
After I sobered up a little I began exploring the island, after entering through the storm shell I discovered that this island is divided into sectors like ba sing se from avatar. The outer section is the albumen or the white of the egg. This section contains all the farm animals and agricultural related aspects. I saw numerous species of birds and reptiles which all lay eggs.

They have some sort of tram system that takes them around the island called the chalaza, the tram is egg shaped and looks like an egg lying on its side so it's slightly aerodynamic. I birdied the tram and inspected the people.

They all looked like fukurou except that have different hair colours and different items for their teeth. They all are egg shaped and have egg based foods with them. I asked them about fukurou and they gave me a dirty look which means he's not well liked here.

I asked about their culture and learned the story about how this island is functioning so well. Firstly they are anti government because they were attacked forty years ago. The government had a devil fruit user who opened the storm shell, they stormed in and tried to dominate them in search of a hidden item.

They said it was a big black block which I immediately recognised as the poneglyph. I asked if they knew what was on it which led to the next part of the story. Gold Rodger had arrived at the island using the same method me and my crew had. He fought the marines and killed the devil fruit user so they couldn't return. Because of the storm shell still being operational the government never learned about their island so they assumed the interior was dangerous.

Rodger parties with them and traded some off the goods on his ship like fruits, veg, livestock and medical supplied. In exchange they showed him the poneglyph and taught him about the egg arts which all their people practice. Rodger read the poneglyph aloud so everyone recorded its information.

It explained about all the different races that appeared during and after the void century. It also explained which islands they could be found on which made Rodger excited to visit them. After that people who were friends with Rodger or people who were members of his crew like shanks would visit over the years and deliver more supplies. In exchange they would offer any types of eggs that they farmed on the island.

This led to a debate amongst the people on the tram about which cooking method was the best. Soft boiled, hard boiled, scrambled, fried, poached, shirred and lastly omelettes made you the political factions. Coincidentally they also made up the seven arts of the egg technique.

I asked about the technique as we approached the yolk district where people lived. When I heard it's description I couldn't help but compare it to tekkai but being much more powerful. The egg art hardens the skin to be stronger than steel and reinforced the organs for any impact. Tekkai tenses all the muscles and matches the defensive capabilities of the egg art. However the egg art still allows people to move by spinning and rolling at high speeds.

I then asked how come fukurou didn't know it which made the people in the trams faces darken. They told me to go find the chief FukuDani who is the leader of the island and the father of fukurou. After disembarking off the tram I found my crew exploring.

Quetzal was investigating the reptiles and sampling the eggs. Sugar was running around studying their culture and trading her berries for things. The berries where then taken to be analysed so they could farm them. Carina was investigating the storm shell phenomenon based on the eggra peoples research into it.

Muret and sofya went around tasting eggs as well as inquiring about the island more in-depth. They learned that the eggra people had begun mining underground and found the storm shells deposit for all the debris it collects over the years. Inside was minerals, aquatic life that survived the whirlpool, some rare ores and lastly some treasure chests gathered from some of the pirates and government who failed to enter in the past and their ships got destroyed.

We finally gathered and headed towards the chiefs house. All the houses are gigantic eggs with fencing surrounding them that resembles a birds nest. After knocked and were took to meet the chief he looks upset.

"So you know fukurou do you?" The girls looked at me and urged my explain. "Aye sir, I do. He is a member of cypher pole stationed at water 7. He's very arrogant and a little deranged". The chief then rubbed his head while exhaling deeply "that sounds like my retarded son alright" he then looked at me and flashed a wry smile showing off his teeth that resembled metal drills.

I asked him why fukurou wasn't well liked on the island. He then explained "fukurou was a moron among our people. He was arrogant and dismissive of our way of life because he couldn't keep up with everyone else. He couldn't perform any of the egg arts, he despised farming and often destroyed crops and he frowned upon reading and researching. Even though he was bad he still showed an arrogant attitude but it only increased when he found some world government propaganda."

He rubbed his forehead again "he was instantly brainwashed into believing it after reading a few of the books he found. He started preaching about justice and equality even though we already have it here. He complained about a lack of other races while ignoring explanations about how they couldn't get through the storm shell."

"When pirates came who were friends of Rodger he'd attack them and get crushed easily due to him refusing to train. When his mother offered to teach him personally he rebuked her and called her weak and pathetic. Broke her heart to see one of her children treat her that way so I beat him for such behaviour finally having enough of his attitude."

As I heard more of the story I couldn't help but feel the need to go beat fukurou myself. But alas the story continued "my son then tried brainwashing the younger generation about the ways of the world government while denouncing Rodger for his assistance to us years ago. The people had enough and decided to just ignore fukurou making him into a pariah. When shanks came to visit us and bring goods fukurou snook abroad his ship and left the island but not before burning several fields as a last act of defiance. I swore I would deck him one should he ever return".

Jesus that guy is an asshole, the girls are also clenching their fist in rage. I then asked him about why he would get so fixated on the government. FukuDani then told me "he found references about the tekkai technique, because fukurou couldn't perform the egg arts he assumed it was because our arts were in complete. He became desperate to learn the rokushiki but sadly we don't know them. Some pirates did but he attacked them in the name of justice or something."

"So power hungry, stupid, arrogant, son of the leader of his nation. Oh my god fukurou has a young master complex. I must slap him immediately!" The old man began laughing at that and said "your crew is welcome to stay, I saw you traded some of your rare berries and our people are very appreciative. I'm also glad to learn about my sons whereabouts. Is there anything I could do for you?"

"How long does the log pose take to register chief?" "About 3 days on average." "Can we stay here till then" he nodded with a smile. I then asked about the poneglyph and of his people have translated it. "The eggra people have tried using Rodgers translation to decipher the language however we need another poneglyph to make anymore headway I'm afraid".

"Can we possibly cop its texts, I know someone who has translated the language. I'll trade them to her in exchange for her teaching me the language". He looked shocked that someone cracked the code, I then explained to him about the history of Ohara which made him clench his teeth. The others in the room who had no idea about it were also shocked.

The chief exhaled "I'm so thankful for the storm shell, without it they may have also tried to buster call us. Please take a copy and help that poor girl should you find her". I nodded then got to work.

We managed to make a call connect with the other side and relayed our findings. What I heard from the other side was certainly shocking. Monet replies "Bellamy we found a young girl stuck in a bottle, she claims to be a chef. You interested in meeting her, the bottle is very strong and we don't want to shatter it lest we hurt her. I can cut it but didn't want to without your go ahead. We uncorked it and began feeding her berries."

I grinned "continue doing that, I'll return in three days. Till then I'll be training." If I'm correct I believe I found the next member of my crew.