Chapter 17: Busted

~Third POV, Few Weeks Later~

A few weeks have passed since Eis has started to spy on his father catching him in the act while video recording him of everything that has happened for the past few weeks.

But not all was lost since Eis was able to get some good days getting his father saying some key names of important political figures and provided Winter the information that he thinks it's worth mentioning.

Then, in turn, Winter gives the information to Ironwood with the Ace-Ops around to give the information to them and Ironwood begins to investigate the people in question getting them arrested in secret without Jacques's notice.

So far, the videos that Eis provided gave them plenty of ammunition to arrest any corrupt people all around Atlas and in Mantle that Jacques has mentioned in the past.

For now, to the current time, Eis was listening in to what Jacques was doing showing a frustrated look much to Eis's joy seeing him squirm about all the news that he was providing Jacques.

That was when Jacques makes a call that will bring his downfall all the sweeter for Eis in the end after spying on him every night, "DAMN IT! How could those idiots get themselves get caught at the time I need them for! It's time I call in that favor…"

Unaware that what Jacques called in was something that Eis didn't consider happening!

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~


I guess scum bag is finally going to call in for some help now maybe I can finally get him in the act better start another recording a little later I see him talking to someone in from his scroll, "Hello there old friend I am in need of your assistance on a certain matter."

Old friend?

Now, this was something I wasn't aware of but I guess even scum bags like him need to have some friends I guess, "… Yes I know calling you here might pose a problem for you Mr. Lerrer Schatten but I am in need of your… assistance on the matter that needs your expertise to handle."

Mr. Lerrer Schatten?

Isn't he someone from the Council Members in Atlas and shady one at that?

I may not claim to not know everything happening around Remnant and some but even I know that learning is vital here and knowing that guy is involve is suspicious considering I try to remember everyone here in my time in Remnant.

Learning means growth and growth means more of a chance to survive as well as not make the same mistake as others and that make sure I learn the people who are in the council.

Currently I know of 11 who are in their seats and the one Jacques called was one of the shady as well more traditional Atlassian people who got into his seat which means a big Faunus hater and corrupt man.

Even how he got into power is suspicious as fuck when at one point another opponent of his was close to winning the seat then next day the guy was brutally murdered there was investigation on him during the time but no one could find any hard evidence to get me guilty and thus got his seat in power.

But the bigger question is here is why now?

In the previous months that I spied on Jacques he never made some big call to Council Members of Atlas to which are one of the rulers here in Atlas but in the past he only calls in some favors from others that are influential but never the Council Members that have been called till now?

So why call here and now?

I mean this is all good and all now that Ironwood can get the Council Member that has been supporting Jacques or even others is still good for me in the end, he will have to leave my family alone…

But yet why do I get a feeling that this going to get difficult real soon, is this what Clover and Elm meant when you feel your gut instincts telling you something bad is going to happen you react or know something is coming.

I listen in to what Jacques says to the Council Member on the other line, "I require more of your people… line of work to handle an annoying root that needs to be plucked of course I'm willing to the amount required for the job good sir, Hahaha…"

Why do I have a really bad feeling what's going to happen next isn't something good…

Then I listen in to what Jacques said that left me somewhat surprised but quickly following into pure rage but I managed to suppress my emotions for now glad I listen in to Clover and Elm lessons of suppressing one's own emotion, "Now then Mr. Schatten I would like to use one of your services you provide that needs to be done immediately. I need you to make a Hit on Winter Schnee immediately as soon as possible."

When he said that I could have sworn that I already closed my hand to make a fist just ready to beat him up but I still continue to record on his stupidity, "…that brat needs to be taken care of when she is deceased make sure it looks like an assassin have attacked her to make sure that she fought valiantly but was over powered surely this would be enough to fool the others into thinking that there foolish sister would fall."

When I saved the recording and put it into my inventory, I was about to forcibly enjoy beating Jacques to a bloody plump as soon –

But I was interrupted by my train of thought to see another person seemly pop up out of nowhere with a symbol underneath hit!

What the hell this fast already?!!

When I see the person clearly it seems to be a human man with black hair, as well as black eyes with finely dressed in garments like that of a professional butler with what appears to be some kind of gloves and metallic fingertips with wire threads running through them with spools on his waist and a pair of three daggers from his back?

Seriously though how the hell did he get inside here in the first place?!

Then I started to record again on my scroll of this at least since this is gold to finally get Jacques down but also really difficult now since I might have to face him, so I listen in to their conversion with Jacques getting startled, "What! Oh, it's just you Mr. Schatten butler so how did you get here in my office?"

~Third POV~

The butler then begins to explain himself as well identify himself with a cold smile on his face that even Eis felt scared just him being there, "Oh, my mister Schnee you were the one to call my lord from his slumber but considering what he gains he'll managed especially if the payment for this hit is a favor in the future yes good man."

