Sea train

Bellamy spent the rest of the day observing the show that is the straw hats. Franky did track down Luffy and started fighting him just like in canon. Franky blew up the dock and luffy went to speak with Iceburg about being framed with the assassination.

Along the way Lami had joined Bellamy after she finished exploring the town. They decided to start filming the drama to the rest of the crew, Lami went and followed Iceburg so she could see the cypher pole agents and compare them to the others.

When she saw Lucci demonstrate his rokushiki she couldn't help but scoff. Her friends could do those techniques when they were children, she could do them as children. Though seimei kikan and rokougan were unexpected, she could examine their bodies thoroughly with observation haki.

She wasn't the crews doctor but she still had her upbringing and her parents teachings. She could tell that Lucci was augmenting his body and displayed insane control over his limbs. Intrigued by her findings she consulted Muret, Monet and Sofya about how that could be possible.

The scientists could only postulate that it could be done until Sofya explained how she saw one woman perform the technique for a celestial dragon. She made her fat and blood gather in sensual areas on her body to make herself more curvaceous as well as tweak her facial muscles to change her face.

Now all the girls wanted to learn it, with that technique they could eat as much as they want and not get fat because they could force their bodies to burn it off!

Back to Bellamy he sat in the ruins of Franky House listening to Usopps story about the Mary and then how he explained about the Klabautermann in Skypeia. Bellamy almost lost it when franky tossed him in the water and Usopp's nose floated to the surface.

CP9 arrived and started bragging about how the government knows all, complete bullshit~ Lami followed them and placed herself on Bellamy's lap.

"So what's the story lami?"

"They're searching for Pluton blue prints and then figured out that Franky had a name change."

"Oh? They won't find the blueprints."

"Huh? Why not?"

"I knocked franky out cause I was curious about his cyborg body. He has the plans stored inside him so I replaced them." Bellamy explained whilst Franky was kicked through a wall and CP9 began searching for the plans.

The den den mushi then whispered in Monet's voice "Bellamy you better bring me those plans! I'm quite interested in these ancient weapons. Oh did you get any of the cyborg schematics?"

"Nah not yet, I'll wait till these grunts leave." Bellamy concluded as Kaku let Mary sail away towards the giant tidal wave. When the CP9 dragged Franky and Usopp away Bellamy and Lami blurted around the wreckage.

Lami found the plans for Franky's cybernetics a long with some off Vega punks scribbling that Tom was holding onto. Bellamy flashed onto the Mary and swiped some off the tangos on it to sample them. With a chomp and a whimper of pleasure he decided to make his own plantation on his ship so messaged the crew.

He passed all the stuff he needed towards Lami and said to deliver it to the crew then join him on the sea train. They're went their separate ways, Bellamy managed to hide on the train and watched the men in suits pass him completely oblivious to his presence.

The only one who slightly reacted was Lucci's pidgeon but the bird then thought nothing off it. When Sanji arrived and freed Franky and Usopp Bellamy got a laugh out of Sogekings arrival because Franky stared at him intently. He remembered Bellamy telling him about how Sogeking wrecked Bluenos bar but then got over it when he realised Blueno is an enemy now.

Everything else went just like canon with Usopp speaking with Robin and Sanji fighting the snot guy. Bellamy just grinned as he saw Franky begin to become hyper as he was escorted onto enies Lobby. The second cocktail must be kicking in Bellamy though as he noticed Franky scratching himself.

Bellamy continued to follow everyone onto the island easily avoiding everyone's detection measures. Even the den den Mushi couldn't register his speed. Lami decided to travel on the Rocket man so she arrived later than Bellamy.

Once she touched down she made her way towards Bellamy by following his scent. Zoan users can be scary, she wondered how the CP9 members didn't notice him. He smells like sex and booze! She rolled her eyes thinking about people's incompetence.

When she found Bellamy she saw him glaring at a building that was at the centre of the island. "Why aren't we moving in?" She asked while Bellamy continued to glare.

She followed his eye line and found him staring at a small old man holding a hade staff while dressed in the CP9 uniform. Across from the man was a green haired individual rubbing his hands together producing some small sparks every so often, almost as if he was sharpening them.

She looked to Bellamy for explanation "the second guy is a zoan user, he openly bragged about it to Kaku who became a giraffe zoan. He ate the insect insect model praying mantis. His code name is hacker because of his preference of hacking his opponents to bits with his scythe hands."

Lami began to stare at Hacked much more intently, her twins swords tingled in amusement at her sides. She licked her lips at the prospect of fighting someone really strong. She nudged her lover to ask about why he was worried about the old man.

"That is Shifu, a grand master of the rokushiki style and code named red panda because of his size and tendency to be bathed in blood."

Lami grimaced a little at Bellamys tone, it was the kind he reserved for when he recited details from his granny's notes meaning that Shifu is high up among the government grunts.

"Anything else you know about him?" She asked only for Bellamy to continue.

"He has a good proficiency over the two types of Haki as he almost sensed me when I moved to follow them. That jade staff of his has sea stone dust mixed in with it. Lastly he's also a zoan."

"A zoan? Oh is he a red panda hahahahaha" Lami laughed trying to break the tense atmosphere around Bellamy. She managed to bring a smirk to his face.

"Close Lami, that's actually a small trick. Naming him Red panda and his small size would make people think he would remain small when he transforms. But he's not a red panda, I watched him transform and discipline the ones called Jabra and Lucci who also transformed.

He's eaten the Kuma Kuma model Panda, so when he transforms he balloons up massively and surpasses Lucci in height. That Devil fruit was also rumoured to assist in training armament Haki."

Lami may have to re-evaluate the old man, depending on how good he is at Haki he may give Bellamy a challenge. Then it would be down to devil fruit abilities. Could a bear zoan crush his spring for good?