C3 Mysterious Occurrence 1/2

-I descended beside a huge tree which grew behind our apartment that was crawling with large roots. I looked around and saw the city covered with plants, buildings were filled with gigantic weeds and branches grew out from each window bearing fruits that were known deadly when eaten raw.

"Nothing has changed"

I stood still and tried to recall what happened before I died.

I remember an undead ghost that appeared right beside me abruptly grabbed my arm and threw me out the window from the third floor. During my short free fall to death, I briefly saw the ghost still chasing after me before I went splat. I died painlessly thankfully. The ghost looked like a boy wearing a black polo shirt and had a very white complexion. The boy was nowhere to be seen, even though not much time was wasted during our conversation back at the afterlife.

Oh right, I was sent on a mission to catch that ghost by someone. It's far too unreasonable so I put it on hold for a while . Besides, I haven't a single clue on who sent me nor the person I spoke with back at the afterlife.

"I'll go home then!"

I returned to the apartment where I was staying before literally getting thrown out.

Just when I was getting close to the entrance of the building, a lot of people came rushing out to go the spot where I landed.

"Seth? Is that you Seth?! You're okay?!"

A tall girl near my age was calling out to me with a surprised look.

She was a really tall.

Her short hair was dyed brown to match her brown eyes.

She had an bigger than average sized chest, slim waist and medium bottom.

She had a figure which most girls desire.

The small-nosed and pretty-faced girl called out to me.

My older sister Isla.

She probably wasn't expecting that I'd still be okay after falling at that height. I even died instantly! but the most surprising part was, I was still standing in front of her without a single scratch on my body.

At that same time a thought came to me.

Should I try backing away? Like I'm fading or something? I hear when someone close to you dies you see visions of them. I should make it look like I'm a remainder of her memory.

I quickly put my idea into action.


I answered while waving my right hand then started the walk backwards.

Tears quickly enveloped her brown eyes as it sparkled when she heard me speak.

She's gonna burst!

The wind blew her shoulder length brown hair which made her rub her eyes and cause her tears to drop.


She ran towards me with arms wide open and hugged me tightly as she came close enough.


"It didn't work."

"Uwaaahhh! *hic Sethh! *sniffle"

She was a head taller than me but she wailed facing down so her chin was constantly bumping my head which hurt so much but I just let her be because she was crying genuinely and her chest felt bouncy good.

"I can die now...-Wait, I can't breathe-..."

While grabbing my shoulders with her hands, she pushed me at arms-length. She must have finally noticed I was suffocating because her front squished my face when I tried to duck in pain from her sharp chin attacks.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Heal! Heal! Heal! x2 Heavenly Heal!"

A shower of healing magic was casted on me. Her last heal was 'advance magic' which was very hard to perform but she still did it out of worry.

"Hey Stop, you'll exhaust your mana. It'd be troublesome if I have to carry you back to the room if you somehow collapsed. I'm okay, not a scratch on my skin."

"What are you saying? You fell from over three floors down to the ground and your clothes are soaked in blood!"

Oh, right. I was still wearing the clothes I had before I was sent to the afterlife.

"Oh, hehe. But I'm really okay now! I died a short while ago, but I'm completely okay now!"

She was staring at me with a baffled expression.

I did mention something about coming back to life after all. Although it was true, it was really not something I should casually speak about.

"Let me take a look at your head, maybe you bumped it somewhere."

After she searched my whole body looking for wounds, she called the others who went rushing to where I went splat.

There's probably still a lot of blood scattered around that spot.

"Hey everyone! He's alive! He's over here!"

A bundle of flabbergasted faces flooded the scene.


Confirming I was still alive and okay, everyone felt relieved and went back to their own business.

It seems like not a lot of people knew what really happened. Most of them went down because of some rumors and some came as they heard a loud crash of wood and glass.

I was sitting on a plastic chair facing the window hoping to see the horizon but only to realize it was futile.

This place had no 'horizon'.

I don't really know what happened in history but even before I was born, those ugly monsters were already there and together with them were the walls. At the end of each road were walls, this was a city surrounded by walls. These walls were built to protect the last of humanity. Outside those walls lies a vast land infested with dreadful monsters who crave for human flesh.

"Little brother Seth! Please set up the table we're eating now!"

My 'older sister' is calling me.


She was the same person who cried and hugged me tight.

"Don't call me little brother!"

I didn't particularly hated it but she was only a few months older than me and she's already treating me like I'm younger. We're not blood related but we grew up together so close, close enough that one could call us siblings.

"Even though you like it you still keep complaining."

"Shut it! I'll grow taller than you someday and I'll be the one calling you little sis... What's for dinner little sis? Ooohh it suits me!"

I was done preparing the plates and spoons so I sat on the chair beside the round table.

"Enough with your fantasies. As for dinner we're having your favorite!"

"Burger steak?!"

"It's curry."

"Ehhh? but we had curry in the morning!"

That curry was cooked yesterday.

'Curry tastes best when they're a day old.'

That's what everyone says, but in reality, they actually taste the same.

She walked closer while holding a pot of curry to be served on the table.

"This is supposed to be for tonight, but you ate it for breakfast. So stop complaining."

"I couldn't help it. Your cooking's the best in the world."

She stood still all of a sudden then her ears turned bright red. She was embarrassed of how I praised her cooking.

It really did taste good though.

"Seth? Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Heal! Heal! Heal!"

Or not.

She was just worried because I was acting out of character that's all. I just can't read her. Her reactions are really different from what she's feeling. Sometimes I wonder if I was just terrible at reading her, but I'm sure, it was definitely just her.

"I'm fine! Stop with the heal! It feels good, it's weird considering I'm not doing anything."

"It's your fault for saying something unusual."

Healing skills reset some amount of sensory in the body for a brief moment so I could really feel the pain on my butt fading and returning again and again when she casts it repeatedly.

"Hurry up Isla! I'm really hungry from falling off three floors!"

She sat down on the chair in front me.

"God above, thank you for the food" x2

We ate dinner while chatting nonsense.

"By the way, why did you jump off the window? Glass isn't cheap you know?"

"I did not jump off the window! It was an undead ghost! Even if I don't have a family, I don't have enough courage to be able to consider suicide! Besides, I have some people I still care about here."

"Is it me? Awww that's sweet of you. Don't worry, I'll be your family even if the whole world is against you!"

"Noo! Even if the world is against me I wouldn't come near you for help!"

It was her, but she caught me off guard so I kind of blurted out some lies. But it looks like she's having fun teasing me.

"That hurts my feelings you know?... But an undead ghost?"