The cuntroller

Three weeks where spent on the island of Harambolo as Bellamy fixed the underworld to be more favourable. Using the underworld connections he was able to source a lot of high quality goods for the implementation of his dream ship.

The information network now matches the revolutionary armies and the world governments due to the girls using their devil fruits to spread out their jewellery. The underworld also had a lot of stuff on the black market such as notes from illegal medical practices, rare food items that are extremity beneficial for growth, top shelf weaponry, new world navigational charts, government build schematics and much more.

Across the word the slave and drug trades changed immensely with children vanishing from both fronts. Criminals who went against the big bananas new orders were the ones who ended up being sold.

Monet began raking in a fortune herself after she released viagra onto the market along with several other aphrodisiacs. Not to mention the super shitter drug compound that Bellamy doused Magellan with, many pirates and revolutionaries have begun purchasing the stuff in bulk.

Bellamy spent his time abusing the passioné power that he tapped into through jojo posing. He basically brainwashed the family heads and settled their major disputes before dividing up territory more effectively, Lami helped immensely on that front with her using navigational skills to find better areas. Sugar also flexed her architecture talent and helped design new bases that could hide stuff more effectively.

Each family took over a specific underworld sector and was allowed certain space on each island to operate. If local competition arises it's upto that family to handle it either through assimilation or destruction.

The third major change that Bellamy made was outing stussy as a government spy. The head of the pleasure sector means she has access to a major information network utilised by the underworld. So the mafia assigned their best haki users to capture her then whipped out a devil fruit user who ate the skim skim fruit, a devil fruit that allows some to skim or swipe surfaces which include surface thoughts.

Once the interrogators failed to get info on her details Bellamy entered the room with narrowed eyes. He looked at her and said "stussy you better talk now before I do something unspeakable!"

She glared at him "I've read the files Satan Bellamy! There's no way you'll make me talk!"

"Oho? Well then let me make a call~" he said playfully before leaving to find a den den Mushi. He made a call to his old friend Barak and informed him that he needed his services. All Barak needed to hear was cypher pole before he arrived on the island.

Within thirty minutes Stussy saw true horror as Bellamy have her a swirly in Magellan's toilet before teleporting her near big mom and repeating what happened to shanks with stussy. CP or not she was never trained to be used as a chew toy for a giants lower mouth.

Much like shanks she managed to burst out of their like a bat out of hell. When she looked at her old friend LinLin who she attended many tea parties worth she shivered when she saw a purple flint pass through her eyes and watched her lick her lips. Big mom then hummed in pleasure "first I get a new man~ then I get a new lady lover~ I'm having such good luck lately".

Stussy was terrified and abused her rokushiki go get back to Bellamy before he teleported away. Once back on Harambolo she squealed on every agents location and every government dealing. The mafia heads looked at Bellamy with cult like awe, who uses an emperor as an interrogation tactic?!? The big banana that's who!

So to reward Stussy for her honesty he had sent Stussy straight to shanks bedroom aboard the red force. That's shanks ship, he awoke in a panic after hearing the familiar teleporting noise that generated his nightmares. When he found a terrified blonde woman covered in vaginal discharge he understood immediately what happened.

They have shared the same pain! He approached her and wrapped his captains cloak around her and began to dry her with care. Stussy broke down and told him about what Bellamy had done which further fuelled Shanks growing ire for Bellamy. A week later big moms butt buddies ended up finding a relationship in each other much to the crews approval. However all was not well with the red hair pirates, the fire natio— big mom attacked with more fervour when she learned her two lovers where in the same place.

Back to Bellamy he finished purging the underworld and establishing all the connections he needs. The crew boarded the ship to head towards Water 7, while on Harambolo Bellamy used the underworld contacts to place an order with iceberg for his dream ship.

All the materials where delivered illegally and the men selected to work on it where all underworld approved so now all the Metallix pirates need to do is arrive and deal with the straw hats and their cp9 face off. By the time they arrive enies lobby arc should begin. Bellamy clenched his fist in preparation, he can't wait to punch spandam or as he's known in the underworld the cuntroller as hard as he can.

Bellamy also grinned as he thought about something vital that the old men of the mafia told him about. Conqueror haki weaponisation! When he died the wano arc wasn't the that developed so he only learned about ryou! Now he needs to train against someone powerful to hone the ability.

Fortunately Stussy informed him about the two hidden members of CP9 who were moved to the island recently after learning of bellamys proximity. The rokushiki grandmaster and an insect zoan user!