Chapter 13: Call me Solid Schnee

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

When I entered the garden, I see Winter was telling Weiss the story about the maidens…

Oh, fuck I forgot about them, haven't I?

Well considering I have been enjoying my new life here I guess I kind of forgot about them till now how rude of me to forget Ozma and Salem.

Well now how exactly do I go about dealing with them pretty much GER can pretty much beat their asses honestly, but I do feel bad about Salem she tried her hardest to get her love only to be punished by the Gods of this world.

Damn but still she has pretty much tried to kill humanity for her trouble or to be more specific destroy Ozma's work but either one really, but it can be said that Ozma never asks others for help in his shadow war.

Then again, I highly doubt Ozma will ever tell the truth as he pretty much prefers to keep his secrets and keep himself in control that is never going to work.

Although knowing more of the story I know how to get the other relics and know what they look like but the problem is I need a Maiden power to open them… or I could just use Killer Queen, Sticky Fingers, or Bohemian Rhapsody to open to which I don't have.

However, taking that out on say humanity was a bit childish to do the only way I see me facing off against those brothers is to have The World Over Heaven to do it since I highly doubt those Gods have the power to rewrite reality.

And say that doesn't work there is always the power-up of Requiem and Ultimate forms to help out in the near future at least that increases The World Over Heaven Power dramatically to unknown realms of power.

For now, though I'll worry about the future later now though I headed towards Winter direction when she was done telling Weiss the story of the maidens.

When I arrived, Weiss came over to my side and says to me with a smile, "Hey there brother Eis did you finish your studying in the library already?"

Ah, I knew having Weiss around would bring a cheerful smile to my face so I patted her head and respond to her, "Yeah Weiss I finish my study quickly as possible to meet up with you my sis Weiss but I need to ask Winter a question."

Weiss nodded her head but then she quickly says to me with an innocent expression, "Ok, brother Eis. Oh! I should finish my studies too so see you two later byes!"

With that, I laugh out a bit commenting on Weiss from her past to her future hoping she stays the cute sister that I know, "Hahaha… I hope Weiss doesn't change she is cute this way."

Winter share the same sentiment with me on that subject as well, "Yes I do hope Weiss doesn't change like this she is cuter this way but for now Eis what was it you would like to ask me about?"

Well Winter doesn't beat around the bush so I didn't either so I just showed her my new scroll but before she could say anything, I pressed the play button on my scroll to begin the replay of the video.

After a few minutes have passed Winter just stands there frozen with shock looking at me with an innocent expression while she finally says to me, "Eis… how did you get this video footage of father confessing this… I highly doubt he would've said that out loud to you if you are around so how?"

I stick out my tongue acting mischievous but respond to Winter, "It's my second Semblance Manifestation big sis Winter it made it possible to sneak at father with my new Stand Man in the Mirror."

Winter just grew a more confused expression about what I was saying as if it was nonsense now, "So… your second Semblance Manifestation allows you to use this Stand to make that possible called Man in the Mirror to do it? Sorry, but can you show me?"

I nodded my head and brought out my Stand Man in the Mirror but just as I suspected Winter can't see him, "Sorry Eis but I can't see this Man in the Mirror you speak of is it something I'm supposed to look for?"

Right forgot that Huntsmen or Huntresses can't see them normally unless they can sense them using their aura to sense them the same as Grimm but looking for the battle aura of battle spirit instead it's the only way they can see my Stands as Kenshiro did in Death Battle so it isn't that far to stretch out the possibility that Aura can do the same.

So, I explain to Winter what she needs to do, "Uh… Big sis Winter you need to focus your Aura into your eyes to sense the emotions of people auras then you can see my Stand."

With that Winter did as she follows my instruction and soon, she grew to a surprised expression to see Man in the Mirror in a kid form but asks me a question, "So this is the Man in the Mirror you spoke of Eis? That Manifestation looks like a kid are you sure Kid in the Mirror doesn't sound more appropriate?"

Well, it would but I'm keeping it as Man in the Mirror in the future but for now, though I decided to describe my Stand ability to her, "Winter my Stand allows me to travel in the Mirror World that is how I got the video footage of Jacques look here is an example."

