Chapter 4: Chapter 4


Olivia's POV.

First week of school was over; my grandfather and I were at the mall. Weekend shopping was what I always look forward to, it was a perfect moment for me and my grandfather and I really loved shopping

My grandfather rolled the shopping cart, while I picked the things we wanted; beverages, toiletries, and some other stuff.

We strolled down to the boutique, were we also bought some nice clothing.

"Here, this might come at handy." He took a huge pink teddy bear toy.

I frowned. "I'm not a kid, I won't be needing that." I snapped.

He grinned at me. "What about this?"  He hands over a red flower to me.

I received it, and smelled it. "It's beautiful." I said and tucked it into my hair.

He smiled. "Not as beautiful as you are." He caressed my cheeks, making me blush.

"Stop flattering." I said.

"No I'm not." He defended.

"Yes you are." I said.

He grinned. "Let's get going now. Aren't you hungry?" He asked.

"I'm famished." I said childishly.

A scent caught my nose, it was really farmiliar and I could tell who it was; 'Ethan'. My grandfather seemed to have smelled it, but he didn't seem to be fine with it.

I turned to see Ethan standing a few feet away. "Ethan." I called, although he was my school teacher, he allowed me to call him by his name.

He turned to face me. "Hey Olivia." He said as he strolls to meet us.

My grandfather wasn't please at all.

He finally reached, were I was. I stared at his shimmering metallic blue eyes which made my cheeks flush. I bend down my head.

"Hi Ethan!" I managed to say.

He chuckled.

I cleared my throat. I could see the displeased look on my grandfather's face, Ethan seem to be wearing a false smile.

Whatever, I ignored their exchange of glances and manly emotions.

I cleared my throat. "Grandpa, this is Ethan. Ethan my grandfather I told you about."

Drake's POV.

Drake was furious, he had no idea Olivia could have been so close to Ethan to tell him about him, while she never told him about Ethan.

"Nice meeting you." Ethan stretches out his hand to my grandfather.

My grandfather just glared at him. "Nice meeting you to; Ethan." He said in a rather too harsh tune, ignoring Ethan's hand shake.

I was angry at my Grandfather, how could he be so rude and arrogant. I stared at Ethan as if trying to apologize, I saw a dark flicker in his eyes.

"Olivia, I think we've over stayed, we should get going." He said.

I gulped down heavily. "Ok ." I whispered.

He rolled the cart and I followed him leaving Ethan behind.

"See you later Ethan." I said.

I didn't know what had gone wrong, why were the both of them acting this weird. Anyway I was going to try sort things out.

"Ethan, can you come over for dinner tonight?" I asked.

My grandfather's gaze turned to me, I could see he was highly displeased by my offer. He eyed me, but I ignored him and focused on Ethan instead.

"Uhm—" he stuttered

"Come on, it would be fun." I insisted.

Ethan's POV.

What was Olivia doing? She was going to let him dine with her grandfather. That was quite impossible; not just about him being a werewolf and Drake being a cat, but about the time he tried to kill Drake to get a Xphynx cat baby. His father "Metal Claws" was an alpha wolf who derived pleasure from eating Xphynx cats making him to live longer than any other wolf and stronger than any other creature.

Olivia was probably the baby Xphynx. He sighed. Now more than ever he regretted ever doing his father's dirty works. But he wanted to be a changed man, he didn't want to be defined by the cruelty of werewolves. That was why he betrayed his kin and left for the human world.

"Uhm, yes." He said firmly.

I chuckled. "See you there."

He smiled brightening up.

Drake's POV.

Drake couldn't believe what his granddaughter had done, she was going to let him dine with a werewolf. He smirks inwardly. He might probably kill Ethan.

I followed my grandfather out of the mall, we went straight to the car and he packed the things we bought into the boot.

"Grandpa, What was that out there? It is totally unacceptable." I scolded.

He glares at me. "Olivia you are still young, you won't understand."

"I would if you tell me." I snapped.

He sighed. "Olivia Ethan isn't a good man, you shouldn't trust him."

I scoffed, why would he say that? Ethan has been nice to me for the past one week.

"Why, he hadn't done anything wrong." I defended.

He turns away.

I ignored his gestures. "Ethan would be coming over for dinner. I need you to be as nice to him as possible." I said firmly and a little bit authoritative.

My grandfather stares at me startled.

Drake's POV.

What is wrong with Olivia? Does she have to be this stubborn? He knew Olivia was strong willed, and telling her no would be something else.

