I stared at the ceiling blankly. I felt my phone vibrated on my side. I looked at it and saw Vin's message. She said she misses me. Aww, this kid's too cute. After talking for almost an hour, she told me that her teacher was there already.

I returned to what I was doing earlier, staring at the ceiling. I, unconsciously, fell asleep.

I woke up when I felt another vibration. I opened my eyes and saw a video call request from Vin. I answered it while still yawning.

"What do you need? I'm still sleepy." I said bluntly. She said sorry immediately and turned off the call. I resumed to my sleep and got lost in my own safe haven again.


A cold bucket of water made me shiver and open my eyes.

"Wake up now, dumbass." I saw Den's innocent face yet savage attitude.

"What time is it?" I asked her as I rub my eyes.

"It's 6 am." My eyes widen. I was asleep for a day?! She showed me her phone. My jaw dropped.

"Oh crap!" I immediately ran to the bathroom and took a bath. After finishing my morning routine, I ran downstairs and sat in the dining room.

"Oh, you wake up early." My father said. I looked at her, puzzled. "It's only half past five." My eyes widen more. I looked at Den and saw Mav beside her laughing.

"Sit with us, girls." My father said and shook his head. "Hey! I was sleeping soundly but—ugh!" I groaned out of frustration. But these girls just laughed at me.

"Why? What happened?"

"Dad! These girls! They pranked me. Threw a pail of cold water at me and said it's already 6 am." I whined like a kid. My father laughed at my trance.

"You slept for a day and didn't eat. That's why I asked them to wake you up." My father said which made me look at him hopelessly. "How can you do this to me?" I asked dramatically. They all laughed at me.

"Eat now, people." My mom served the food and some glass of milk. I pigged out and drank two glasses of milk.

"Be sure to eat lunch properly, Yuri. I can't bear to see you again lying in a hospital bed, okay?" My mom said and gave me my daily allowance. "Girls, be sure to let her eat properly. I'm trusting you in this. She must not skip any meal and drink a lot of water." My mom continued. Mav and Den nodded simultaneously.

We bid them goodbye and walked to school. We were constantly bickering and laughing along the way.

"Yuri!" Vin waved at me happily. I waved back at her and smiled. She ran to her room fast right after.

"You seemed close." Mav commented. I nodded and smiled.

"She's such a sweet and kind kid." I retorted. They gave me that meaningful look but I just slapped their forehead. "Don't deny it, Yuri." Mav wiggled her eyebrows and smiled at me playfully. I rolled my eyes at her but they just laughed at me.

Our classmates stopped when I entered the room.


I smiled at them and bowed. They went to me one by one and asked me if I am well. I nodded and smiled.

"No need to worry about me, everyone." I smiled at them again and they returned to what they are doing.

After some stretching, I asked some of my classmates who will dance too to teach me the steps I missed. They gladly taught me and watched me recall the steps. They taught me the timing too and we practiced together for me to know the positions. I thanked them after. I drank some water and changed clothes after.

"Yuri, come here please." I immediately attended to one of my classmates who are assigned to do the costume of the dancers. She measured the length of my arms, shoulders and some more. "Thank you." She went back to her place after. I rested for almost an hour before they called me in to practice as a whole.

We did some recalling and fixed some positions. After having a run in our classroom, we practiced outside our building. We positioned ourselves in the field and practiced there. I was in the front all the time.

"Yuri!" I scanned the whole place to search for that familiar voice. That blue-haired girl is waving at me. I waved back at her, she ran to me and handed me a bottle of energy drink before running back to her building. I drank some before going back to practice. We practiced for three hours again before they ended our practice. I sat at one of the benches to rest. Mav and Den sat beside me, they'll dance too.

"That blue-haired girl seems to care about you a lot." I shook my head at Den's statement.

"She's normally like that to her friends. Nothing special, don't worry." I said.

"Mama!" We heard that voice again which made us look. Vin is with Jay. "I bought your favorite." She showed a paper bag to Jay.

"See." I pointed it out to Mav and Den. "She's like that to all her friends." I explained it.

We sat there silently and enjoyed the coldness of the wind. After resting, we went to the canteen and ate. These girls fed me with so much food. Giving me fruits and serving me vegetables with meat. They also gave me a small box of orange juice and a cup of yogurt. They also gave me a bottle of water. I was about to complain but they scolded me.

I got no choice but to eat all of it. They're scaring the hell outta me. Watching every spoon of food I swallow while biting on their pie. These girls know how to intimidate me. After finishing it all, I burped silently and stood up. We walked slowly and sat at our seats. The others are starting to help in making the costumes and props. They got a lot to do. While me, sitting here like a disabled human because of too much food I feel my stomach will turn upside-down if I move. I want to help too. I pouted at that thought. I just watched them from afar and examined every move they make.

Some were sewing using their portable sewing machine. Some are tracing the fabric. Some are adding decorations to the clothes and some are making adjustments at the clothes that were just made. Everyone is so busy yet here I am, can't even move properly. I tried to move from my chair and stand up. I did it successfully, I sat at the floor with the others and asked them what can I do. They asked me to cut the traced fabric. I searched for a scissor and started to cut it. After a while, I finished cutting and watched the sewing machine's magic do the work of binding the pieces of cloth together. I'm amazed by how the machine works. One of the dressmakers saw me staring and asked me if I want to try it. I smiled and shook my head.

"I was just amazed."