
Author note.

Hello, my dear readers, I'm dropping this note to inform you that I started a new novel called, The Masked Vampire. Don't forget to add it to your library, Review it and leave your comments.

Also, Don't forget to review this novel as well.

Thank you.


Five minutes later, A maid came to Patel's room with a letter in her hands. After handing her the letter, The maid left.

Patel opened the letter and read it. It was from Noah.

"Come to the garden, I have something I want to give you."

Folding the letter back, Patel walked towards the world window and took a look outside the window. Noah was sitting there on a bench with a warped black box in his hands.

Patel hesitated for a minute before she decided to go, She felt it will be impolite to not go when he is already waiting for her.


In the garden, Noah was waiting for Patel to come. He had brought her a gift and wanted to give it to her personally but at the time he didn't want to make her feel embarrassed, But it was just a small gift so there would be nothing to be embarrassed about, He thought to himself.

Seeing her walking towards him, Noah was captivated by her beauty. Suddenly he felt that he couldn't breathe, A strange feeling that he had never felt before.

Patel noticed the way that Noah was looking at her and it made her feel uncomfortable, The last thing she wants is to be involved with this family.

When she arrived at where Noah was sitting, He asked her to sit down and saw him take out a small notebook and a pen and start to write down something before he showed it to her.

"I apologize if I bothered you by asking you to come here, I brought you a gift."

Patel read what he wrote and looked at him confused.

A gift, For her!

But why? She asked herself.

Before she could do anything, Noah handed her the black warped box and she took it and watched him as he wrote something else in the notebook.

"Open it." And she did, She unwarped the box and was surprised to see what lies inside the box.

It was a new phone that he brought to her, Patel looked up at him, pointed at her and then the box, Asking him if this was for her and he nodded his head before he started to write something else.

"It's a welcome gift, Since you will be living here, I already saved my number in it, If you need anything, You can text me." He wrote and showed it to her.

After reading what he wrote, Patel placed the phone boxes on the bench and took the book note and the pen and started to write something, and showed it to him.

"Thank you." She wrote.

Reading what she wrote, Noah offered her a polite smile. He was happy that she didn't refuse his gift.