Golden Fingers

"Host found...system is now online"

Jin Yu was surprised by the sudden voice in his head but it seemed like the system did not take his mental health into mind and continued

"Host has been chosen by the system to be the strongest and the best departmental store owner in the whole universe "

"Scannin the primary store owned by host....the store has faulty prodeucts"

"Faulty is that possible,although they are low level products but they are not faulty" Jin Yu questioned the system but the system ignored him and did something the scarred the poor Jin's mind for days to come

"Getting rid of all the faulty products,All the products must be made by the owner ,providing helpful facilities and skills to the host....Questionable cultivation detected....providing host with the best cultivation technique in the whole realm" said the sysem.

'Huh , myriad immortals cultivation technique ,is this the technique provided by the system' thought Jin Yu as he went through it

"Host is advised to get a tutorial of the facilities provided by System and prepare new profucts for customers" said the system

[New mission unlocked

-Look around the store and get familiar

-Make Twenty Rank 1 talisman

-Sell twenty Talisman ]

Jin Yu was surprised by what the mission said

make twenty talisman,even if they were only rank one ,they were still difficult to make and not to mention that he was a complete failure,his success rate for even a lousy rank 1 talisman was only 2 to 4 percent.

he could not help but curse the system since the store was completely empty now due to the system

"Host is advised to be cautios of his temper"

"You just completely wiped out my store and expect me to be ok about this"

"Host is advised to look around the facilities ,second warning"

Jin Yu grew a little vary and decided to take a look at the facikities since whatever the system provided would probably be better than what he had

He went to the back of the store and instinctually knew what room had what

There were four rooms ,each of them had a title on them

Artisan room

Blacksmith room

Cultivation room

Beast room

Jin Yu also noticed that his whole store was atkeast two to three times bigger on the inside which made him surprised since space expansion was very rare skill in any form

But it all made sense since this was done by the system.Jin Yu opened the Artisan room with hopeful eyes,once he was inside he saw various shelves which were empty ,

on the opposite walls there were various books with words like Rank1 , 2 ,3 written on them,Jin Yu quickly picked up tge Rank 1 book and as soon as he picked it up he was met with a system interface that showed jim the whole context of the book.

This was a book that had all Rank 1 talisman instructions on it and how to make them and stuff he was completely mesmerized by the book

He also noticed Rune books and other similar books that an Artisan might need on it

He looked through the book and decided to try and make a simple talisman,it was a rank 1 warm spell ,usually used by the mortals to warm their homes at cold nights

As soon as he though of learning the skill he was brought to another dimension

"What is this place?"

"This is the Learning centre for the host to hone his skill to become the best Artisan"

Several slips of wood and paper were in front of him along with a simple pen and monster blood

He pucked up the Talisman slip and started practicing his talisman skills hoping that he would be able to do it but it seems like he was still the same old failure

"System i am not talented enough to make the talisman,can you help me out a little bit"

Jin waited but there was not reply from the system which made him a little disappointed, He went out of tge training dimension with a thought and decided to leave the Artisan room

Just like that the blacksmith area was also filled with some books and the beast room was completely empty with nothing in it

In the end he finally went into the cultivation room

On the sude of the door there was a dial wirh several numbers on it ,currwntly it was at 2 ,he was able to feel the rather high amount of energy in the room and decixed to cultivate according to the manual given to him by the system

He sat cross legged on the white floor and started doing his cultivation according to the technique.

What Jin Yu did not know was that this cultivation technique was at the pinnacle of cultivation technique in all of realms

if and immortal were to know that a mortal like Jin yu had this technique then he might just die of shock.

Time passed and Jin Yu kept cultivating ,needless to say if someone were present in the room they would be shocjed at Jin Yu's looked like cultivating was just some random game for Jin Yu

Body tempering peak stage




Energy temperjng beginning



Energy tempering middle stage

Energy gathering Peak stage

Jin Yu opened his eyes as a torrent of myriad colors of energy broke out from within him, he was surprised by his cultivation speed

Reaching the Energy tempering stage peak with his talent in just what seemed to be three to four hours was insane,that was not all Jin Yu could feel something different about himself but he could not put his hands on it

He was just so excited about this, maybe he could even go to explore the portals now since he was strong enough.Only god knows what would have happened if he had turned the dial to 4.

He went outside and looked at the time,it seemed like now was the time to go to the sect/academy that he was a part of,not like the store had anything yo sell in it anyways

He quickly closed down the shop and walked two blocks back to his home and took a bus to his academy

Jin Yu could feel the tremendous energy of his body and his Spiritual Qicpursing throuh him,he wanted to test his strength but refrained from doing so at this moment

He has to arrive at the classroom in time

What Jin Yu was not able to feel was the fact that the cultivation technique not only Made him stronger it made his talent go up as well though that is a tale for later