However Jacques was quite unnerved at how the butler was talking to him but calm himself down once he begins to talk to the Butler in a respectful voice, "If that is the payment is a favor then fine but as long as its manageable I will follow but you good man didn't even give an introduction rude isn't to not even say your name?"

The Butler looks actually surprised but nonetheless replies to Jacques request with a cold smile across his face, "Huh? Oh! Yes, I apologize for the late introduction, but you may call me Blutig Jack good man who exactly is the target that needs to be Hit on tonight? How I got here is irrelevant to know just know I get the job done is all."

Eis was a bit scarred at that considering he was hoping that he would let Blutig slip up but is professional to keep his secret.

Then Jacques begin to explain what he wants Blutig to do while standing away from him, "Very well then… I want you to assassinate Winter Schnee she is becoming a major thorn to my side and to your lord as well considering it was thanks to him forging the fakes…"

Then Blutig makes a comment on that while playfully looking at one of his few Dust Imbued Daggers with a clear tone of annoyance, "The ones you fucked up at losing by the way but hey we can't be blame for this kind of stuff to happen yes… Oh! Wait I can because my Lord has been very mad at you Jacques but that is not my concern till, he says otherwise…"

Jacques could only gulp at the implications that meant from Blutig words what that meant but Jacques returned to the matter he needs done, "Gulp… Understood… but I need you to take care of this immediately as soon as possible I don't know how but James sent his soldiers here to protect the twins and act like bodyguards for them so be quick."

Eis could only curse at the situation he was in right now while he got everything needed to finally put Jacques down but now something like this pop up out of nowhere and what's worse was that he has no knowledge of the person he was facing.

While Eis worries grew he also received an important mission that pop up that left him no choice but to face the assassin now.

"[Bizarre Urgent Mission: Defeat/Distract the Assassin Blutig (Urgent!)

Description: The Butler/Assassin/Huntsmen of the corrupt politician Lerrer Schatten is a specialized assassin that specials in fast hits in all of Atlas once a noble Huntsmen turned criminal once he got his fill in killing using his Semblance: Instant Waves using the surrounding waves to travel all across Atlas wherever he wished only drawback being can only use in two jumps a day.

Objective: Defeat/Capture/Kill Blutig Jack 0/1

Failure: The death of Winter Schnee

Rewards: 65,000 Lien, BT x5, LUT x2, and Stand: 20th Century Boy.]"

When Eis saw what was on the line he had no choice but to bring Blutig into the mirror world he still hasn't tested it on a Huntsmen before but looks like he has no choice but to defeat him now!

But first he has to even the playing field if he wants to win first…

While Blutig was getting ready to leave he says his piece to Jacques, "Ok this seems simple enough job after all no one would know of this if you keep quiet yes? By the way if I happen to come across your staff can I kill them?"

Jacques could only reply with a simple nod to the killer standing in front of him that brought a happy smile to his face as he claps his hands together in joy, "Yes! Now I can have a leisurely way towards that place of my target now then Mr. Schnee I'll be heading on my – "

But that was when Blutig finally noticed that part of his hand of where it usually is has a handprint completely shown completely breaking down, but a figure of his aura remains to show a hand but nothing occupying it.

While Blutig just smiles sadistically at this readying his weapons and is pleased to know who exactly has been screwing over Jacques for the past months, "Wow! I wonder where this takes me, and I wonder who this person is to screw you over Jacques."

With that Blutig vanished breaking down into pieces then reappear again in an environment that he doesn't recognize and was feeling actually cold!

Blutig was hugging himself together to keep himself warm noticing he doesn't have his aura with him now narrowing his eyes getting his String and Dagger ready to hunt.

While he was preparing himself he noticed everything is backwards and sees his aura is still present in the real world and not in the mirror world but that only brings excitement to him saying out loud, "I don't know who you are but know this I will hunt you down! I will kill you! I may not know where you are but…"

Blutig starts to make his way to Winter planning to using his aura to kill her if he needs to release his killing intent while showing a killer grin, "… you aren't going to stop me from getting my target…"

When he opens the door to the hallway, he was met with a Spin Glyph intending to slice him in half with clear surprise then hear a voice from somewhere as if someone has touched him soon to hear a voice from nowhere in his vision, "Shame you were once the best but for you to follow this fate to kill someone I hold precious will not be over looked…"

Blutig just managed to avoid the attack and looked around his surroundings again but this time heard the voice filled with anger, "This fate must be destroyed, this connection must be erased... I've already taken the first step to ending you Blutig!"

With that the fight against the assassin Blutig Jack Vs Eis Schnee has begun!

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform, Scroll

Lien: 5,000