Chapter 10: Idea!

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

I kept on eating my breakfast for a while now when I was done eating as well as Weiss, we saw our trash bag of a father coming stomping on the ground clearly showing a frustrated expression on his face.


I wonder what crawled up his ass to make him feel that angry while he was stomping around, he spotted Klein and asked him, "Klein… please do me the favor of getting me a cup of coffee and something else to come with that."

Well looks like he is angry I think it's time to make a quick get away from here me and Weiss immediately try to go away till he spoke to me, "Eis my son I wish to have a private talk with you later today after what happened… yesterday."

God damn it…

Seeing him call me out I tried to make an excuse this time I just acted confuse about that to him to not give him any ideas, "Uh… sorry father but I have to be busy with my studies today after the whole… event yesterday I want to have my mind off somewhere…"

Please take the bait!

Please take the bait!

Please take the bait!

I waited to hear what Jacques's response was but he only sighs at me and says to me, "Very well then son… I guess it wasn't important for now I guess so just carry on your day."

Well, that wasn't a warning then I don't know what is but at least I managed to avoid him for now but I'm not sure if using the same excuse over and over again is going to work but for now I should get going.

With that, I and Weiss left the dining room to which was soon filled with small arguing well this is certainly not good now isn't it if remember from the plot there would be more arguing to come in the future.

And that alone is a bad sign for me since that means he's getting more control…

And that was never a good sign that just means that Jacques gets more control in the future of the family while Willow and the rest of the family were just left to him to do as he pleases…


I want someone to control my own life especially a bastard like him I don't care what status of power he has in Atlas the second he tries anything funny on me or anyone I will beat his ass to a coma regardless of the consequences…

But for now, though I think it's time to gather more knowledge about the human body to see if it's going to be effective in the future using my Spin shame, I don't have test subjects to use better to memorize the best I can.

So, for now, though I think it's time to see over the family library to see if I can learn more about the human body.

But while we were walking Weiss asks me a question nervously, "Uh… brother Eis have you noticed that mommy and daddy have been getting into more yelling lately?"

You know now that she mentions it there have been a few times of that happening around the Mansion that I heard some yelling from time to time I guess this has been happening longer than I thought.

But what can I do about it last I checked I'm in a body of a kid I highly doubt that mom and Jacques would listen to a kid and add to the fact that I hardly 'bond' with the scum bag I don't believe he will listen to me for a second.

I did respond to Wiess's question acting to be confused on the subject, "Hmm… really they have been yelling a lot? I guess I didn't know about that sis Weiss, but it must about business right it's something we don't know right?"

True I don't much about business even in my past life, but I have no attention to getting into one well at least not now anyway as a Schnee maybe I can create my own organization like the Speedwagon Foundation…

Note to self-get enough funds to make it happen…

When we arrived at the library, we see no one around other than Winter looking rather worried about something, but I noticed she changed her expression immediately towards us, "Ah! Little brother and sister good morning, how are you two today?"

I raised my eyebrow clearly not buying what she is saying since her earlier expression gave it away but I played along for now, "Nothing much Winter me and Weiss came in here to get some studying done for the day before we begin on our assignments from our instructors."

Winter laughs at my response then gives us a reason why "Hahaha… well you two don't have to worry about that for now we're changing your schedule with your new combat instructors to help teach you to defend yourselves in the future after yesterday's events."

Yeah, that was definitely a bad day for everyone but as much as more time to avoid homework is a good thing that still doesn't explain why Winter's expression from earlier was bad?

But unexpectedly I got a side mission that pretty much got me my answer why.

"[Side Mission: Third Rival

Description: Jacques has finally made the important changes necessarily needed to get rid of Winter's name officially denounced as the heir with the help of his 'friends' in high places to the name that took years to do when Winter refused to follow under him.

He also changed it to Whitley as the heir to make sure he has control of your family name company under his image. Jacques still hasn't sent them yet to the Council Members in Atlas to make the change official yet.

Objective: Make sure to eliminate the Documents in his office without him noticing its missing from his office by the end of today.

Failure: The Plot goes as follows with Winter having no help from her family.

Rewards: 15,000 Lien and Stand: Man in the Mirror Lv.1.]"

Well looks like I have some things to change now but this isn't without some risk involved the sooner I get rid of it the faster it takes but who knows for sure if there was only one copy.

But still, if I complete the side mission then this would make getting some evidence on Jacques much easier with the Stand Man in the Mirror and its Mirror world ability!

That Stand is the best used for undercover missions and the best part is if the user and Stand both want to bring someone or object into the mirror world only those of the target can see them while ordinary people can't see them!

The only bad part would be its strength is the same as an average human adult no boost or anything of the sort, but its ability is what makes it a threat if it can catch the enemy by surprise!

But for now, it looks like I have another reason to return later to his office today, but first I asked Winter, "Oh, ok big sis Winter but I would like to study still do you know where I can find a biology book my instructor made sure to ask me some questions regarding the human body?"

