Chapter 12: Ultimate State

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

Let's see I already spent the 90,000 Lien to get three more Bizarre Tokens from the shop function of the system to get them ready to use the Bizarre Gacha again now the question remains on what part I get next?

If I know correctly of my JoJo knowledge any Stands past part 6 are just plain busted and with part 8 especially main antagonist Stand the Wonder of U but then I got to wondering what would a stone mask with the Red Stone of Aja would do exactly?


I wonder what would happen if a human were to evolve using the red stone of Aja with the mask?

I know for sure that when Kars used it, he turned himself into the ultimate life form for his race at least but what happens if a human or vampire used it on themselves?

With that in my mind I couldn't help but ask the System what would happen exactly so for curiosity's sake I asked the question, "Hey System what would exactly happen if a human or vampire would have used the stone mask what would exactly happen to them?"

"[Processing… Processing… Processing… Answer:

If you use the stone mask with the red stone of Aja, you would have an evolutionary breakthrough for Humans or Vampires alike going through stages of life as if increasing your base stats to ridicules realms of power that the peak superhumans or vampires are.

Say for example a superhuman at their peak would be easily released of their limiters physically and spiritually limiting them to be released making them reach unbelievable power but for each race differs from another.

However at the end for each race they will inevitability reach a powerful stage in their lives of their race and granting them all the unique ability to change also making them empower everything about them as well evolve their Stands into their Ultimate States a separate line or additional of evolution of Requiem or Over Heaven.]"


Wait a minute…

Hold the fuck up when the does Stands have an Ultimate Forms?!

I never heard of this from the manga or the anime versions ever talking about this before then why is this the first I'm hearing about this right now?!!

"[Host Eis, the reason you are hearing about this now is that the Ultimate Forms were discussed in the version of the light novel of the series, where Kars has fought against the other antagonist from the other parts villains like Funny Valentine, DIO, and Pucci and just by observing them once he adapted to create a powerful version of them.

Once Kars has adapted to them, he can create his own versions of them in their Ultimate States fitting for the Ultimate Lifeform each giving them a supercharged power version like Funny Valentine Stand D4C.

Once Kars has created Ultimate D4C It seems to be able to create a portal to a parallel world anywhere that anyone can enter through and hide in.]"

When I heard that I just froze on the spot realizing that it's possible to further increase my own strength if I got the Stone Mask and with the red stone of Aja I have it should be possible for me to accomplish as well!

While that is all good and all I still have to get the items for that to work, well at least I know that if Kars had a Stand he would've been absolutely broken as hell just imagine Ultimate forms for the Requiems or the antagonist Stands like the Wonder of U…


I think I might have over-scared myself there just imagining a more OP version of that monstrosity ability but an amped version of it…


What would that even mean anymore would it just predict the future of when someone is going after me or is it something else like messing with fate… Shiver…

No don't have those thoughts right now I have a more pressing matter to attend to its to find out what should I use the BTs on.

Now getting the Stone Mask just didn't become a priority for later but a must to turn my Stands into their Ultimate States but I still have time to look around for later.

Right now currently the power I have is fine for the time being but the question should be what to get next for the moment I can put my plans to for Over Heaven can wait and the same can be said for the Stone Mask what I lack is versatility at the moment.

Even if I get the Stand Arrow it won't mean much if I can't get a single version of my Stand to Lv. MAX to be awakened for it so for now, I'm shelving that idea for the time being for when I'm older.

Now the bigger question of what Stands would be useful in the later parts of the series worth getting is the question that needs to be asked.

Let's see getting some Stands from part 5 Golden Winds would be good to have, and having some Stands from part 8 would good as well to have that just leaves the last one but on which part?

There is part 4 with Diamonds is Unbreakable with the oddest but most useful Stands for situations to have but then there is part 6 Stone Ocean the beginning of Over Heaven plan is at with Pucci Stands from there very OP but strong as well.

Ugh… you know what screw going for the part for part 4 on the last BT if for anything else just to get me an automated Stand because they were first introduced in part 4 so at the very least, I'll have the number advantage so lets a go!