He was going to try his best to make his granddaughter happy. He would probably dine with Ethan, and try to remain as calm as he could.

"Ok, I would." He said indifferently.

I leaned on him, and touched his cheeks feeling his manly jawbone.

"Promise?" I whispered.

He gaze at me for a while. "Ok, I will."

I kissed him on his cheeks. "I love you grandpa."

"Anything for you Olivia." He said.


Olivia's POV.

Sighs. Thanks goodness Ethan made it, for a moment I was scared that he won't come over for dinner, but he did.

My grandfather kept to his promise, he apologized for his rude actions earlier. I was happy they were getting along.

But I could still sense it that they were still uncomfortable with one another.

I stared at Ethan, and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Olivia could you get me my phone please? It's upstairs." My grandfather requested.

"Ok." I got up and ran upstairs.

Ethan stares at Olivia dreamingly. She was such an innocent and gentle soul; he envied her.

Drake's POV.

Drake eyes Ethan, he hated the way he stared at Olivia.

Drake clears his throat intensionally to disrupt Ethan's thought.

Ethan stares at him; he smiles mischievously. "I was wondering how long before you stop pretending and tell Olivia I was a werewolf, or maybe at least try to kill me."

Drake smirks. "I despise you Ethan, but as long as you are willing to pretend to be nice; I am ready to keep my cool."

Olivia's POV.

Coming downstairs I could hear my grandfather and Ethan discussing. I was so glad they were getting along, It worked after all.

I came downstairs, the look on their faces seem indifferent.

"Here it is." I gave my grandfather his phone.

After a while, Ethan decided to take his leave. I accompanied him out.

When we got to his car he stared at me and smiled. "It was nice having dinner with you." He said.

"Me too." I muttered.

He held my chin making our eyes meet; his metallic blue eye glimmers the more, reflecting the mild moon light.

He grins. I tiptoed, pulled his neck downwards and licked him on his neck.

He stared at me startled. "You seem to like doing that. Don't you?"

I bend my head feeling ashame and stupid. I have been doing that to him since the first day we meant. I couldn't just help it; something inside me just wanted to do so.

He chuckled making me cursed inwardly.

"Good night Ethan." I muttered, moving away from him.

He held me, and pulled me back.

He smiled at me, making the butterflies in my stomach happy.

He hugs me making me feel his hard torso and arms around me, I felt his warmth which were so comforting, he's scent made me yearn for more not wanting to let go.

He slowly arranged my hair behind my back, he tilts my head gently then bends his head and began to sniff on my neck making me feel his warmth. So much unlike the first time he did it, I felt comfortable with him.

He kissed and licked my neck passionately rubbing the side of my body with his hand making my whole body flush.

My gaze fell on his neck, I wasn't sure I was willing to withheld myself like I did last time; I buried my fingers in his shimmering black hair which seem as if they were polished, they felt so soft beneath my fingers. I kissed him on his neck, followed by my tongue. He tasted so good that I didn't want to let go.

He held me tight to his body devouring and kissing me making moans to escape my lips against his neck.

Ethan's POV.

Olivia tasted so sweet that the more he devoured her with his kiss, the more he wanted her, the more she tasted so good.

He felt so different; he didn't mind if they were outside anymore, Olivia was his world now, he wanted nothing more.

Her licks and kiss send warmth round his body. He could feel her moan against his neck, sending vibrations through his body which aroused him.

He could tell this wasn't just about getting familiar with her or being intimate. He just couldn't place a finger on it.

If her skin could taste so good what about her lips?

He could feel his eyes began to glow blue, his fangs elongating. He had to let go now, because he was losing control of himself.

Ethan released me and stared at me, he smiles. His eyes had a bright flicker. I just couldn't get enough from him.

"I've to go now Olivia." He said softly making my heart churn.

I could see the glow in his eyes, they shone like the full moon at night.

"Ok." I whispered.

Ethan's POV.

He saw the pleading looks in Olivia's eyes, wanting him to stay; but again he had to remind himself that he was a werewolf and not a cat.

Cats could enjoy cuddling and intimacy, but it wasn't so with werewolves.

If he stayed one more minute he might do something stupid; Olivia's beauty was so tempting, the way she blinked her mesmerizing eyes, her scent, everything about her made him want her.

I sighed. "Ok__Ok." I stuttered.

He pulled me closer and perked my forehead, I saw his gaze move a little bit above my head.

I followed his gaze and saw my grandfather behind; he probably might have been watching.