~Winter POV (14 years old) ~

What in the blazes is Eis talking about sure that his second Semblance allows him to do some ridiculous feats from water manipulation, ice manipulation, super strength, and physical imperviousness but to go to another world?

I don't know how to feel about that I mean how would one –

I stopped my processing to notice that Eis was breaking himself apart with his Manifestation I got increasingly worried on what was happening when he finally vanished.

I looked around frantically looking to see if he was ok!

I say out loud his name please Oum that his alright, "Eis! Eis where are you little brother!"

That was when I heard a voice from somewhere nearby in the garden, "Geez big sis Winter calm down would you that kind of negativity would attract the big bad Grimm look over here."

With that I tried to find the source where my little brother voice originated from only to see when I look up on the ceiling glass, I noticed… "Little brother how are you inside the glass window?!"

I truly couldn't believe what I was seeing my brother is somehow inside the glass reflection in the mirror itself but that was when I noticed he was no longer there anymore then I grew more panicked the second.

It's natural to care for your own siblings like this but for him to vanish is another thing all together but that was when I heard his voice again from somewhere else again, "Don't worry big sis my Stand ability also lets people to see who we want to let us see or not so we don't have to worry so much about being caught while I'm in the mirror world cool right?"


More like absolutely terrifying if the wrong people would use that ability…

When I heard that I couldn't help but think that ability is very useful… and I mean it if a person could hide in mirrors or reflective surfaces period then no one can know if they are truly watched and if my brother says is true…

Well at the very least his on Atlas side at least I can already imagine the trouble that ability can do on a Kingdom level just exposing secrets to the public or rather steal items or people whenever they feel like it…

And there would be no one to stop them unless they have no reflective surfaces to which that is impossible here in Atlas with its barriers and shields having reflective surfaces a person with that power can easily escape from here without any problem!


No calm down here Winter that is only in the case if he uses it for bad as the older sibling I can make sure such a thing doesn't happen after all plus he is family I could never fear my little brother what kind of big sister would I be.

But with his help collecting evidence against father and giving it to the General it could hasten the time to arrest him for good but that could leave my brother in danger…

Then I see Eis come out from a nearby reflective surface near me and says to me, "Don't worry big sis Winter I'll be very careful but I want to help as well I know I don't know how to beat father but I know you can take this to the right people to take him away right?"


Yes, I have to after witnessing everything that has happen from the video Eis provided if I leave now to Atlas Academy in 3 years then that would leave Weiss and Eis to him in the future and I can't let that happen!

If father learned of Eis ability of to travel in mirrors, then he could use him to gather information about his rivals or get dirt on important influential people…


That can't happen if he does control Eis then I don't know what else he could do…

I guess I have to give up my dream to going to Atlas Academy for the time being maybe I could get some instructors to teach me other than Whitley who knows business practice he isn't the only one able to know how to do business.

But for now though I'll worry about that in the future for now though I have to ask Eis an important assignment I hope I'm making the right decision here trusting Eis, "Eis… very well can I ask you for a favor Eis can you help collect evidence on father as much as you can and send them to me. I know I'm asking a lot from you but – "

Before I could finish my sentence Eis beats me to the punch by saying while expressing a determined look that I honestly never seen him expressed before, "Sure thing big sis its only way to do really if grandpa was here he would've done everything in his power to stop father from what his doing and I want to be someone courageous and honest like him big sis also its just natural to help family right?"

Well at the very least I know that Eis is on the good side of things and knows what is right and wrong I think that maybe his greatest strength.

With that I downloaded the video from Eis scroll into mine so I can send it to the General to know what to do next but then I heard Eis say acting like a spy how cute, "Don't worry Winter for I Eis Solid Schnee is on the case!"


Never change Eis you might act like your serious all the time but you're still a kid, but for now please lend me your help.

With that I went to my room to get everything ready for the General and begin investigating who is the Council Member in Atlas that has been illegally signing the documents that my father got from.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform

Lien: 5,000