~Third POV~
It is the next day in the Schnee Mansion after yesterday's events of Eis handing Winter some evidence of their father confessing to creating some illegal documents from one of Council Members in Atlas.
For the rest of yesterday everything was like normal with everyone except for Eis new job of collecting information about Jacques during the afternoon when he was alone doing his job checking if he was doing anything suspicious.
Anything than that was pretty much a normal day Eis and Weiss already ate their breakfast and waited to the outside front of the Mansion for their new bodyguards and trainers after the assassination attempt and good time to show them their family Semblance.
Weiss has her aura already unlocked by Winter ahead of time just for their training to begin their instructors are the same people that came with General Ironwood during the twin's birthday.
For the most part, the Schnee Manor's interior is white with blue and gray accents, with the frequent use of columns and arches in the architecture. Most rooms and hallways have white or pale blue walls, a gray ceiling and a white reflective tile floor.
All the family members were waiting out the front except for Jacques doing his work that was more important than meeting two bodyguards and instructors for the twin's and as for Whitley he wasn't interested of the idea.
Whitley views Huntsmen and Huntresses work as barbaric and unnecessary since they have their Atlas soldiers doing the job for them but does come to visit the two new staff members coming over.
While they were waiting around, they finally saw two people coming out from a Bullhead carrying their luggage's around Clover looked professional and smile while Elm just looks a bit frustrated but tries to be polite.
Clover was the first to meet with Willow and they both exchanged handshakes, "Hello there Ms. Schnee it's a pleasure to meet you again."
Willow returned the same gesture with a respected voice while lightly bowing, "No, Clover I should be the one to have the pleasure to meet you since I didn't think that the General would lend us some of his best soldiers to act as body guards for my family."
Then Elm comes closer to inspect Weiss and Eis while Weiss was a bit intimated from her but Eis just stands in the same place.
Elm looks at the twins with a smile on her face and flexes her muscles to show them what they lack, "Well then you two will be training under us for the next 3 years to help defend yourselves and get you into shape like me here!"
Weiss didn't seem to care much about gaining muscles but learn self-defense but Eis just looks over to his own little muscles easily intimidated and frown thinking, 'I won't get extremely buff don't I if I follow Elm plan will I?'
Elm just laughs at the two response to her while Clover goes over to the twins talking to them, "Well then it looks like we're going to be your combat instructors and bodyguards for the next 3 years so it's best to know each right? The name is Clover Ebi it's a pleasure to meet you two."
Then Elm introduces herself with gusto to the twins in an overzealous manner, "Hahaha! Well since I'm going to be your instructor in the future you can call me Elm Ederne better get ready to be in shape!"
Weiss and Eis nodded their heads in agreement with their new combat instructors while Whitley just rolls his eyes and Winter glad that her little brother and sister are doing something different in their life.
When introductions were done Clover gave Weiss and Eis instructions on what to do next and asks Winter for assistance on their training, "Ok then Weiss and Eis can you two get ready to train into more suitable appearance and Winter I would like to ask for your assistance in helping your siblings in helping how to use your family Semblance."
Winter, Eis, and Wiess nodded their heads and then Weiss and Eis went back to the mansion with the staff getting proper clothing ready for there training while Willow took this as a clue to leave, "Well thank you for your assistance Clover and Elm but can you go easy on my children they are still kids you know? Also, your luggage will be placed in your own private rooms in the mansion feel free to ask the staff for any help now have a good day."
Whitley also took his leave with Willow after briefly introducing himself to them and left simple as that leaving Winter and the two agents alone…
~Winter POV (14 years old) ~
Finally, those two left I was wondering when I could have some alone time with the other agents that the General sent to help me.
After giving the confession to the General he already started to investigate the Council Members of Atlas to see who has broken the law but needs more evidence since each member were doing different activities.
The General also requested that we need to find the name of the members involved with Jacques I also told him I had some help getting it from the unlikely of places and withhold his name just in case if were leaked.
I didn't want Ironwood to find out about Eis second Semblance true abilities since most people would rather keep that a secret and I can't just bluntly say it out loud in the scenario where if we are leaked then my brother would pay the price.
So I just gave him the only required help for the time being and say to him that his abilities are just we need since it might as well be the ultimate spy in the case but also told him that his abilities and identity must be kept secret for the time being.
The General agreed to that surprisingly easy but mostly because if we have any edge to gather information it would be wise to keep this a secret, so we agreed for the time being.
Now currently I try to thank the two agents here with me, "Thank you again for helping me train my sibling's and help get Jacques arrested you two."
Clover just shrugs it off and smiles towards me while stretching his arms, "It's no problem I highly doubt that the General had much to spare but he also knows this is important since the evidence you gave to him was enough for us to get this mission plus training some kids would be a nice change of pace after doing mission after mission."
Elm was the next to talk to me about my siblings while putting her arm around me, "Yeah have no fear their Winter will be training your little brother and sister just fine I bet they will defiantly be great Huntsmen and Huntresses one day."
Yes but sometimes I would think they don't follow this path sometimes it can lead to most people in their lives to die very quickly it maybe a noble job to protect others…
But it's also a path that can end you quickly if you aren't strong then you get eaten by the Grimm or killed by other people.
I shake my heads of those thoughts for now I look at Elm getting away from her arm grip and say to her, "Yes… thank you for your assistance for helping me in this I have my… informant give me info about Jacques it's just a matter of time before the informant get any valuable information."
They both nodded their heads in agreements then we waited for a few minutes to see Weiss and Eis get into a kid sized version of track suits just made for them I quickly get my scroll to take a picture for this moment after all its their first day training!
When I look over the picture was a success, I notice everyone was giving me a odd look then I just cough into my hand and told them to follow me, "Cough… sorry about that but now then if you would please follow me I have the place for you guys to train in."
They nodded their heads in agreement and I brought over to backyard of our home after that they all see it's a big field with plenty of space as well as some state of the art training equipment as well as a big enough private small stadium with plenty of grass and plants in our backyard.
When I showed them the backyard I see the agents are stun at seeing our backyard well at least we do have a lot of money laying around and I did get all of this made with mother permission of course and with all of that made it didn't cost much.
I heard Elm comments about our backyard training grounds while saying the last part to herself, "Well… damn you Schnee's really like to throw your money, around don't you? Even if I do my work career as a soldier of Atlas, I wouldn't make that much…"
Hehehe… well we are part of company that everyone relies on after all.
Clover makes a comment next about our backyard training grounds while he whistles at the view, "Fweet! Man, you guys sure spend big to get what you want man I bet those equipment and private stadium must have cost at least thousands of Liens to get them constructed at least."
It did but the time it took was for a few months to get done but at least I had a place to train but I guess this works out.
With that Clover begins to say to Weiss and Eis with a stern voice, "Ok then since we have the time I want you two train as much as you can of your stamina so do some laps around till you can no longer run now go!"
With that Weiss and Eis did the same and started to run around the field for a few laps well at least this will help them in the future.
JoJo System:
Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission
Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1
Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1
Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform
Lien: 5,000