“Aren’t you going to wake up now, Abia?”
“I don’t want to,” I answered lazily and then looked around.
When they are still not the Elder of our clan, they look harmless- those old jerks- Uno, Dos, and Tres. We’re happy way back then but not until they finally succeed in getting the position they wanted. When Eder Ad, Elder Ba, and Elder Ca was the one who’s in Elder position there is no pain, no secret, no dirty tricks. They’re an upright people after all.
For me, they’re really a great Elder.
“When you grow up, do you want to be like us? An elder, Avalene?” Elder Ad asked me and I shook my head.
“Then you want to be a leader?” Elder Ba asked and I shook my head once again.
“A normal Lancaster? You don’t want to have a position?” Elder Ca asked and then I nodded my head.
They knew that I had no interest in politics so they left me alone and never asked me again. They are old enough to handle their position so they retired and give their position on those old jerks Elder. Those elder that I respect too much died for an unknown reason, I was heartbroken that time because they’re the one who is always there for me aside from my family. The death of those former Elders was unknown for everyone but not me, I saw how those current old jerks Elder killed those former ones. That is the reason why I hated them the most, Elders should have the cleanest and pure hands since they’re the ones who will give an opinion and suggestion to the leader but the current one? Their hands were full of drops of blood.
“Do you remember what happened before?” Cephenrene asked me and I nodded. “You will really never forget, that right?”
“Denim is not the only enemy we have; we also have one in Lancaster clan. The one who is thirsty for power.” I replied to him and he nodded and gave me a rose tea.
“I can’t blame you for keeping your grudge against them. Such people deserve to die.” She agreed with me and then I drank the tea she gave me.
One time I accidentally went to a room which I should not be because I am too busy looking for a good book to read. Then, in that room, I heard them talking.
“We’ve really found a way to control the Denim.” I heard Elder Uno said.
“That’s right. I think we also should get the right formula to make them a good person again. Still, controlled by us.” Elder Dos said.
“Everything will be ours, even the clan.” I heard Elder Tres said.
Unfortunately, I heard it all. They are the reason why the good people become worse and at that time I almost got caught. I just broke a glass and because it was empty, I immediately run away. Because it is also too risky to left the library, I faked myself sleeping in the living room and then put the book on my chest.
I just did not expect that I could really fell asleep for real. I was too desperate that time that I did not notice that I really fell asleep and when I woke up, I was already in my room.
“Do you know where they do that sinister research?” She asked me and then I shook my head.
“I don’t know where it is. If I know, I already raid that place. I just feel like it’s just near. I know that I am being watched and my movement is limited and only one wrong move, it will be my dead end.” I said and then sipped a tea.
“As if I will allow it to happen. I am your taika, I will protect you no matter what happens.”
“Chessy. What do you need?”
“You really hate me saying something cheesy.” Then she raised her eyebrow. “I need information about the lost island.” I just shrug my head slowly with a smile on my face with her favor and then said.
“I thought you don’t want to wake up.” I looked at Jenny who is arranging my things, “I know you only want to sleep because today is Saturday but I don’t think you’re like this.” She added.
I sat down. Maybe I should not avoid her because when I do that, I will be the one who will have a hard time, how so? Because she will never leave me alone.
“Did you see someone running on the oval?” She looked at me and then after a while, she nodded her head.
“I did see someone running there. If I am not mistaken, it’s Hyokin,” then she gave me a surprised look, “Don’t tell me you’re going to teach them?”
I shrugged my head and said, “No, only the low-level Lancaster.” And then she gave me a set of grapes.
“Go and it these. After you eat it you can go to the cafeteria to have your lunch.” She said and then I just nod my head, too lazy to answer.
“Wait, I have some favor for you.” Her eyes shined when I ask her a favor and then she gave me a huge smile. “Your taika, isn’t it about invisibility? Can you be invisible while your presence or your aura is unnoticed?” and then she nods her head again. “Did you already master it?”
