Chapter 5: Chapter 5


Olivia's POV.

I stared at my grandfather reading a magazine at the other side of the living room; something he learnt to do in the last few days. He was probably still angry about me being too close to Ethan. I wondered why he hated him so much.

Sighs. All I could hope now was that he wasn't angry, how was I going to tell him I had a party to attend to tonight. He might shut me out or maybe yell at me. I hoped he didn't yell at me; something he hasn't done before. But I was going to try anyway.

"Um.... Grandpa." I said more in a whisper.

He grunts.

"A friend of mine invited me for a night party, I was wondering if you would let me go." I said trying hard to sound appealing.

He pops his head out from the magazine for the first time, his eyes reflecting some mixed emotions.

He clears his throat. "As long as you don't stay too long." He buries his head in the magazine again.

"Um...I want you to come with me." I stuttered.

He gazed at me, trying to figure out if I really meant the words.

"Ok!" He snapped.

Olivia's POV.

I was really surprised that he would let me go and he would also come with me willingly; I had expected more like "Olivia you can't go to night parties it's to dangerous." or "Olivia you are grounded, what were you even doing with Ethan he is your school teacher."

I guess I am always wrong about my grandfather.

Drake's POV.

He really wasn't in the mood for partying or leaving the house. He was still trying to embrace the fact that his granddaughter's teacher was a werewolf and that she liked and trusted him.

Right now more than ever he has to keep an eye on Olivia so she doesn't do anything stupid.

"You should get dressed now." He said.

I jumped out from the chair and headed for my room excitedly, I had least expected this kind of reaction from him.

Ok now what do I wear; Um... A red mini gown would do. I thought.

I got dressed up immediately, with a backless red mini gown I was running late already.

I came out to meet him already dressed up and ready. His black fitted suit and red sleeve quite march. Ow... a coincidence I also wore a red mini gown.

"Looks great on you." He acknowledged staring at me dreamily.

"Really?" I inquired.

"Everything looks beautiful on you." He teased.


Olivia's POV.

The party did turn out to be so boring for me, I get to watch others dance with their boyfriends, jesting and doing other fun stuff. Yearns. I wanted to go home.

On the other hand, my grandfather had a smile on his face, he seem to be enjoying the party. I didn't care about myself not enjoying it anymore but since he did; I was happy seeing the smile on his handsome face.

"Olivia!" I heard my name being called, I sighed. It was Charlie.

"Hi Charlie!" I said.

"Do you mind dancing with me?" He asked.

I scoffed, that hadn't cross my mind, why would I wanna dance in public and give everyone the pleasure of staring at me.

"Uh... Actually I don't mind, but 'I'm a little bit shy to dance here.'" I explained.

"Um...Ok." Charlie said a little bit disappointed.

"I will see you around later." He said as he left.

"Aren't you good at dancing or you just don't wanna dance with him." My grandfather asked.

Oh my God, I wished he never heard, I wasn't ready to talk about dancing, it kinda wasn't the thing I like. Especially with the stares.

"I don't feel like dancing tonight." I said.

He sighed. "I don't remember seeing you dance." He pointed.

"I don't like dancing, It just isn't my thing. I always feel nervous when people watch." I snapped.

He grinned.

I frowned, what's so funny about what I said?

"Why would you feel nervous?" He asked a smile still on his face.

"Maybe because dancing sucks." I snapped.

"You do realize you would be dancing on your wedding day. Right?" He said.

Oh God, now he got me cornered.

I nodded.

"How would you dance if you don't dance at all?" He asked.

"Well maybe I won't get married." I said calmly.

He burst out into a heavy laughter. "That is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard." He said.

Although he seem to be making fun of me, I was quite happy he was smiling; happy. I couldn't help but admire how handsome and weirdly young he was.

"What?" I fumed anger.

"Not getting married just because of a dance." He said trying to control his laughter.

"I could be the first. There is always a first. Remember?" I said.

He gazed at me admiringly.

"Dance with me." He said.

I was startled at first; being that he was my grandfather, but it wasn't that bad.

"Really, like seriously. You gotta be kidding." I said.

"I'm serious. Dance with me 'Olivia'." He insisted.

"Ow...  Ok." I stuttered.

