Chapter 15: Glyphs

~Third POV~

During the morning of the day during the backyard private small stadium Weiss and Eis were doing as instructed from their new combat instructors Elm and Clover doing a variety of tasks that was needed to train.

They started to do a few laps around the small private stadium and with their auras helps them break the limitations of a kid to superhuman levels with their auras.

The next few exercises were that they are a few sit ups, pushups, stretching, lifting, and some basic self-defense techniques.

The twins were also taught the basic use of using their aura on how to enhance which parts of their body with their aura as means of defense currently since using the other moves are for advances courses.

They kept on doing this for half of the day till it was finally the evening time of the day with Weiss and Eis both panting out in exhaustion of the exercise they have endured.

When Weiss was catching her breath, she says to Eis with clear tired voice, "Brother Eis… huff… doing exercises are… huff… very tiring to do."

Eis listen in to Weiss was saying and agreed with her since the most of his time he was training his Stands never his body unless he wanted to get caught by his family doing it early in his childhood years.

Since Eis for the first time he has done physical training he agrees with his sister that doing physical exercise was exhausting, "Yeah… huff… doing physical exercise… huff… is very hard to do."

While Eis says that he considered to get the most he can get out of his time training since if he can train his breathing then his Hamon (Ripple) would get stronger to use for him.

When the two were talking Clover says to the both of them while clapping his hands together, "Clap! Clap! Well done you two it looks like you are going to be doing this for the next few days to get used to this routine then will increase it once you get more used to it ok?"

Weiss just looks at the idea thinking it's going to be much harder than it is now while Eis just smirks at the challenge the sooner he breaks his limits the sooner he can get stronger than they heard Elm taking.

Elm comments on the twins exercise on how they have been doing putting up a thumbs up to them, "Well good job there you two you can consider your training done for the day, you can finally get some rest but first your big sis Winter wanted to explain to you two about your family Semblance. Now then me and Clover will take our leave so be good ok?"

With that Clover and Elm left the backyard training grounds to the mansion leaving behind Weiss, Eis, and Winter to explain their family Semblance much to Eis excitement.

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~


Finally, I get to learn more about the Glyphs in RWBY since it can be used in many ways it was also a reason why I asked ROB to be born here because it's a guarantee that I get the hereditary Semblance if I was born a Schnee.

When Winter comes forward our direction she asks with concern for our health, "Well then how do you two feels after doing some training for the rest of the day to evening?"

Weiss responds to Winter with a small glare feeling exhausted and sweaty, "Tired and sweaty a lady shouldn't be this sweaty is this natural big sis?"

Winter just laughs at Weiss action I would join as well if I wasn't so tired to respond, "Hahaha… yes Weiss people do get sweaty even I do when I train to hard as well but I do it to make myself be stronger to become a Huntresses."

Tired, sweaty, and exhausted but fine just a little hungry after all of that exercise but instead of answering that I just said, "Tired and exhausted but otherwise fine so what exactly is your going to teach us big sis Winter?"

Now I finally get to hear about more about this subject and learn how do I abuse my Semblance to the best of my ability.

Winter then begins to explain our family hereditary Semblance Glyphs to some of her knowledge on how to use it, "Very well then let's get to the point as you two are already aware of our family hereditary Semblance is called Glyphs like our grandfather correct?"

Yes I know that much on how we got them and I look over to Weiss agreeing with me by nodding her head then Winter continues, "Good as you know already our hereditary Semblance of the Schnee family Glyphs have a variety of effects on objects, monsters and people. Depending on what Glyphs symbols used have a variety of effects."

Stopping motion could be a good way to stop people in their tracks if they encounter you it's basically a repel wall if used to stop kinetic forces coming towards it and repel it away to a different location.

Me and Weiss nodded our heads in understanding as Winter continues to explain as if she is a mentor and were the students, "Glyphs are usually used for propulsion, as they have the ability to control motion, with the basic Glyph type exerting push forces on other objects and acting as a solid surface, but they also have another ability given to the Schnee's and that would be the summoning Glyphs."

