was and signalled for her to escort me personally.

After we reached it I said "ok so I'm gonna take all the dew then take you and sofya to join the crew." She raised an eyebrow and asked how "imma start a commotion, I noticed you grew more than the dew here so I'm going to smash everything and run with the dew."

"What about charming?" "If all goes to plan he will be dead by nightfall" she grinned and accepted. After that she took us on a lengthy tour of the facility which gave my crew time to move all of charmings treasure into our vault. Charming locked onto the doves with a sneer on his face. He made sofya swallow one of them which frightened the others. I just couldn't wait for this to happen.

Finally she took us to a dark room filled with different glowing potion vials. I saw ten red vials at the top of the case. The queen offered to get them before transforming into a giant snake, a Quetzalcoatl. Charming pissed himself at the sight of her and fell backwards releasing sofya's leash.

I turned to her and said "open wide~" she was confused but listened to my order. The giant snake then flicked its tail causing the vials to plummet into sofya's gullet. I then turned to her "I normally never say this but don't swallow~" she closed her mouth and then nodded with a hint of lust in her eyes.

She was storing the ten vials in her body without issue, no bulge or signs of discomfort. Charming squawked demanding to know what was happening. I grinned and punched the wooded tower holding all the vials making it shake violently.

All the vials began to fall so I grabbed sofya and booked it. Alarms started blasting while me and the two blondes made our escape. I started humming ^ever fallen in love^ while I reinacted shrek 2. Just like the movie a purple wave of chemicals covered the scientists changing their biology into animals.

Charming literally squawked as he was changed into a chicken. I grinned before springing one of my arms towards him and yanked him into my grasp. He was freaking out and flapping his pathetic wings. Quetzalcoatl burst through the ceiling making an escape route so I just used my spring hopper move to fly out of the building with a babe in one arm and a chicken in the other.

The greynarl was releasing purple smoke so it drew a crowd. Drogba rushed towards the building with a mild shake in his step, the fact he was covered head to toe in hickeys didn't help his case. Quetzal chan flicked the crown at him and hissed our "I quit~".

Drogba looked like he was about to break down with joy, until two massive arms wrapped him in a hug. "Does that make me the queen then~?" Prince Drogba looked up to see gorilla chan smiling at him menacingly. He fainted which made her nod, she gets a cute boy toy for a husband and the throne to rule.

Naturally when all the men in the kingdom heard she would be ruler they flooded to the ports with their families in tow. They were rushing towards alabasta to seek sanctuary. Bellamy however didn't care much, neither did quetzal~ she just said "fuck paper work, all those bastards just likes to add to my work load".

After reaching the running horny Bellamy lowered the slave girl and the snake reverted. He looked at sofya "hey wanna join my crew?" She then replied with tears in her eyes while pointing at the collar so bellamy blackened his fists and rips it off. He tossed it in the sea causing a pillar of water to ride as it exploded. "Anything else" then she turned and pointed to the mark on her back. He looked at sugar "make it pretty~" to which she giggled and released a colourful cloud changing the dragon mark into the symbol for the goddess Freya which is a triangle with swirls.

She began crying and said "my body is a mess" "I have the best doctors in the world". "But charming made me into a freak" "all you do is eat things, you think your the into one who swallowed a rock before?"

She then looked at him with tears streaming down her face and asked "what do I get for joining" and then a small smile formed on her face. Bellamy grinned and lifted the charming chicken "hungry?" She looked at her tormentor and grinned evilly. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn after all.

First she coughed up the dew vials and handed them to quetzal who looked bemused. Sofya turned to bellamy and said "I made some room~" before snatching the chicken which started having a melt down in an attempt to escape. She held the chicken infront of her "thank you charming sama, you taught me to love birds. Let me show you how much?" After that a series of bawks and frantic squawks echoed our before a *gulp...slurp.....urp*. She swallowed him and let out a cute burp.

"Excuse me~" she said before covering her mouth. While what just happened may have been considered disturbing in other places in one piece this shit is practically kid friendly. The pregnant like bulge on her stomachs began compressing rapidly before she burped one last time into her hand. When she pulled her hand away a feather was in her hand.

While she basked in the glory of freedom I reached for the bottles. These drunken dragon dew give immense heat resistance which my crew will need in the future. 10 vials, I looked around to see who should drink up with me.

Monet, quetzal and senor all stepped back. I raised an eyebrow but they gave their reasons. A snow woman shouting drink something that would forcibly burn her to raise heat resistance. The queen has already drank it before and senor said he had already taken something similar when working with doffy.

"Well that's nine vials with one spare for another crew member in the future then". I grabbed mine and opened it. The others copied me and raised their potions. "To our new members!" I shouted while the others all screamed "cheers" and clinked the vials before downing them.

After that it felt like my insides were dipped into the centre of a hot tub of the bat with no time to build up to the change in heat. After thirty minutes that feeling vanished. I opened my eyes to find my skin had peeled off like a snake shedding its skin. The others in a similar predicament. Inside the shredded skin was black blotches which should be our bodies impurities.

The heat of Solaris didn't affect me at all anymore. "Set sail!!!" I bellowed joy making the Skeleton crew kick into gear. The others adjusted before scurrying off to do their roles. Mani took the two new girls down to the dorms, they then asked to be led to my room which made mani Grin and say "finally reinforcements!"

Carina scurried off to the treasury to inspect the loot while I went with Lami to discuss our next destination.