
The sound of pumping echoes throughout the tiny island that the metallix pirates found on the way to eggratempest. Bellamy, quetzal, sofya and mani were pumping away on a device made to pump air into the freshly made hot air balloon.

Lami and carina are working on the flame propulsion system while Monet and Muret work on the balloon. Sugar free the schematics and is currently working on the gondola. The senor family is working on tying the rope properly throughout the balloon.

The skeleton crew are... well no one cares what they're doing. I assume sleeping or drinking as that's all they've been doing since the voyage started. Soon we'll need to replace them soon as a few have started breaking down. There is always more scum to take in jaya.

After three hours of non stop work and a few minor explosions, the balloon was completed!!!! It looked like a piece of garbage but it's still effective. The basket can fit six people so myself, carina, sugar, sofya, Muret and quetzal are going through. This is strategic I swear!!

Mani and Lami will be on this side as they are the main navigator and the communication method. Snails don't work in the egg so the communication rings Mani made should do. Carina is coming with me to record the navigational effects of the storm on the interior and report back to Lami. Quetzal and sugar wanna see what's inside as its their hobby to explore cultures.

Sofya swallowed a lot of supplies so she's sticking near me. Not that she minds after how I greeted her and quetzal once they joined the crew. After that she became rather clingy, almost as if she was my mother in some ways. I hope I don't have a raikou situation. Not that I'd mind, it's just I wonder how my actual mother would react to something like that.

Granny said the pump pump fruit was ambiguous, she could motivate troops or pump someone full of led. Granny also mentioned something about her controlling blood flow one night after she had a little to much gin. I also saw an article about her, her voice reached across the kingdom which I think relates to the phrase "pump up the volume". I guess my mother took the word pump to be both literal and metaphorical. Would have really appreciated her help on the balloon construction.

I wonder if she could pump someone's breasts? *jii~~* and now sugar is staring at me with a heated glare, she has the smallest cup size amongst my girls and it's anime logic for the smallest to have a chest complex. "What were you thinking about Bellamy~" she asked in a sing song way, her eyes didn't match her tone. I gulped "I was thinking about my mother." All the girls ears perked and Russian turned to me. "Ara~ bellamy kun you never speak about you mother. I assumed you didn't have one." She then came close as if asking me to speak about her.

The other girls in my harem were also paying more attention that what they should have been. Lami literally shot herself with a nail, good thing her skins borderline indestructible. Gimlet also looked at me with shiny eyes. I looked at him and said "what?" He replied innocently "you have a mother!! I assumed you came from hell and your granny picked you up to raise you right, like hellboy!"

I spat blo—- saliva exaggeratedly, this brat thought I was a demon! Why would anyone think that?

Across the world several people sneezed, these included a pink coat wearing pirate and her crew who've had to suffer under her mood swings due to hormonal changes. Several high ranking marines, including almost every female in the navy. The rosward family, an alpha walrus, a fat man in rehab for sexual victims, big news Morgan, several nobles, the skeleton crew, a blood elf, civilians who misunderstood his accolade, fishmen, sarquis and lastly gimlet.

Belo Betty and tsuru also got annoyed for some reason, like someone was talking shit about their family. Tsuru went to beat up sengoku some more while Belo Betty went to whip a captured noble. Black hand zephyr was aboard a ship filled with his fresh trainnees on their way to the new world for training when he suddenly felt his spine tingle.

"Hmm my intuition is acting up, change of plans we're changing directions" the purple haired man spat out. Someone talking shit about his bastard grandchild had coincidentally saved all his recruits from their grimm fate at the hands of weevil.

Back to bellamy he grabbed gimlet by the head and squeezed hard. Gimlet was whiling his nose due to the sneeze but began screaming "it hurts" "you think I'm a demon brat?!?" "Not anymore captain!!!" He then released the monkey and crossed his arms in a vegeta pose.