He took my hand and we joined the dance circle; he wraped his hand around my waist and I placed my on his shoulders around his neck.

"You see Olivia, it aren't that bad." He said.

I sighed. "Yeah."

We danced for quite a while then I noticed most of the people and my school mates where staring at us. I felt really nervous at that moment.

"They're good."  I heard someone said.

"Yeah." Another admitted.

I felt so nervous at that moment; I was dancing with my grandfather and everyone was watching and admiring us.

I sighed. I always hated being the centre of attraction, but I just can't get over it because it seemed that I'm always the centre of attraction.

"They're watching." I informed my grandfather in a whisper.

"Let them watch."  he said seeming indifferent.

I sighed. It wasn't easy at all, I could feel my kneels trembling already.

"Focus on me Olivia, Let me be your world now." He instructed.

Being nervous was really killing me, but I held to his instructions.

I made eye contact with him, I tried to shut the world away and just focus on him. I could hear his heart beat, I felt the heat and protective aura that ooze from him.

All I could feel was him now, and it was quite exciting. I didn't get to bother about our admirers as long as I focused on him; he was literally my world now.

"I thought you were angry with me." I said opening the topic which had been bothering me.

He grins. "I was never angry with you Olivia. I was only worried about you."

"That what?"

"That you may lost your way. Olivia if anything happens to you, I would never forgive myself." He explains.

"What's going on grandpa?" I asked confuse.

"We don't have to talk about that now. We can talk about that later. But now let's dance." He said.

I smiled at him, I was really enjoying dancing with him. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm tasty." I said after a while.

He stares at me dreamingly. "Ok, you can go get something to drink."

He lets go of me, and went to sat down were we previously sat.

With the look on everyone's faces, I could tell they were quite enjoying the dance. Whatever!

I strolled to the bar.

"One club soda please." I called out to the bartender.

"Wow! O my gosh. Olivia that was great." Said Annie a friend of mine running to meet me.

Followed by Chloe and Juliet.

"What?" I asked confused.

"The dance." Chloe added.

"Ok that was nothing." I said trying to seem indifferent.

"Thank you!" I told the bartender and took a sip from my cup of club soda.

"And your boyfriend, he's so cute." Juliet said.

"And romantic." Annie added.

I coughed; the drink had gotten to the wrong side of my throat. What were this girls saying.

"He isn't my boyfriend!" I blurted out.

"Um..." They stuttered.

I gulped down. "He is my grandfather." I said.

"Ow.... Ok, Look Annie here is my granddaughter." Juliet jest.

I frowned deeply, of course they didn't believe. "I'm not kidding." I retorted.

"Wait a minute she's not bluffing." Chloe said.

"You're saying that....the handsome fellow over there is your grandfather." Annie inquires.

"Um.... Yes." I stuttered.

I itched my hair.

"By adoption or biological?" Juliet asked.

Oh God, I haven't even thought of that yet..

"I have no idea." I snapped.

They glared at me.

"Um... I think I gotta go." Annie said.

"I'm right behind you." Juliet and Chloe said.

Whatever, they didn't believe Drake was my grandfather.

"Hey Olivia!" A manly voice called.

Not again, I needed to be left alone now. It was Freddy; a famous bully in school.

"Hi Freddy!" I said trying to look indifferent.

Freddy has been asking me out since my first day in school, and I have always turned him down. I wasn't ready to date anyone yet, not even his kind.

"Thanks for letting me down when I needed you the most in class." He said in a harsh tune, he was probably drunk. I could smell the reeks from him.

"Maybe if you had spend more time studying than in the gym, you wouldn't be needing me." I snapped.

He smiled mischievously. "Come here bitch."

He held my hands and twisted it backwards.

"Aaah! Let go of me." I yelled and struggled.

"Nobody messes with Freddy, not even you. Freaky bitch." He yelled.

"You won't like what my grandpa would do if he finds you." I said trying to convince him to let go of me, or at least threaten.

"What is the old man gonna do? Fart on me?" He laughs hysterically.

He held me tight to his huge frame muscular body, from it's hardness and bulging muscles I could tell he spends hours in the gym daily.

He carried me to the alley.


"Let go of me, please." I said

"No one can hear you, tonight you are all mine." He yelled.