Winter demonstrated it when she brought up her Glyphs to bring to life a big rotating summoning circle…

Wait rotating…

Then I see that the Glyphs itself seems to be rotating or…


Now that I think about it, I never seen Weiss original Glyphs stop spinning around when in use like ever in the series and kept going on I wonder what would happen if I add Glyphs with the Spin technique from Part 7 Steel Ball Run?

After a few seconds came out a Grimm that is Under Winter control that looks like a Beowolf except its white colored blue eyes and blue mist surrounding it, "And this here is summoning what our family is known for members of the Schnee family are able to Summon foes that they have previously defeated in combat and bring them to fight for their side."

Winter then makes a comment about my second Semblance but surprises Weiss a bit, "But it looks like Eis already unlocked a second Semblance Wiess know as Manifestation similar to our summons but completely different right brother?"


Can't really get out of that one can it but Weiss just looks at me with a stary eyed expression saying to me with clear admiration with it, "Wait brother Eis had another Semblance? That… that… is so COOL?!"

I was embarrassed with the sudden praise from Weiss but accepted while scratching behind my head, but I shortly got over it to look towards Winter direction to ask a question.

Ok I get that part down but I had to ask Winter what they can do and prepare for any surprises, "What exactly does the Glyphs does when adding to Dust big sis Winter?"

Now that was the real question, I wanted to ask her since if the Glyphs functions are on motion control then using Lighting Dust from the series to go with our Semblance would make since why Weiss from canon would be able to accelerate time to speed up actions.

When Winter heard my question she dispels her summon Beowolf and begins to think for a bit before giving me a answer to my question, "Now that question has many answers there Eis but I'll try my best to answer to my ability ok since I only use Ice, Lighting, Hard-Light, Fire, and Air Dust when I use my Glyphs alright?"

I nodded my head this was as good as I'm going to get from Winter considering that she tested using Dust with her Glyphs at least she explained to me what each Dust used for her Glyphs as done adding an element effect to her Semblance.

From what she explained so far using Dust with her Glyphs pretty much gave her unique affects that I summarized into what they each do:

Fire Dust with Glyphs adds the effect to launch fire balls or a beam of fire from the Glyphs but can also have the properties of burning with the Glyphs acting like fire having a red color.

Ice Dust with Glyphs can pretty much do the same as fire but allows the user to construct what they want before launching it off with the Glyphs having a white color.

Lighting Dust with Glyphs pretty much accelerate time of speeding up the action showing a white or yellow color.

Hard-Light Dust with Glyphs pretty much acts like shield for them to conjure up shields or other weapons since this type of Dust can be found in Atlas and Mistral only showing a light blue color lining the constructs.

Air Dust with Glyphs can boost the propulsion of your Glyphs like another boost with the wind producing a miniature tornado for the person to use to increase their speed otherwise it's the same as the Fire Dust with a green color.

I nodded satisfied learning all I can about Glyphs and what they do with Dust its very versatile for the user however the problem lies in the need of Dust to use those different versions of Glyphs as well as a good supply of Dust.

But I shake those thoughts for now then ask Winter with a clear smile on my face, "Thanks big sis Winter I think I know what to expect from Glyphs."

Winter nodded her head with a smile following her she says to me and Weiss, "Good at least you know what to expect of our Semblance Weiss and Eis but maybe will talk about what weapon you'll like to master in one day but for now we should he back to our home soon to get you two cleaned up."

I sheepishly rub the back my head admitting that we do smell bad and do need to take a bath soon so with that we went ahead to our home.

While we were heading home, I had a thought in my mind that I can't seem to get rid of when Winter mentions weapons in the future.

True what weapon would suit me the most?

What I need is a weapon that can spin but is also a good Hamon (Ripple) conductor martial for my weapon I know I want to have it transform into a gun for distance but what melee weapon should I get is the question?


For now, though I'll settle creating a weapon for later down into the future for now though I should be busy getting everything ready for next few months getting dirt on Jacques for the time being.

With that we finally get inside the mansion and took my bath with Weiss using Winter room to take a shower before we all ate and go to bed for the night except for me since I'm now doing my shift looking at Jacques to see if I can find anything incriminating.

A kid got to do what he needs to do to catch a criminal in the act.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform

Lien: 5,000