With that, I used all the three BT I got from the shop and used them on the Bizarre Gacha hoping for the best, "System uses the three BTs on the following parts of 4, 5, and 8. Now please to any God watching please get me something good please…"

"[Use of Bizarre Tokens x3 on the Bizarre Gacha now processing… Congrats you get the following Skills or Stands:

Part 4:

Stand: Achtung Baby Lv.1

Item: Adult-sized wooden doll

Item: Cooking book

Part 5:

Skill: Gunmanship Lv.1

Stand: Dolly Dagger Lv.1

Stand: Silver Chariot Lv.1

Part 8:

Item: Sailor Uniform

Stand: Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Rare Item: Locacaca x2]"

Well, the items I have weren't bad, but I was more afraid of getting that damn fruit than anything because of its ridiculous ability!

Though the fruit can be useful I say it's too much like from Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood it's just bad in many ways it's pretty much only useful for curing the stone disease but otherwise, it's absolutely terrifying of the results!

Well putting away the terrifying fruit aside I looked closer to my Stands status I frown not getting a colony base Stand, but I did change my expression when I got an automated one instead.

"[Stand: Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Appearance: Doobie Wah! usually manifests in the form of a rapidly spinning small tornado with a vaguely genie-like humanoid figure inside. It has two short drooping horns, as well as a single short spike jutting out of the lower half of its face, directly below a single mechanical eye. It appears to have something resembling a crown on its head and has long-bladed index fingers.




Automatic Lv.1, Pursuing Vortex Lv.1, Minor Wind Manipulation Lv.5 (LOCKED), Wind Manipulation Lv. MAX (LOCKED)]"

Well, looks like here I got myself automatic Stand well at least it would be more effective for me to use without me using much of my stamina to maintain it as long as I target the person first by touching them and just let them breathe to activate the ability.

Now time to see what Dolly Dagger is because it's the first I ever heard of this Stand before and I don't think it's been seen in the manga or anime of Golden Wind before so it should be interesting to find out.

"[Stand: Dolly Dagger Lv.1

Appearance: About 50 cm (20 in) in length, the Stand is bound to a straight double-edged Napoleonic-era dagger. The dagger itself features a decorative hilt and a rusted blade but shines like a mirror when the Stand is active.




Physical Partial Damage Reflection 70% Lv.1, Physical Partial Damage Reflection Increase 80% Lv.5 (LOCKED), Physical Full Damaged Reflection 100% Lv. MAX (LOCKED)]"

I'm so going to use that with my automatic Stand that dagger alone just became my Half Counter from the Seven Deadly Sins and I will spam it gloriously but the 30% damage I take is going to be a pain…

Now then what does the stats Achtung Baby isn't that a Stand ability to turn someone invisible, well at least it will be useful in the future.

"[Stand: Achtung Baby Lv.1

Appearance: Doesn't have one since it's bound to the User to use as he or she likes.


PWR: E, SPD: E, RNG: Null, PER: A, PRC: E, DEV: A


Invisibility Lv.1, Masked Presence Lv. MAX (LOCKED)]"

Well looks like I'm about just getting as much as I can from this Stand ability to be invisible as well as from others or objects to be invisible…


If I use this on my Stands and Weapons…

This Stand is too OP now I have a way to hide my Stands again yes!

Now that I have invisibility as a weapon to use for stealth it would be very useful and make me the greatest player of hiding and seek with Weiss of all times Hahaha!

But in all seriousness, though the only weakness this Stand has that it can't hide my noises I make but if I get it to max would it really turn me invisible with people unaware of me if I make noises.

The only way to find out is to max it out but for now, though let's see the stats of Silver Chariot thought having a combat Stand is good to have as well if only I can max him out and have the arrow then it would be perfect.

"[Stand: Silver Chariot Lv.1

Appearance: Silver Chariot looks like a thin, robotic humanoid clad in silver, medieval armor, armed with a cup-hilted rapier. Although Silver Chariot is thin, it wields heavy plate armor spiked at the shoulder pads and elbow pads.

Silver Chariot has a distinctive helmet with a jewel embedded in the forehead and several pointed down projections protecting the mouth and cheeks. Chariot's sword can be unequipped for tasks that require two hands.




Armor Lv.1, Sword Launch Lv.1, Great Swordsmanship Lv.5 (LOCKED), Increase SPD Status Lv.7 (LOCKED), Master Swordsmanship Lv. MAX (LOCKED)]"

Ok, Silver Chariot is going to become a monster soon if I keep on getting him like this, but the problem is getting him the next x9 times is going to be hard to obtain.

While I was walking down the way to the garden, I noticed the day still hasn't gone by much yet, "Weird I thought for sure it took longer than it did for today? Oh well for now though I think it's time to report the news to Winter."

With that, I enter the garden expecting to find big sis to give her the news.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform

Lien: 5,000