Approaching Water 7

As the running horny (the ship that the crew uses) approaches Water 7 Bellamy can't help but trace his fingers down the wooden rails of the ship in the captains cabin. While it may not seem like a long time it has been a year and a half since he left his granny.

This ship has served as shelter for his crew and he will always be grateful for that. He could practically feel the buzz from the ship in appreciation for the compliment. Perhaps the ship may possess a Klabautermann like the going Merry does. A ship named running horny having a spirit is a little worrisome to think about.

Bellamy strolled through the individual rooms of the ship; the dining area, the skeleton crews dormitory, the labs reserved for medical practices, the music room and senor's families section of the ship. The storage room and the treasury, the navigation suite, the ammunition's room and finally Bellamy bounced up and checked the crows nest.

On the wood he found small carvings of the crew presumably made by Gimlet. He and monet would be the only ones up here anyway. Bellamy was snapped from his thoughts as he heard a *Vwoo! Vwoo!* noise echo out. It gave him flash backs of the polar express movie he watched in first life.

The sea train was rushing along the tracks in the distance, it's marvelling that such a piece of engineering can exist. Bellamy always assumed that the government would start developing Blimps for getting around at one point rather than a train. Morgans was actually in the process of developing one, maybe he should speak to iceberg about it.

Bellamy dropped down onto the deck and said "status report" before Muret and Lami appeared next to him displaying their accomplishments in the rokushiki. Erasing the noise of soru and geppo displays peak mastery.

Muret spoke "We're approaching Water 7 on schedule. The rest of the girls are packing away their things so that the ship can be deconstructed and merged with the next project."

Bellamy nodded before looking at Lami the navigator for further explanation. "The Agua Laguna should be approaching slightly ahead of the annual schedule but this isn't new as grand line weather can have mild fluctuations."

Bellamy nodded "will we have any issues making port or setting sail?"

"No Captain! We learned the correct docking area beforehand so we should make port easily. As for setting sail I can't state clearly without seeing the new ship!"

Bellamy turned back to Muret and asked "what's Mani upto then? Surely Carina could transport or store the vaults contents?"

"She is actually making some adjustments to the skeleton crew, we didn't replace them at the last island so she's pondering her next actions. The next ship may be bigger therefore we'll require more of them."

Bellamy thought before stating "Quetzalcoatl and Sofya should be free, ask them to give a hand if they're not helping Monet gather her lab equipment."

They nodded before blitzing off for their tasks as Bellamy went towards the bow of the Pembroke. That's the little figure at the front of the ship, the running horny has a drooling mutt for their figure. Bellamy sat atop it and held onto the figures ears while waiting for the approach.

The rest of the time docking past in a blur. Once they'd docked Bellamy assigned roles as per usual. Muret, Quetzalcoatl, Carina and Sofya left to trade off any of the loose loot in the vault as Water 7 has a good trade system.

The senor family left to explore like they normally do whilst lily and Mani went to find ingredients local to here such as the all blue salt. Sugar decided to accompany them as she observed the landscapes designed to handle the aqua Laguna. So Bellamy went to the lab and found Monet moving the last of the lab stuff into a golden ring portal. It moved all the valuables to a secure location marked by Mani.

Monet turned towards Bellamy and spoke with a smile "I'm going to miss this ship!"

Bellamy smiled and replied "me too, it's come a long way from being a repurposed Marine Cruiser. Muret said that the Galley-La company would come and dismantle her whilst taking extra precaution with the sea stone at the bottom."

Monet tilted her head "didn't you get some more of the sea stone ingots at Harambolo?"

"Yeah but a bigger ship needs bigger stones~" he joked making her giggle and cover her mouth. She then spoke in a sultry tone "speaking of stones~ yours could be doing with a polish. Whata ya say? One last round on the going horny~".

Bellamy just smiled as he dropped his blue captains coat and approached her before sweeping her up in his arms. She squealed "Kyaa~" to arouse him which worked wonderfully.

Her lab coat flew off followed by her tank top and her yellow cut up pants. All the sailors around the ports heard muffled moans coming from the ship that was jostling from side to side much more than a normal docked ship should.

When the rest of the crew returned they found an exhausted Monet and a smiling Bellamy. The other girls looked at Monet with unhidden jealousy. Bellamy then asked for their findings off the island which revealed that Iceburg had been shot last night by the straw hats or at least that's what the sheeple claimed.

Bellamy smiles wildly "alright split up, some off you case the Galley-La company and ensure our ship hasn't been tampered with. Mani and Carina get to spreading your jewellery! Quetzal and Sofya look out for any good shipwrights and blacksmiths that we could add to the crew. Start from the slums and well your way in.

As for the rest of you scower the island for Cypher pole, we all know how they operate so they should be easy picking. Russian and Gimlet I want you to secure a hotel for the night whilst Senor can check in with under world contacts. I'm going for a walk~". And with that Bellamy began bouncing away exploring water 7.