Jin Yu was a little surprised at the behaviour displayed the old man, he was a normal person from Earth after all.

The old man took out a cane from out of nowhere and planned to whack Jin Yu hard enough from the force be seemed to carry the cane

"Hmph, you think you can be lazy in my class, mph this will teach you a lesson"

The seemingly normal Cane flew through the air tearing it apart as it descended on JinYu who could only defend himself by crossing his arms

Due to the force, Jin lost his balance and staggered before falling on his butt.

'Huh! that didn't hurt much' was what JinYu thought as he rubbed his arms

The old man was the one who was in real shock, he could not control his hands anymore, they seemed to be trembling a little

"Huh, this boy he is, he is sturdy" he muttered to himself as he put down the cane, The old man was not in the right mind but if he were, he would have noticed that not just anyone can take a hit from an Energy gathering expert but Alas!

"You think you are some big shot just because you got into this Academy, let me tell you, No you are not" the Old man shouted at Jin in anger

'Old man, if your wife is angry at you, no need to take it out on me' he cursed silently

No matter what, JinYu could not just talk back to the old man, he did not want to be expelled from this academy. Everyone knew you had to be at least taught by a certified academy if you wanted your Cultivator license, Artisan License and other licenses.

"Hmph, go away you are not allowed in my class for a week, don't let me see your face, I wanna see how you pass the exams now" the old man stormed off to God knows where.

'if even garbage starts to ignore me, then who will be listening to me' The old man told himself

JinYu was relieved, on the other hand, it was a good thing he was not expelled only a temporary suspension, it seemed like the Academy loved their 'hard-earned' money.

JinYu had chosen a relatively deserted place so not many people had watched the drama but this was sure to get everyone's attention

JinYu simply took his talisman and left the area as quietly as he came. within an hour he was back in the departmental store.

Not wasting any time he went inside and closed the shutter from the inside, turned off the lights and went for the Artisan room.The feeling of feeling uncomfortable with the way the old man taught still fresh in his mind.

Quickly picking up the Rank 1 book he decided to try learning to make Rank 1 Heal Talisman.

it was the most difficult to learn talisman in the Rank 1 according to the norms

He decided to go for it.

After trying four to five times and failing, he was successful at the sixth try

'Wow this glow, it's purple which means the talisman is top grade, just as I guessed I am a genius'

He tried to make more and found out that he was able to make 1 talisman after 3 was a pretty good result if he had to guess, he was now at the top of his class since he was able to make a talisman that might not even be taught by the old man

"Hah!/dont let me see you again, old fool or I might beat you up and Heal you up"

He made six talismans before he ran out of supplies.

"It seems I have to buy some supplies"

Jin Yu put the newly made talisman on display and went out to buy some supplies to make more talisman

To make Talisman one needs a spiritual paper, Monster ink, beast ink, and some specific things according to the talisman that is to be created

"Welcome to Jingu Supply store" a chirpy voice spread throughout the store JinYu entered

"What would you like to buy"

"Two hundred spiritual papers, a pot of cheapest ink"

"That will be 10 crystals"

Jin yu took out 10 crystals from his watch and gave it to the lady

In this world due to the emerging portal and monsters, the main currency was crystals. the normal currency was still present but anything that was related to the supernatural was usually bought in crystals.

not long after Jin Yu was back in the store, he went back to making the Talismans and was finally done after an hour. After he completed the bare minimum requirement set up by the system he went ahead and studied the whole Rank 1 book which had talisman that we're awesome as hell to childish as hell.

So to curb his curiosity he made many kinds of talisman to feel the effects such as balloon talisman which turned the paper talisman into a balloon that flew away and other childish ones

That did not mean he forgot his goal, he made many other useful talismans such as Sonar, shock bolt, ice spikes etc

in total, by the night he had made 100 talismans which could be sold and all of them were top grade in Rank 1

Since it was already midnight he decided to go back to do cultivation so that he could become stronger, the small threat that he received in the morning made him aware of this.

If he has strength no one will cross him.

With that he decided to go back to cultivation, The myriad Immortal cultivation technique was unique, only later on will Jin Yu realize the significance of this technique.