“Yup, a year ago.” She said and then she stood up. “Why? Is your favor related to my taika?”
I nodded and said, “It is. I just want you to watch Hyokin’s every move. You list down all the works he had. The numbers of his run, sit-ups, and other activities. I have this feeling that he might cheat me.”
She laughs softly, “Is that what you do on your training?”
I smirk and nod, “Yes, it is. But then my Grandparents will notice it no matter how hard I tried to keep it a secret.” And she laughs.
“Well, your Grandparents were powerful, you can hide something from them.” I just nod at her as I also agree with that.
“Are you going to do it?” I asked.
She nods, “Of course, I will. It’s no problem after all. It’s a small thing.”
This girl looks like a crazy one and you will mistake her for a crazy woman if you don’t know her personality. Before she left me, she said that she’s happy that I can finally be able to trust her. It’s a small favor but it’s a big deal for me. She thinks that I am already accepting her and trusted her but little did she know that I am just using her.
Wait, why do I feel uncomfortable when I said that I am just only using her? Did I really accept her as my friend? Did I really trust her? Oh well, whatever.
I took a bath, got dressed, and ready myself, also, before I left the room, I must put my eyepatch on my left eye. Well, even though someone will come in without me knowing they won’t be able to see my left eye because I trained it. It will close automatically when someone I am not comfortable with suddenly appeared right before me.
I left the room and immediately walked to the cafeteria to have lunch, well, I woke up late so it’s not breakfasting anymore. I used the back door so that no one will notice me that I entered the cafeteria, also, I ordered too fast that they won’t be able to recognize me and then sat on the corner and the darkest part of the cafeteria.
When the noisy cafeteria became wild, I know that they’re there. “Ah, I think I have to go. The students here were gone crazy, it’s the sign that those bunch of weak class S was already here.”
I did not finish my meal and just took my drinks and the three sandwiches that I have and left the room. If I didn’t leave immediately my ears would hurt so bad from those screams of the students who idolized those weak class S., I sat down in the shade of the thee and my place where be able to see the whole oval. I can see Hyokin struggling to support himself while running.
“Avalene~” a creepy voice whispered in my left ear and if it is someone else in my position right now, they would run away for sure.
Too bad, it’s me. Also, I know who’s the person whispered in my left ear. Even though I can see here and I can’t feel her presence, I still have my own way to detect her aura.
“Stop teasing me, Jenny. If I were you, I would stop right now, or else you’re going to cry for mercy when I am the one who took the opportunity to scare you.” I said.
I heard her giggled and then out of nowhere, she appeared in front of me and then handed me the paper I gave her earlier.
“He already runs eighty-seven laps and if the other would know that they would faint.” She said and looked at the person who is now running in the oval. “He looks determined.” She added.
Determination is not the only thing that you need to be strong, you have to be patient, able to adapt to different environments, agility, strength, and many more. Determination is just one of the recipes.
“This is the first time I saw Hyokin run like crazy.”
Ah, I’m dead, they’re finally here. That voice was coming from their healer named Heal.
“Geez, he just wanted to show off his skills.” That bratty bitch said.
I don’t know what kind of home they have because of their selfishness but I just want to punch them and knock them on their feet. They really annoyed the hell out of me.
“Are you really not going to teach us?” The guy named Albin asked me. well, he’s the one who has a gut to hold my arms. I admire him for that.
“No.” I immediately answered.
I thought that he would leave me alone after I answered his question but I am wrong. He asked once again. “Why?”
“Why? Well, no specific reason. I just don’t want to.” I said and left with Jenny. When we finally out of their sight I turned around and faced Jenny.
“What?” She asked in surprise.
“I want you to use your taika to monitory Hyokin as well as to know their conversation,” I said, and then she smiled at me and then disappeared in front of me.
Today is Saturday so many of the students were in the City, shopping, eating, and enjoying their weekends, but me? I have no plan to enjoy it, I just wanted to go to a place where I can finally feel at ease and calm myself down. To my mother and father’s grave.