In a room that was dimly lit because of the minuscule rays of the sun that tore through the curtain hitting the room, A young man was snoring peacefully on his bed when he woke up with a jolt and looked around,

soon enough various memories assaulted his minds as he gritted his teeth and rolled on the floor

After he cleaned the whole floor by doing the squirm dance on it he was finally able to get rid of the pain.it seems as if he has been transmigrated into another world. in this world the law of jungle is the highest rule there is.

A long time ago, this world which was in its 20th century was hit with an awful tragedy.

Several cracks opened up in the sky and soon enough pillars of light hit the earth with merciless might ravaging it. But that was not all as soon enough monsters or now called as beasts started coming out of it, Just as it looked like humanity was seeing its last days, by the grace of God, humans of the upper realm descended and helped the humans of the lower realms and soon enough the modern world changed into a world that had the element of cultivation.

Now humans had the power to defend their world.

"Jin Yu, come downstairs and have your breakfast already, it's getting late"

Jin Yu heard the voice and instantly recognized it as the previous soul's mother, Now she was his mother as well, due to all the memories, he also gained the previous owner's emotions

From what he saw from his memories, he was a below-average talent human, unlike his father who was above average and earned enough to feed his family.

He was the older son of the two brothers of this small family, his father knew that his son would not amount to much in his life, so he had set up a shop for his son, a cultivation shop to be specific.

Along with that Jin Yu was also attending the saw hawks Academy, which is more like a sect, to be honest, but that can be discussed later

Jin Yu starts solving down on the breakfast like a hungry wolf, after finishing his meal he notices that something is off so he looks up to see that everyone is looking at him as if he is a monster


"You did not do the prayers" his mother scolds him before he walks back up to his rooms and wears his academy uniform.

the uniform has a few patches because it is a normal uniform and does not have any rune inscribed on it.

Runes are used to affect the world by writing specific symbols. Jin Yu is also learning Runes but he can't even write them to perfection which further shoes his talent.

If it were half a year ago he would have been able to buy a new uniform but now everything has changed since his younger brother has better cultivation talent then him which is the reason that his father is more focused on his younger brother and stuff like that.

It is a blessing that his family is loving or else he might have already been thrown out of the house.

'I am a loser ain't I..' Jim Yu closes his house door and sets off to his shop first since he has evening classes.

Not like he can do much anyways, the previous had thought of quitting the Academy many times but still stuck with it for the sake of a better future.

As Jin Yu passed by the market he could not help but marvel at the sight of people wearing fancy eastern clothes, some even wore robes, some people were calling customers to sell their products and others were playing musical instruments earning their daily bread.

He passed by all the shops in the market and after crossing three more blocks he came to a stop. This place was his store, this was all he had

He took out the keys and unlocked the place, there was a Rank 2 lock set up which can be broken pretty easily. He came inside the store and sighed as he referenced his memories and looked at the poor store

'Life is hard'

Not having much of a hope he flipped the sign and turned the lights on and started cleaning up the place while he was at it.

He did not have enough money to earn a profit much less get himself a janitor.

After cleaning the store he sat on the counter,

he looked at the store once again and saw some things that he was selling or more like this body's previous owner was selling.

He looked at the rack that had wooden lips which had weird symbols on it, After going through his memories he found out that these were his handmade Talismans

Even though these Talismans might be considered trash but he was still excited by the fantasy world he found himself in

He took one of the Talisman and looked at it, after a moment he remembered that this was a talisman that can produce some fire

All one needed to do was inject some energy into it

Jim Yu injected some of his energy into the talisman and it lights on fire magically causing him to bounce up and down like a kid on a Christmas.

'Wait a moment I just used my energy, I am also a cultivator how could I forget this' he thought as he slapped his head

He closed his eyes and started concentrating, after a moment he could feel some kind of warm energy roaming inside his body, it was like a small thin stream of hot water was in his body.

He opened his eyes and decided to completely go through all his memories so that he does not embarrass s himself in front of someone.

After some time he finally got to review his memories , He got some information about this world

It seems that this world follows the common cultivation trope. You use energy to become stronger and breakthrough stages of cultivation to become stronger.

Currently, he was in body tempering peak stage which was the lowest realm there was, just like its name suggested, in this stage or realm one had no cool ability and only concentrated on increasing their physical prowess.

Jingu was a talentless individual who despite being 18 years old did not even cross through the body tempering stage

He was also trying to be an Artisan, one who used runes or symbols to affect the world, But despite trying so hard he was only barely getting by,

Jin Yu was rolling in regret because he was reincarnated in a talentless body and now was doomed to stay as a common person, namely a cannon fodder

Just as he was about to die of regret a voice brought him out of his stupor

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