Classic drink

Bellamys first stop of the day was Dock 1, he came upon a bar that was closed up showing that it was early in the day. The staff would normally be spending the morning to afternoon cleaning and restocking before swapping staff and opening for the night.

Bellamy landed silently whilst a wave of air left his feet to disperse his momentum. He smirked as he sensed that no one was in the bar currently. He walked towards the front door and extended a finger which began to turn a shiny metallic colour as it stretched and curled into the doors lock.

A spring lock pick, for ten seconds bellamy was twisting his wrist so the door unlocked... unfortunately that did not happen. "Ah right.... cypher pole agent". Bellamy said before he smashed the door in and entered anyway.

He ripped his finger out of the lock destroying it completely "lock picked~" he said in a gru voice. The interior of the bar was filled with the dust from the door debris. Bellamy walked over to the counter and hopped over it before he began searching for drinks.

Outside a man with blue hair was sprinting top speed on a mission before he ground to a halt. He looked at his friends bar that now spotted a massive gaping hole in the middle. He ground his teeth and said "Not cool!" Before storming in. It better not be those straw hat bastards, I already have one reason to crush them after what they did to my family! He thought angry.

Inside he found a large blonde dude mixing drinks and pouring them into containers before giving them a super shake. After the buckets filled with cocktails were shook he uncorked the lids of the them and drank away.

Frankie has to admit that that was pretty hard boiled, still thought this is his friends bar!

"Hey Asshole! What do you think your doing!" He screamed at the unknown blonde guy.

"Making a decent drink, I've gone to complex so maybe I should go for a classic~" the blonde guy said before he smacked a certain part of the bar opening the semi hidden mini fridge. Inside that fridge contained the nectar of the gods! Cola!

Maybe this guy isn't so bad Franky thought before the blonde guy pulled out a mug and emptied the cola into it then reached for rum. Franky felt like he was gonna explode in anger. He stormed towards the bar counter and grabbed the blonde guys muscular arm.

"The fuck are you doing to my cola!" Franky growled only to be met with a smirk. "Making a rum and coke? What never had one before?" The blonde asshole said as he began pouring the alcohol polluting the cola.

Franky was shocked as he had a death grip on the guys arm, he can bend steel thanks to his enhancements! The fuck is this guy?!?

The blonde guy then picked up the mug and swirled it slightly making the drink mix and darken slightly as the two combined. He licked his lips before he made motions to drink. Franky squeezes as hard as he can over clocking his reserves to make sure the drink ain't ruined.

"Hmm? Oh you want the first mug go for it!" Bellamy said as he abruptly changed his motion and forced the drink into Franky's mouth. Franky tried to yell his disagreements but that just made the drink slide down his throat.

Franky then began to jitter and glitch out slightly, his system is designed for cola! Other drinks drastically change which is why he refrains from alcohol. Franky is an abrasive guy who never shied away from throwing fists when he was normal, beer and whiskey make that ten times worse except he lacks the power behind his punches that good ol cola provides.

His friends tried mixing cola with other stuff before, the results are that he spazzs out and collapses. Bellamy watched the blue nudist cyborg collapse and begin to twitch crazily.

"Franky's body is nuts hahahahaha, I wonder what else I can do to it" Bellamy says as he begins poking and jabbing Franky. He poked a little too hard making Franky dislocate his shoulders which made rocket launchers.

His hands and knuckles as well as entire leg system can transform. When Bellamy kicked him in the nuts his chest compartment opened up revealing the pluton plans. Bellamy stares at them before storing them away.

He goes into his jacket pocket and retrieves some photographs. It was unbrithing footage of shanks and stussy. "Spandam would think that the secrets of Pluto are in big moms coochie, she does name all her main homies after greek and Roman gods." Bellamy said before writing that exact detail on the photos. Some morons in the world government would try to check, even better if a celestial dragon wanted them to check!

Oh it's all coming together, Bellamy whipped out a monkey den den Mushi and told some off his followers to spread the word around the celestial dragons about how big moms genitals contain the ancient weapons. Those retards would make an admiral go up there to check.

Bellamy carefully tucked the photos and related bullshit into Franky's chest compartment. He tried shutting it but it wouldn't close so Bellamy kicked him in the nuts again. *kachank* ah so that's how he locks his safe~

Next Bellamy pushed his abs making them open up. Inside was three near empty bottles of cola, so like a Good Samaritan that Bellamy is he replaced them. The first bottle was replaced with normal cola, the second one however was the original recipe of Coca Cola with an entire brick of cocaine stirred into it. Franky is gonna peel his fake skin off and it'll be hilarious when he starts using the second one as a power source.

The third bottle however Bellamy drank himself before disappearing behind the counter. He filled the bottle with vodka citron, cranberry juice, Cointreau and fresh lime juice. He also dropped in a few ice cubes to keep it chilled. Yep he's shoving a cosmopolitan into Franky. Should he add flibanserin for shits and giggles? Hell yes.

Bellamy disappeared to find Monet who was still sore from their last run on the going horny. He asked for the chemical and swiftly returned before mixing the last drink and shoving all that shit into Franky. He drains one bottle at a time unless he's overclocking so the second two drinks shouldn't kick in right away.

Just as the drinks compartment shut Franky began to wake up. He grumbled slightly intoxicated "wha happen?" Like Mickey Mouse.

Bellamy being a good friend patted his shoulder trying not to dislocate it again. "You came in looking for blueno to see if he knew the straw hats location then drank what you thought was a bottle of cola but was spiked with rum by a guy called Sogeking who is close to the straw hats. He heard how you were gonna mess them up for hurting your family."

Franky began to feel unyielding rage again so Bellamy pointed him to the door "sogeking then blasted the door with his {firebird star} and went after the captain Luffy. He should be nearby, he's wearing a red vest and shorts with a straw hat. Can't miss em"

Franky sprang up with a "Superrrrrr!" Before turning around "thanks for the help blonde guy. Imma unalive those straw hats!" Franky yelled before taking off back into the streets.

Bellamy merely thought "unalive them, awa shit is he the 4kids version. Now I definitely won't feel bad about what's gonna happen" before he went back to mixing alcohol. He's gotta load up for the new ship, he's a pirate so of course he's gonna steal it.