
After entering the navigation room I spoke with Lami. "So what's are next destination?" She then purses her lips and looked upset. "What is it Lami?" She then sighed and brought out a journal. When I opened it, the first chapter was named 'Rookie Killers!'

She then pointed out the name "eggra tempest". "This is our next location, it's a way point for us with all three log point pointing at that island. That island is a rookie killer because of its defensive weather. Not even fishmen could enter that island easily so our option is to use an eternal pose and then pick up a new log pose."

I then asked her to describe the island while grinning, she looked depressed as I was dragging her to a deadly place. She mumbled "first raiding a marine base, next a cypher pole base, then he kills a celestial dragon and now a storm egg".

The island of eggra tempest is special due to the weather forming a protective dome around the island. A whirlpool surrounds the island dragging and crushing any ship or underwater vessel that approaches. The top is guarded by a tornado that's winds shred anything they pass. So with no way to enter the island our journey is postponed. But that's unacceptable for me.

" how about we dive into the egg?" She just looks at me and asks for me to explain my radical idea. "All storms have a centre, we should just aim to enter through that". She then grabbed some paper and began making some calculations while I waited and read that journal about other rookie killer islands.

"Even if it is theoretically possible, how are we supposed to get airborne Bellamy? We don't have the float float fruit."

"We have something better, plot armour" she just looked considered so I led her down to the vault name spotted carina who is drooling "so hows the haul?" She Nearly creamed on the spot "fantastic captain, hundreds of millions in gold and jewels plus a priceless painting and some rare materials." I grinned "what kind of materials".

" we have two things that would be useful for a new ship. The first is latexalla sheets, they can be used to make a stronger sail and are extremely stretchy. The second is wildfyre extract, highly volatile and explosive with being famous for green coloured flames. I read that it could be used to cost a ship to make it heat resistant, cannonballs won't scratch the paint it's so effective."

"So what your saying is? We have good rubber and something that can reach high temperatures" i turned to Lami who just gave me puppy dog eyes "Lami~ you ever rode a hot air balloon?"

*bang, bang, bang,bang* sengoku was repeatedly banging his head onto his new sea stone desk. Why did he have to get out of bed this morning, just why?!?!?

Earlier today he was in the meeting with the major players among the marines, they released drastic news. For one thing a country had fallen apart which was a major thing. The last time that happened was nearly 80 years ago, seeing as its occurring during my tenure as fleet admiral it falls onto my shoulders to handle it.

Akainu was throwing his dick around about justice this and justice that. He wanted to go hunt the ones responsible, when garp snapped and said "do you ever shut the fuck up about killing pirates, they have nothing to do with it this time". That silenced him as he used his rocks for brains to process.

"Then how did the country fall apart?" Which made everyone look at me. Sigh, I got up and spoke "as you all know the kingdom of Solaris is famous for its competitions that happen all year round. It is also favoured by the world nobles because of its chemical concoctions, specifically the drunken dragon dew."

I then played the nifty little power point I made earlier about the country. There were some photos of me when I visited there, god I looked so good back then. Anyway I continued "the queen at the time was quetzal Coatl, a zoan devil fruit user and someone well connected with her people. The issue was her brother drogba who is a typical slimy noble." The room was filled with grunts as they all remembered the type. Even akainu and the usually absentminded kizaru grimaced.

"Basically a game happened where a world noble challenged the queen for some of the dew, if he won he also got her but if she lost he leaves". The new vice admiral gion couldn't help herself "what's so bad about that? Seems fair to me?"

She clearly ignored the fact I mentioned that they were a world noble. Scumbags that throw buster calls around when they get pissed of. So I answered her "the problem was that the world noble identified himself as julien rosward. We have no record of him but that doesn't me he doesn't exist. Some dragons struck children from the family record if the family heads weren't pleased."

I continued "he also won the challenge and crushed prince Drogba in combat" the room grew quite. Garp then asked "a trained dragon is it? Troublesome". The younger ones grew confused as did a few of the olde ones.

No one realises how powerful a celestial dragon that actually trains is, their genetics contain the potential of their ancestors who managed to unify the world. They can reach that power level as well but those cases are in the minority.

I then clicked again "saint charming was also there to claim the dew, julien offered some sweet words so he could get his hands on some of it which charming acquiesced to." I showed the ugly celestials face.

Tsuru asked "what of julien's face?" This is what caused me to grimace. None of our spies took pictures and from the photos we were able to buy off the black market. Well...they are pictures of a lemur mink wearing a pink crown waving around a swastika. So it's a religious monkey?

When I showed this to them they asked if I was serious. "The royal guards of Solaris confirmed the likeness though he lacked monkey features and a religious devotion. Though he did say something about enforcing his own ideology even if people don't want it."

For some reason vice admiral wolowitz in the corner trembled with rage. I ignored it and moved on "now after these two dragons went to claim the dew the factory blew up, both are missing with all of charmings property being taken. Charming is confirmed to be dead as his vivre card burned to ashes. Naturally his family kicked up a fuss and demanded heads but as far as we can tell. He caused the explosion".

Everyone didn't know how to feel, a dead dragon would put a smile on peoples faces but the work involved with their temper tantrums are always gargantuan. I then explained about how the queen abandoned the thrown because of her agreement with julien, how Drogba rose to power only to be dominated by his new wife. People were curious about her till I showed them footage of her. The people ran to alabasta which is already in dire straits.

Aokiji then yawned "so we need to find saint julien to learn about what really happened while also helping the people running from a rapist queen". That indeed summed it up but I couldn't allow it to be phrased like that.

As I was about to berate him the door was kicked opened and an intelligence operative stormed in. "We discovered juliens identity!!! He's not a world noble!! Our operative was 'captured' by the new queen for 'questioning' which is why it took so long."

I felt a rush of excitement so I asked "well who is he then!?" The man froze and looked towards the women in the room which isn't a good sign. "Devil dick Bellamy!!!"

The name practically echoed throughout the halls of marineford. Dread filled me as killing intent leaked from several individuals in the room, the women were furious because tsuru got depressed at the mention of his name, Garp grew pissed and leaked his own killing intent which made tsuru pissed at him. The red dog started humping the justice logo.

I remembered all the problems we had with Bellamy, the north blue base and the CP2 base. Now he's probably killed a world noble, I excused myself and went to my office to inform the elders. They ranted to me for three hours about what they wanted done and how much to make bellamy's bounty. I can't make it to high because a yonko may indoctrinate him or better yet dragon. If I raise his bounty for killing a dragon big news will investigate and blab. The dragons want it as high as possible.

So here I am, banging my head on my sea stone desk. Looking at {devil Bellamy. 450,000,000 berry}. I removed the dick from the title much to the dismay of several female clubs which resulted in more angry callers.

As I continued to bang my head on the desk I stopped as the secret den den mushi rang. I picked it up "hello?" Several people entered my office as a hellish voice squealed through the snail "beady chan!! I finally got your number again~ ready to see how many beads we can fit?"

The officers looked at me in horror before slamming the doors, I could have sworn I saw zephyr amongst them who dropped the cigarette from his mouth and adorn a look of losing a best friend. I just screamed "not again?!?!?!" As my walk was knocked down by a familiar pissed of older woman.

I want to retire/die, whatever comes first.