Chapter 23: The War with Two Faces

Song recommendation: Power is Power (

The room was left stunned. The Queen's mouth broke into a crooked toothless smile.

"And by what right do you make this claim? Surely not by birth," she said with cutting arrogance.

"I will make my claim the same way as you," Kyron said flatly, "Through murder, theft and violence," Kyron rose to her feet. Her people got up with her.

"How dare you threaten the Queen of Ascar!" The Queen's court roared.

"It's not a threat," Kyron glanced back, "It's a promise. You have until tomorrow to surrender the throne peacefully. After that, my men will storm the capital and kill anyone who gets in our way," she cast a wayward glance to the members of the Rotan Empire.

"You savages! You were planning this all along!"The Queen screamed, "You never intended to make peace!"

"You can make your peace if you wish," Kyron turned to leave, "I will make mine,"