Winter thinks for a bit then leaves to one of the high shelves that had a row of books and took out one that was labeled, 'The Understanding of the Human Body' then proceed to give it to me, "Here you go, Eis, this book should have what you need to learn what your instructor should ask you."

I nodded my head when I got the book then I see Weiss heads over to Winter by her leg asking her with a smile on her face, "Hey big sis Winter can we go play please, or can you read me a story please."

I see Winter nods her head and smile towards and they both begin to leave the library with Winter having a book in hand while I was left alone in the library with the book I want, "Sigh… at least they left, now then I think it's time to check Jacques office again he should be in the dining room still getting his breakfast with Willow and with her arguing it will take a while before he returns."

Good if that scum is occupied then it's a good time to start searching.

So with that, I put the book into my inventory for the time being and I took out the flash drives Winter entrusted to me while I look at them and think, 'Better to get these flash drives into my inventory for the time being since it's the only place that I know that it's safe from anyone to get into.'

With that I put the flash drives away into my inventory will I'll keep them safe so with that I quickly go to Jacques's office again to see where I can find the documents but doing it silently while Winter and Weiss turn to mom's garden.

When they went into the garden, I made sure to get my scroll I got as a gift from one of the staff apparently it was from mom since she thought it was time for me and Weiss to have them around with our own numbers.


I guess having this around would be good to have some video evidence against Jacques when the time comes to persecute him.

With that, I see no one is around and I quickly come inside the room and brought out my Stand D4C in a kid-size version, "Ok D4C I need your help looking for any documents that revolve around Winter and the Heir of the Schnee Dust Company ok?"

D4C nodded its head in understanding and started to look around that is away from me to look around the place considering a Stand had better eyesight than me its best to keep one that has their base stats A all-around to help search.

With that, I rechecked the safe and small room behind the portrait to see if there was anything I could find while D4C was going through the stack of paper on one of his desks, "Huh… I guess the Lien from the safe and small room are still visible to see well it's not like he's going to miss them much."

With that, I stole whatever amount of Lien that was inside the safe and small room into my inventory and was surprised to see the amount I got from them.

"[Lien Stolen: 75,000 totals into your account -> 80,000 Lien Total.]"

Well, I guess I should have expected this amount inside the both of them but still, "Damn I know we're rich and all but still to have this amount lying around is just asking to be stolen."

But that was when I got my thoughts cleared from my mind was when D4C brought to me a bunch of unofficial documents detailing that Winter shouldn't become Heir of the Schnee Dust Company family.

I managed to look through some of the documents before deciding what to do with them, "Ok from what I read here it looks like there are a few unofficial demands from father to Winter detailing that if she doesn't return to her she wouldn't get any help from the Schnee company and other items needed…"


Well, it looks like Jacques knows his stuff to get help from people in high places that just means it's no good to me in the future those corrupt people needed to be taken down…

Well at least I know the first few people to take out and collect of these sinner's soul but… "How exactly can I extract their souls needed for the Heaven Plan to work?"

I know you need 36 sinner souls to work and then I need to also destroy my own Stand with the 14 phrases in the soul from what I can piece together into my soul when I'm ready to destroy my Stand.

While I was thinking of a way to achieve Heaven, I had thought of the realization of how to get the souls?!

I realized its possible how to get the souls and preserve them but that required some testing that I need the three following Stands needed to experiment but then I expressed a frown, "The three Stands I need to test out my plan are Osiris, Atum, or Chariot Requiem the very few Stands that can manipulate souls to a degree but I don't have any of them to work…"


As much as I would like to get them, I highly doubt that anyone with a sinner soul will just let me collect their souls and the conditions needed for Osiris and Atum are a bit useless unless I force them into a game that I know I'll win.

And Chariot Requiem is pretty much my go to get the souls with its soul manipulation ability but I need to get the Stand Arrow first and getting Silver Chariot x10 at random from the Stardust Crusaders of part 3 doesn't mean I'll get him each time it's all on chance…

When I look over the documents D4C brought me more papers of the same documents inside a folder I looked over and see the same thing over and over again.

I narrowed my eyes at this and used my Stand Horus to freeze the papers into dust immediately then I heard the system give me my rewards.

"[Side Mission: Third Rival (Completed)

Description: Jacques has finally made the important changes necessarily needed to get rid of Winter's name officially denounced as the heir with the help of his 'friends' in high places to the name that took years to do when Winter refused to follow under him.

He also changed it to Whitley as the heir to make sure he has control of your family name company under his image. Jacques still hasn't sent them yet to the Council Members in Atlas to make the change official yet.

Objective: Make sure to eliminate the Documents in his office without him noticing its missing from his office by the end of today.

Failure: The Plot goes as follows with Winter having no help from her family.

Rewards: 15,000 Lien and Stand: Man in the Mirror Lv.1.]"

With that I begin to head towards the door while thinking to myself, 'Sigh… I really can't believe how Jacques wants to control everyone I wonder if he's really a human and not a Grimm in disguise at times.'

When I was right in front of the door, I suddenly see it slowly open shit!


My eyes went wide open hearing the door open only having a single thought in my mind, 'Fuck!'

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drives x3, Book

Lien: 95,000