I nodded my head vigorously trying not to understand what he meant.

I screamed but he immediately captured my mouth with his lips; he just stole my first kiss.

He pinned me to the wall with his huge muscular body, moaning and squeezing my ass with his hand.

I could feel his hard d**k against my body.

I bit his lip with all the strength I could muster making him bleed. Wait a minute, his blood tasted so good. I never knew blood tasted like this. I pushed him away and kneed his manhood.

He groaned in pain as he released me, I tried to escape but he held me back. Maybe I wasn't fast enough.

He slapped me on my cheek making me fall to the ground. My left cheek felt numb. He began to unbuckle his belt.

Was he really going to rape me, I thought. No, I didn't want this, it can't be. I'm still a virgin, I can't loose it this way.

"Freddy please don't do this." I pleaded.

He kneeled on the ground capturing my legs with he's, he leaned and kissed me again making me feel his heavy weight which pinned me to the ground. He began to undress me hungrily. I guessed this was the end.

"Let go of her." I heard a strange manly voice.

I felt relieved, someone was here to save me.

Freddy turned to him, still hovering on me. "Who the fuck you think you are?"

"Someone who would willingly kick your ass if you don't comply." The man said.

"Go fuck yourself nigger, coz I got this bitch all to myself." Freddy said, then ignored the man and started undressing me again.

The next thing I saw happened within a blink of an eye. Freddy who was hovering over me was tossed to the air and he hits his back against the wall.

I got up to my feet immediately, I saw the man giving Freddy, series of blows.

I tried to run away but someone held me back harshly.

"Where do you think you are going Xpynx." Said another male.

The other lets go of Freddy and he ran away. I never knew anyone could do that to Freddy.

"Please, let me go." I pleaded.

"You're going no were Xphynx." Said a third male voice.

"I think Metal Claws would like this one." The first man said.

"Yeah such a pretty one for a Xphynx cat." The one which held me said.

"Females are a rare kind." The second said.

"Whatever way, they're all breakfast." The one which held me said and laughed hysterically.

I couldn't get what they were saying, referring to me as 'Xphynx Cat' it was confusing. Maybe they've got the wrong girl.

"Please, I want to go back to my grandfather. I'm not who you think I am." I pleaded.

"Shut up!" The man which held me yelled.

"Why don't we have a taste of her blood." The second man suggested.

"Yeah, not bad." The one which held me said.

I felt me kneels trembling. What were they? Where they vampires? They wanted to drink my blood.

"Metal Claws wants her whole and unspoiled." The first man said.

"But she would heal, cats heal fast remember." The second said.

"No, the fact remains that she shouldn't be touched." The first said.

"Just a drop, of her blood would do." The one which held me said trying to bite my neck.

The first man dragged me from the other man which held me. He roars revealing his shinning sharp fangs. I was as good as dead.

"Please!" I whispered.

"Shh." The second hush me.

"We better get going, Metal Claws like his breakfast when served early." Said the first man.

They pulled me along.

"Olivia!" I heard my name, it was my grandfather.

I turned and I saw him standing a few feet away.

"Grandpa!" I called sounding relieved.

"Well!!! Look who we have here;  Drake." The second said.

"Let go of her." My grandfather yelled.

"You know we can't do that." The first one who now held me said.

"Then I will make you do it." My grandfather said confidently.

The first gestured for the rest to attack my grandfather. "Take him out of his miseries." He said.

"Grandpa." I called. "Please don't fight, I will be fine."

The first man shakes me vigorously. "Shut up kitten."

The rest two attacked my grandfather; He seemed to keep up with them. He fought with them like they were mere kids. I was so proud of him.

Then the two men who attacked my grandfather suddenly turned into a monstrous hairy beast; their beards increased, their eyes glowed red. They looked fiercely, their fangs elongated they had claws.

They angrily tore the shirts they wore revealing the well build muscular torso. The hair on their head and cheek had increased greatly.

"No!" I yelled.

The first man which held me grinned.

No way, My grandfather wasn't left out; He also turned into a monster like both men did, only that his eyes glowed emerald green, he was slightly hairy and he had whiskers.

I fainted. "My Grandfather Was A Monster."