It is so easy!

Jin Yu could not help but be shocked at the sight of the grand building in front of him,it was so breathtakingly beautiful.

People dr3ssed in uniform like hia were walking in and out of the building ,After a while Jin Yu walked in on the building

Using his memories he quickly made his way into the class he was part of,it was called Artisan F class since the academy just accepted these last batch of students for extra cash

Typical modern day strategy to use education as business,but what can Jin Yu do about this,with a breath of uneasiness he went inside his class

There was still time for the class to start so not many people were here yet,He looked around the class ,finding nothing out of ordinary he simply sat in the afr corner which was usually his seat.

Even in this class of extras for the academy ,he was garbage since after graduation,all these students would be able to earn enough for their living while he would be doomed,but fortunately now that was not true since his cultivation has increased,If only he was able to turn into a genius artisan that would be lovely.

Jin Yu kept thinking about how to make twenty talisman,although he was trying to make simple rank 1 talisman but his own self woild not let him make such third rate rank one talisman ,because they would not sell just like how his previous talisman were not selling because it was better to use a lighter than buying one time talismans.

Jin took out a piece of paper and and pen and started doing practice, he was trying to make the same warm spell,since it had less strokes them others and he did not have much time to practice.His behavior did not go unnoticed by the others as they started looking at him,mostly in scorn

"Hah!look at him go"

"Who is he trying to impress here"

"Leave him be ,you dint want his failures to rub on you"

Everyone started talking behind his back in a not so low voice,if it were the previous owner of this body he would have stopped doing his practice but Jin Yu was not just anybody,he was frim Earth,a place where even your own friends make fun of you for the simplest things ,so he was a lot more accustomed to taking a verbal beating ,though that did not mean that he would be able to ignore it.

He kept doing the strokes for the simplest Talisman to ever exist.

Just as everyone was about to go back to doing their own thing,Heaven seemed to play a prank on them as at the very first try ,Jin Yu was able to make a Rank 1 Warm spell talisman.

The audience had their mouth wide open in shock as they saw the glowing piece of paper with disbelief.

A group of boys even started pinching each other as they thought this was a bad dream.Needless to say ,Jin Yu was more surprised then his audience as he looked at the Talisman in his hands.

'Maybe this is a fluke'

Jin thought as he activated the talisman and felt warmth coming f4om the talisman.

"Oyo! Jin bro !It seems as you have been practicing haha" Jin yu looked up and saw a fatty who was munching on some rice balls as he looked at him

Jin Yu looked through his memories once again and understood that this was his only buddy in This academy,The way these two became friends is rather very unique

The guy in front of him is Lin Fan, at first when they met Lin Fan was very rude to Jin Yu but one day ,Lin Fan was eating his rice ball and slipped, Fortunately or unfortunately Jin Yu unknowingly saved him by taking the fall with him.

Jin Yu could not help but twitch as he felt the emotions of his self from back then

'I did not save him,he just fell on him by co8ncident'

"Yeah yeah" Said Jin Yu

Lin Fan did not mind his friends attitude and just sat besides him

"So whats the scret?" asked Lin Fan with an amused expression on his face.It was clear to Jin Yu that this fatty friend of his was teasing him so he did not bother replying

"Oya ,Jin bro is ignoring me ,have you found somone else *Sob sob*" Lin Fan did a fake sob as he looked at Jin Yu as if he was Jin Yu's girlfriend which irritated Jin a lot

Just at this time the teacher came in,It was a typical old man,in the Energy gathering stage which means he was only a realm above the current Jin Yu .

The teacher started giving his explanation about Talisman making but for some reason Jin Yu started feeling irritated with him

Every time the old man said something about Talisman making ,like how to pick up the brush how fast you shoild put the strokes ,Jin yu would feel as if the old man was a con man.

This was nothing more then the cultivation technique acting up,but Jin yu did not know that,after 15 more minutes he couldnt take it anymore and asked to be excused.

The old man let him go ,Jin yu quickly left the class and headed outside to take a breath.He remained quite as he went through the lecture he recieved from the old man

He sat on a bench and took out his paper slips and started writing the talisman according to his own instincts,the same instinct that made him leave the class

Within an hour he was done and a glowing talisman floated in front of him before resting in his hands

'Wasnt i a loser!whats happening ' He looked at the top quality Rank 1 frostbolt in his hands with wonder

Just as he was about to stand up ,the old man called him out,it seemed as if the old teacher was looking for Jin Yu

"What do you think you are doing you Garbage" The old man seemed to be full of anger as he rushed at Jin Yu