Chapter 16: Spin is OP with Glyphs

~Third POV~

For the past six months, Eis and Weiss were training their physical bodies to their limits as they can and learn how to use their family Semblance Glyphs.

Each time they follow the instructions of Clover and Elm they would curse them in their own thoughts especially Clover with his bullshit Semblance Good Fortune basically he has good luck on his side.

Whenever he suggests them to try to get him in a game of tag is the winner being able to hit him once will get their training done for the day and as expected from the kids they thought it was easy…

They were wrong…

Also, during that time Eis wouldn't use his Stands to win the game since it would be easy it wouldn't mean much physical progress for him if he always relies on his Stands to get him out of every pinch his in.

Another thing would be Eis didn't use his Stands is because he wants to practice his Hamon (Ripple) and Spin to get a better understanding of what they can do for him as well as figure out what weapon he'll incorporate soon.

At one point when Eis was spying on Jacques, he left his Stand to record the video while he wanted to experiment with the idea of using his Spin on his Glyphs since it always seems to rotate its Glyphs on whatever is used.

When Eis tried using the idea to use Spin into practice with his Glyphs the results were… unexpected to what he originally thought.

Eis thought to himself in a curious tone while preparing, 'Ok now that I'm alone I can try to experiment with my Semblance Glyphs with the Spin technique to see if I guess right it should allow me to increase the speed of my propulsion now time to test it out.'

When Eis tested out the experiment with his Semblance he thought he can use the Glyphs to further propel himself to increase his of his motion control but that wasn't the case…

Eis noticed that there was something off with his Glyphs when he tried using Spin it started to change the Glyph's color instead of black with his family symbol on it the Glyph began spinning very quickly and began producing golden light from the edges.

When Eis noticed the change that wasn't all he noticed when he tried to move it… 'What the hell! When I and Weiss were training with big sis she said it was hard to move a Glyph that was in place unless we place it on a certain location but… I have like more control over it!'

The test revealed that it does work the issue is that if a Glyph controls the motion of anything inside its field or direction it faces with the technique Spin makes the Glyph rotation to increase the speed of its rotation…

However, there was another effect that Eis hasn't considered that his Glyphs were able to do with Spin that was that he has near PERFECT control of his Glyphs speed of its rotation and movement but not only that, but it also has the properties of Spin as well.

Eis was trying to rethink what kind of possibilities can Spin give to the user as well as their objects with a curious voice, "Ok let's see the Spin properties for a user would be the increases of the toughness of the body or object to harden, can transfer rotation energy, deflection, reinforce the object that imbues to as well as control, and increase the amount of friction that is produced."

When Eis thought of all the possibilities he can think of he wondered what will happen now that his Glyphs has changed now, "Time to test out the durability of my Glyphs as well as what can they do now in their spinning state, hmm… maybe I should be calling this the Spin Glyphs for now."

Eis tested out the test with his Stand that has a PWR: A and attacked his own Glyphs to see if the rotation energy is still in the Glyph or did it transfer to somewhere else?

Eis tested out his experiment with his new Spin Glyphs to see the results to which it shocked even him, "Ok let's see what happens now… alright now that was unexpecting the punched seemed to slow down then it makes co-"

That was as far he could say before he was launched at high speeds that caught him off guard from the sudden launch, 'What?!!"

Eis managed to get himself back in order and used his Yellow Temperance to absorb the physical damage of the landing but he was more shocked that he was sent flying because his Stand hit his Spin Glyphs sent his Stand flying!

Eis got his results when one of his Stands with a PWR: A couldn't even damage his Spin Glyphs because the large amounts of friction it produces slowed it down on impact when it did made contact with it and the Spin helped increase his Glyphs toughness to withstand the attack but that wasn't all it also deflected the Stand without Eis control!

When Eis saw that his Stand tried to destroy his Spin Glyph instead of getting destroyed it simply slowed down in its field but not only that it automatically sent his Stand flying away from the Eis Semblance to which he was thrown away at great speeds!

He was able to regain his bearings again, but he now eyes fully looks at his Spin Glyph with a newfound ability from his Spin Glyphs in a new light.

So far under the practice of Winter, they were only able to do the basic level of the Glyphs they can perform is the motion control but that in itself is a good skill to have although Winter did mention if that the Glyphs can't always stop something from breaking it.

But now with the Spin technique, he no longer has to worry about it breaking for a long while now!

Eis looks over his new Spin Glyphs with an analyzing look then summarizes to himself about what it can do while still having a curious voice, "Ok… so adding Spin buffs my Glyphs with abilities it never had before with its motion control. With Spin it added the buffs of auto deflection, slow things down with the friction it produces, increased durability to survive a Stand with PWR: A, and I have control of its motion…"

With that in his mind, Eis decided to test out another experiment with his new Spin Glyphs and thought to himself, 'OK now that I have the basics of what it can do I think I have an idea how to use it now the better question is can I control around?'

With that in his mind Eis tried to move around his Glyphs at will and thought to himself that made it possible for him to test the idea, 'The Spin is partially used to take control of the projectiles it is imbued to, right?'

Eis tries to focus more on moving his Spin Glyphs around by first thinking of moving it around to the left to see if he can move it, 'Thanks to this phenomenon, Users of the Spin have control over how their projectiles react and can aim better, yet also have the projectiles return to their hands to not waste them so by going with this theory its possible for me to move it around freely no?'

With that in his mind, Eis tried his method of controlling his Spin Glyphs around…

And it worked out perfectly to Eis joy and then he started to move it around freely from the left to the right and going all around but there was one thing he also made a note of when moving around, "The Glyph… it is going extremely fast with Spin. I guess it must be using the rotation energy to spin around itself to increase its speed or is it something else I'm missing?"

While Eis was trying to figure that out he decided to play around with it getting into an iconic pose from the DBZ from a human using a disc as an attack, "Alright let's go not a rip-off from Krillin cause he doesn't exist in Remnant Destructo Disc go!"

During that day Eis was glad to finally have tested the idea with his Glyphs with the power of Spin but then he also went back to his usual spying on his father.

While he was spying on his father Eis finally had an idea of what weapon he would like to create with a voice of excitement in it, "Ok it's decided I will recreate the EA sword from Fate Zero it will have a cannon function as well as have a sword and lance transformation. I want this to be unique at the very least since hardly anyone from RWBY has a person using cannons in the series. Although its not a bad idea to have a second weapon with you just in case."

While Eis was finally getting a weapon of his choice he also wondered what to use as a source of energy, 'Well I could use Spin as a way to give it ammunition for the cannon, or I could have its solar power and use my Hamon (Ripple) to solar charge with the rays of the sun. Ah, so many possibilities to think with so little time.'

With that Eis continued to work on his idea later till Jacques was arrested first this wouldn't happen till a few weeks later was when he finally caught him and his friends in the act…

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform

Lien: 5,000