"Hmph of course I have a mother, it's just our relationship isn't that close". Russian then asked "did you have a falling out" "close, we haven't met in 16 years". The girls went wide eyed "aren't you 17 currently?" Asked sofya a little concerned. I just nodded my head.

They began to look pissed and assumed my mother abandoned me. Wasn't far from the truth really, she left me with granny so I wouldn't be swept up in her revolutionary escapade. Didn't work very well considering I killed the thing they're revolting against. Gimlet then asked "why haven't you went to find her?"

"She's a revolutionary, her names Betty. She has a crass mouth, anger issues, a drinking and smoking addiction, a crush on a monkey and a habit of brainwashing people. She and my granny thought it'd be best she not raise me". "Why? It's not like you could have turned out worse?" I gripped this stupid chimp again causing him to scream.

Meanwhile the girls went pale after they realised my mother's identity. Carina began sweating, she ran to her room and came back with a poster "is this your mom?!?!" It was the bounty of belo betty. I nodded and she squealed "she's my idol!!! To think I worship almost the entire family!! Is your dad a big shot too??"

"Nah~ was just a one night stand. According to granny one of my family almost always has a kid with their co-worker. Good thing pirates don't have co workers." Muret then chimes in "but isn't the first mate technically a co-worker to the captain". All the other girls glared at her, sparks started shooting out of their eyes so I wandered in search of rum.

If I'm piloting an air craft I don't want to be sober. On my way I spotted the mouthy chimp laughing to his dad. I listened in "can you believe it! Bellamy might not be a demon!! All the women in his family are big names while the men seem worthless." Senor began to sweat and gimlet asked "what is it pops?" Before he began screaming as I grabbed him like I was the captain of the black bulls.

The women of Bellamy's family shivered and felt someone just mocked their partners for some reason. They shrugged and walked away not caring about those deadbeats.

After testing if gimlet can pass through the ground like his father and getting hammered we boarded the boat. The only one who looked nervous was carina as she piloted us, the culture people were giddy and the others were calm. They were even reading books as we were in the middle of a thunder storm!!!!

Muret began firing large needles every so often which would act as lightning rods. I could have done this but I was to busy recalling tipsy bartender concoctions. Imma start jungle juicing when we touch Down.

Carina began panicking as we were carried along with the tornado above. "We're all gonna die ?!?!?" Carina began screaming while I stumbled around the gondola. Thunder struck near me and hit my bottle so I got pissed.

"SHUT UUUPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!" I howled letting my conquerors run wild. The red and black lightning seemed to conflict with the storm. The tornado began to slow down and a hole opened up at the centre. Carina and Muret kicked into action steering us towards it while I started recalling the simpsons movie.

We entered the stormy hole and found that there was indeed an island at the centre. Carina began working the balloon like a member of team rocket while the others just assessed the damage.

After we touched ground and lowered the sand bags we were met with a rumbling noise. I looked up while mumbling about a spider pig, a bowling ball was approaching us. I assumed a jojo po—— a fighting stance as the ball got bigger.

After the large bowling ball arrived it unfurled into a large circular human with a big mouth. "Chapapapa welcome to eggratempest, it's been years since the last person arrived here. We haven't had guests since rodger and shanks passed by.

I looked at the bowling ball, it looked like fukurou from CP9 except wearing a Hawaiian shirt, had purpled hair and it's teeth were candy corn. I asked "do you know fukurou?" He went wide eyed and said "you have to meet our chief. Come quickly!" And then rolled away in a ball.

I took another swig and said "right behind ya" and tried to roll like a sonic character. I was incredibly drunk so all that happened was I fell on my face and went to sleep. Muret and sofya then lifted me up and began carrying me.

Black hand zephyr arrived at marine HQ and sneezed, he felt as if someone was insulting his family but that couldn't happen. His family has passed, it was then a little spark lit in his mind and he recalled a drunken night with a marine girl with dark blue hair before he was deployed towards the rocks pirates. His jaw dropped before he began running towards tsuru to ask her a very important question. That monkey and his fat mouth is causing all kinds of issues.