Chapter 31: The Quarrel Between Us

The next morning, I tried to wake up but my body still feel lazy to wake up and I still feel want to sleep. My eyes still close and I feel heavy to open up my eyes. I slowly reached out to my sister's body next to me. I move closer to her and hug her tightly.

We cuddling at each other and for a moment, I felt warm.

Suddenly, I felt something strange. I wondered for a second. Why I feel that my sister's body feels a little big and tough. Her body figure seems different when I hug her. I slowly open my eyes and I was shocked to see the person who is lying next to me!

That person is Emmanuel!

I was shocked. I don't know how can he be lying next to me? I can feel him breathe close next to me. Both our faces were closer to each other. I look around and the room we sleep in is my own room.

I tried to recall back what happened last night. I just remember that last night I had a conversation with my sister in her room. She sings a song to me and maybe after that, I fell asleep.

I squeeze my head a little as I feel a little hurt and I feel glad that finally, I have a better sleep last night. I feel relief to see him in front of me but at the same time, I curious about him. How he can be there? Did my sister let him in?

I gazing at his face for a moment. I slowly touch his cheek and rubs it. I was grins there as I saw how his face look when he still in his sleep. Then, I carefully play with his hair and softly touch his eyes. Gradually, my finger going to his lips...

''What are you doing?'' He suddenly awake and said. I was startled and my finger still in his mouth. He gives a little kiss on my finger. I quickly move away my finger from his mouth.

''Have you enjoy watching my face?'' He added.

''Uh?? No! I'm not.''

''Really? So, what are you doing before?'' He grins. My heart pounding faster at that time.


He sighed softly and pulled me into his arms. He gently gives a kiss on my forehead and strokes my hair too. ''It's okay...I'm yours. You can watch me as long as you want...'' He whispering.

I grinning. '' you can be here? How long have you been here? Did my sister let you in?''

''I was here since last night.''

''Last night??''


'' you...?''

''Shhh...come here...can you quiet for a while?'' He pulls me closer and embraces me.

''I miss you...'' I said with my lower voice. ''I really...really miss you...''

''I miss you too...Jessa...I'm sorry...''

''No worries...I know you busy with your works. I just want to express my feelings.''

''I know...I'm sorry that I don't give much attention to you. Sometimes...I just want to be like this with you. We cuddling together like makes me feel calm.''

I just listening to him. I know he must be tired for these few days. I actually want to say something to him about my problems, but I afraid that he may be feeling burdened with it.

But, it turned out that I could not hide it from him because he knew me better. He knows that I hiding something from him. Anyway, I had to tell him about it.

''Jessa, don't you think that you have something to tell to me?''


''Are you sure you didn't know?''




''Are you still triggered about that? You still can't even sleep at night?'' He said and stare into her eyes.

''How do you know? Did my sister tell you?''

''It doesn't matter who tells me or not. But, I disappointed in you because you didn't tell me. It looks like you still didn't believe me...''

''Karson...I didn't mean to. I just don't want to burden you with this problem. After all, I think I can handle this myself.''

''Look, you still want to solve your own things with your own. Who is me for you? Did I'm nothing to you?''

'' I'm sorry...I...''

''Jessa, listen here...I just hope you can rely on me. I want you to always know that I love you with all my heart. Whatever happens, I want to be the first person who can help you and the first one that you believe aside from your family. I don't want to force you but...please...even though I'm busy...I will always have time for you.''

I just remain silent there. I know he was upset right now.

After hearing him say those words, I was speechless. I have no intention to make him think like that but I just don't want to burden him. After all, I'm used to solving my own problem before. But, with his presence...I just don't know how to tell him all about my problems.

''Your sister tells me about your condition. And the day before, Ariel tells me that you have seen Bella at the hospital. From that, I know that you have a problem...''


He didn't answer me and he stands up. He picks up his coat and wears it. I just watch him back.

''Karson...are you mad at me?'' I stand up closer to him. I look at his face. His face looks serious. ''Karson...''

He sighing deeply. ''Jessa...I have to go now. I have an important meeting this morning.''

''Why don't we go work together today?''

''No, I have to go there quickly. You just take your time. Or, if you still feel not feeling well, you can take your rest. I allowed it. Don't worry.''

''No, I'm okay. I can go to work.''

''Okay, it's up to you.''

''Can we meet later tonight?''

''I'm not sure, because I have another meeting tonight. You know that we have a new project to come soon. I have to meet with a few people.'' He said and ready to go out.

''But just now, you just said that you will have time for me. Why right now you said that you not sure? Karson...are you mad at me? If yes, just let your anger at me, and please don't torture me like this. I was confused by you.''

''Jessa...I don't want to mad at you. I really can't. I really hold myself right now...I hope you can understand.''

I tried to hold my tears at that time. I dont know why he suddenly cold at me. I know he upset with me but...why he needs to talk to me like this.

''I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about my problem, I really sorry about that. I know that you upset with me, but why don't we just talk nicely? I dont want to quarrel with you like this!''

''Jessa...listen. I'm not mad at you. I just...I just mess up right now. I cant thinking right now. We talk later. I have to go now.'' He left her house and walk away.

After walk away from her house, he feels guilty. He blames himself because he too emotional toward her. For a moment, he feels guilty.

After Emmanuel left there, I shed tears there. I don't know that he has this side too on him. He mad at me but he didnt voice it out. He does not show it to me but his behaviors show that he was cold to me.

For a moment, I feel that the way he shows his anger was the same as Simon before. ''Why!! Why I must face this situation again? Why should I meet two people who have the same temperament??''


After what happened this morning, I had to forget it for a while. Whatever happens, I have to go to works. I hope he can cool down later.

That morning, I came across Aurora at the lift. Both of us enter the same lift. I just give her a smile and she also.

Then, suddenly she asks me about something. I was startled. She was asking me about Emmanuel. At first, I just casually answer her questions until she asks me one question that makes me surprised.

''Jordyn...are you really don't have anything with Mr.Emmanuel?''

''What do you mean?''

''A special relationship? Or his...?

''No. I'm not...''

''Oh, really?''


''It's glad to hear. That's means, I have a chance to pursue him. He is very hot. Maybe one day, I will be your chairman's wife, right?'' She said and laughing joyously.

I just smile there and tried to hold myself.

As soon as I reached my workstation, I prepared some documents to prepared our monthly meeting later. I wondered if he also in that meeting later.

''Good Morning, Jessa!'' Lily said

''Good Morning too, Lily.''

''Wait, is there something wrong with you? Your voice feels different.'' She said and move closer to me. ''Jessa! Are you crying? What happened to you? Did someone do something to you? Did Marcus come to meet you again??'' Lily was surprised to see my eyes swollen.

''No, I'm okay.''

''Are you sure? Or...did you...have a quarrel with him?'' She curious and I just keep saying no to her. But, I feel glad to have her as my friend. She always knows about my feelings and she always knows to comfort me.

''Dont worry...I will be here by your side. I will not make any quarrel with you today okay?''

I chuckle after hearing her saying that.