Chapter 9: Getting a Teacher?

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

Ah! Good morning world of Remnant and thank god for the invention of beds I slept great yesterday!

When I woke up in the morning, I see that Weiss is still asleep on my bed sigh…

Still though it was a good thing that Winter trusted me with the flash drives but now I see around my room to see Weiss clothes are on my desk and that was when I heard a knock on the door.



When I heard the knocking in my door it was soon to be revealed to be Klein coming in with other members of the staff as well bringing us some presents, "Ah! Good morning there young Eis me and the other staff brought you some presents since your birthday was a disaster, I hope the young miss Weiss is alright?"

Yeah me being shot into head during a young age would probably traumatize her surely that is going to haunt her for a while but still it was because of that dumb ass father that caused this!

Calm down here Eis you will have your moment but first things first is to wake up your twin sis to show her that your alive and well.

With that I went over to Weiss and gently rub her head to wake her up to which she slowly opens her eyes again to see me then suddenly sprang up to hug me!


We both were on the floor with her on top of me crying her tears on my shirt saying to me with clear fear in her voice, "Brother Eis… you're really here… sniff… I had a horrible nightmare… that I really lost you and… and… sniff…"

I just rub her head expressing a calm smile towards her to help Weiss get over what happen yesterday and hopefully gets better, "Don't worry Weiss I told you before I'm not leaving you alone and I make sure to keep my promise to you see I'm fine and well."

Oh god damn it she's unaware that Weiss is using the puppy dog on its super effective!

When I look at Weiss I get easily embarrassed and blush at the cuteness of her expression this is too much?!

When I was about to die from the cuteness overload was when Weiss noticed the staff looking her with an awe expression seeing from the cuteness of it all when she finally realizes it she blushed madly and gotten off of me.

When she got herself off of me, she started to immediately apologize to me about pretty much what happen to crying on me and jumped on me, "SORRY EIS!! SORRY FOR JUMPING YOU BROTHER EIS?!!"

Hahaha! Never change Weiss at least this way makes you cuter but after we get dresses first to see what today yields for us.

Then Klein makes a comment about us with a happy expression, "Oh, these two are getting along just well right guys? They are very nice to each other and act like real siblings at time as well as be adorable yes?"

Klein you traitor I'm manly damn it!

Hey, you staff don't just stand there nodding their heads you must help defend my honor… please…

With that me and Weiss changes out of our pajamas and into our morning clothing today pretty much the same as yesterday really but the presents from the staff and Klein made our morning perfect for the day.

We got all kinds of present from our staff ranging from clothing to toys in Atlas for nobles used I was never really interested in those kind of stuff but I was always glad to receive books as presents since I want to learn all I can about this world.

Now that I think about it to even use Spin, I also need to know how the human body functions to use the best to my ability to use Spin like the Zeppeli family has done to study in surgery to understand well at least now I know what to study in the meantime.

But to Klein's gift I decided to wear at all times it was a snow-white scarf that fits around me perfectly around my neck showing the Schnee symbol around me I felt like I should keep it since Klein has acted more of a father than Jacques.

With that done with when me and Weiss were done viewing the presents Klein told us with a worried tone while having a finger under his chin, "Ah, yes young master and miss today you should be careful with your father today his… very frustrated today so best be on your proper behavior alright?"

Yeah, I would probably piss as well considering if someone and I don't mean me robing his important materials of very questionable methods… which wasn't me by the way.

With that warning from Klein we all went to the direction to the dining room.

The dining room features black chairs gathered around a table covered in a large white tablecloth. The chairs are upholstered with blue fabric decorated in a repeated pattern of the symbol above the door to Jacques' study.

In the middle of the table is a large glass vase filled with white lily flowers and foliage. On one side of the room is a wall made up of several open archways, with a second-floor walkway overlooking the dining area.

The upper walkway's arches have sheer curtains hanging in them, and visible through these curtains is another room that has a crystal chandelier hanging from its ceiling.

When me and Weiss sat down on to the table Klein informed us with a professional manner, "Ok then now then young Eis and Weiss your breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, and waffles with maple syrup on top with whip cream and strawberry would be ready soon."

Oh, now that is a breakfast, I would like to have right about now with that I see Klein left to check our food is ready but when he left, I see Willow comes over with a tired expression.

When she sees us, she tries to smile and says to the both of us with… a bottle of alcohol in her hand well that is not a clear flag of warning to me than I don't know what is.

When mother comes, she tries to comfort us and surprised us of the news she says today while having her hand on top of her head, "Hello there Eis and Weiss good morning today. I know that the both of you got through the worst of yesterday birthday but after that and some of Winter convincing me starting tomorrow you two will have a combat instructor."

Now this a turn of events I didn't expect to happen!

I look over to Weiss to see that she has the same expression as me surprise at the turn of events so I decided to ask Willow why, "Mom why the sudden demand of us training couldn't you get better security to give us bodyguards?"

Yeah why get us some combat instructors I mean it's still good to provide us some self-defense instructor so why can't we have bodyguards for us?

When I ask Willow that question, she just laughs at my question but gives me an answer with a smile, "Who said that you wouldn't have bodyguards these instructors will also be helping you train as well after yesterday's event it would be wise to get professional help."

Well ok that I can understand at least so I'm satisfied with mother answer but then she glares at me for not telling her that Winter already awaken my aura welp I'm fucked, "Well I guess Eis that you didn't tell us that Winter already unlocked your aura a few days ago when it was only needed to be used during huntsmen or huntresses training…"

But then Willow sighs out a breath of relief towards me with a smile at the end, "Sigh… however if Winter didn't unlock your aura and awaken your second Semblance then I wouldn't be able to…"

She then shuts her mouth while shaking her no at the thought of me and Weiss dying yesterday which could've happen she continues to speak after coughing in her hand, "Cough… well then since you two will be training to defend yourselves I will teach and Winter as well how we use our family Semblance Glyphs and what affects they can use."

Now this was something I wanted to know about the Schnee family hereditary Semblance Glyphs and all the open possibilities what they can do I really want to know!

Klein emerges out with two plates that are covered of the smell of good food aroma smell coming from the plates…

You know I'll learn later about our heritage ability later food now!

When Klein presented our plates me and Weiss thanked him and went ahead to eat down all the food in front of our plates so good the food from the nobles sure has some good food lying around!

When we were eating, I managed to say to Willow after finishing some sausage and eggs, "Mom who exactly is the instructors that are going to teach us how to defend from attacks from strangers?"

Willow laughs at my question but responds to my question I just didn't realize it was someone like them to meet again, "Hahaha… now I know you must have some fear of strangers since from the attack, so I ask for the same people that helped us last time to come since you would rather be fine with the people who helped you Clover and Elm."

I was surprised at this turn of events, but I questioned Willow on how they got these two since they are Ironwood private go to team to handle problems in Atlas and Mantle, "Mom how did you get these people to help us?"

Willow looks rather hesitate to answer me that question now that is a first time seeing her like that, she usually answers without hesitation but she gives me a short answer, "Well let's just say that Ironwood was very helpful to lend us his two capable person to help after Winter… well it's not like it's your concern Eis so don't worry about this ok?"

I just nodded my head, but I did get the idea of what is going on if Winter send the flash drives to Ironwood then he would probably get more dirt on him and who else but his best soldiers for the job.

And add the fact that Elm and Clover would come help us undercover as combat instructors while in reality they investigate Jacques in secret I bet Jacques already made his move already but for now I guess I should be busy with my own for the time being.

So, for now I should focus on my training if the opportunity presents itself, I'll make sure to take Jacques down for good.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Lien: 5,000