Chapter 18: Arrivederci

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

Damn, that felt badass quoting from DIO at the end and I managed to touch him that is a good sign right now.

I'm just very lucky right now so far, I know his aura won't protect him anymore but leaving his aura in the real world would be bad considering he only needs to only go to Winter room to win while I have to beat him here while his vulnerable.

But that is a risk I have to take I have the firepower in this fight but… against someone like him who has more fighting experienced than he can change the tides of the fight easily once he figures out, he needs to beat me to win!

I was only able to change the environment of Jacques room in the mirror world using Horus ability to freeze but that won't hold here for long and preparing the Spin Glyph in advanced seems to be something he can't avoid forever and using Achtung Baby to turn just my aura invisible worked that was enough for me to physically contact him.


Now I just have to focus on beating him till I either wear him down or –

That was when I was interrupted to see him start talking to me while analyzing his situation and seeming listening to his surroundings, "Hmm… from what I've seen you do you are most certainly a Schnee and someone who has multiple abilities as well? Now this a first but you are most certainly a kid and you trying to face me?"

Then I immediately froze on the spot on how the fuck can he find me out this quickly?!

But that was when my Stands the World was suddenly brought out to protect me grabbing a Dagger that has a fire color that was coming after my head that I finally got out of my frozen state!

No how the hell did Blutig figured out that I was here!

But then I received my answer from the assassin himself clearly showing a scoff of annoyance while I realized how he found me, "You know brat I can still hear the waves around me and I can most certainly hear the waves of sound coming out of your movements being invisible won't help you now."

With that he started to use his strings this time I noticed it was coming toward me shit!

With that I used The World to quickly jump away from that situation by having it form it legs around mine so I could borrow its speed and power like how DIO and Jotaro used there Stands to float or jump away with enough power!

I managed to see that his strings are strong enough to cut through the walls and floor leaving behind its marks where he attacked!

While I was in midair, I came to a realization on how he found me despite me being invisible his using the sound waves to find me while I either move around quite the scary Semblance to have so hiding won't do me much good.

Now think here Eis I'm up against someone who is more experience than you while I have plenty of tricks up me but that will eventually run out soon once I use it but I can't use The World ability to Stop Time at this moment for now.

If that guy survives, I'm done for since it will leave me exhausted and vulnerable against Blutig so the only way for sure is to make him exhausted first even if The World has a PWR: A it's still a kid I can't solely rely on something like that to win.

I need to exhaust him as much as possible before going in for the final blow with The World.

With that I changed Stands midair while I managed to get of the situation and hold on to the Dagger that Blutig threw, it's time to activate my automatic Stand Doobie Wah!

Then I listen in to Blutig says next while narrowing his eyes towards my direction as he starts to throw his Daggers that are attached to his strings, "Listen kid I know what you're trying to do anyone can see that but you aren't going to exhaust me with tricks for long… what the hell?"

Finally, that dumbass was able to see that his breaths is creating the Stand Doobie Wah! When he noticed that a small tornado forms from his breath it immediately started to attack him on the spot using its claws or wind to attack!

I saw that Blutig easily avoided the attacks and as I expected Doobie Wah! Caught up to him immediately Blutig was annoyed by this so he tried to attack it instead of me… good that mean I have time to set up.

While his being occupied I started to use my Spin Glyphs at the ready the most I can do is one still, but one is more than enough to create considering how powerful it is now I just to lay down the next step…

With that I summoned Horus out luckily for me that since Doobie Wah! Is an automatic Stand it doesn't drain me a lot of stamina at all considering it only follows people that I have touched, and the best part is pretty much intangible unless he targets me.

~Third POV~

The staff were made immediately aware that someone's aura was running around in the mansion and went to inform the bodyguards about what happen and made sure to go to the twins rooms to protect them meanwhile Eis was dealing with his own issues…

Blutig was busy fight the small tornado that was coming towards him unable to see the Stand Doobie Wah! Without his aura made it impossible for him to defend against to see that there was actually something inside slashing him.

Currently Blutig analyzed the miniature tornado closely realizing where the wind originated from with clear surprise in his thoughts, 'This wind… it is using the air to react with my own breathing that is creating this vortex... The more I breathe, the bigger it gets?!!'

Knowing that the battle was a lost cause Blutig did the obvious and saw the flaw with this power and hold its breath then sees the tornado be at the center around himself and noticed that it's no longer attacking and smirked to know that it did have a weakness.

While he has fought countless Huntsman and Huntresses before in the past Blutig has always been able to get ahead of the rest once he graduated Atlas Academy to know what there open does and was considered a genius in his own right with combat.

But now that he has a way out the situation that Eis created for him he jumped out of the tornado surround him and used one of his Daggers that is imbued with Ice Dust to incase the Stand with Ice and his mouth as well just to make sure it doesn't create another one.

While it was freezing his skin on his mouth, he only has an angry expression show while thinking to himself, 'Shit the ice is fucking cold! But now I have to deal with that annoying Schnee that put this damn thing on me maybe killing him would release me from that wind chasing me at least its in cased with ice so it will buy me some time.'

When he was about to go after Eis again his instincts kicked in and jumped up to avoid a large icicle coming straight towards him at fast speeds that it wouldn't be possible and look at the direction, "SHIT!"

What Blutig saw was one Spin Glyph behind Eis revealing himself while smirking at him while having Horus behind him with a lot of icicles ready to be launched using the Spin Glyph to boost its speed but…

Eis thoughts at the moment was smirking that the test he did with Spin Glyphs using elements, 'I'm really glad I tested this idea out if Glyphs are used to launch ice like Weiss did in canon then with my Spin Glyphs not only its able to launch them in higher speeds…'

When the icicle that came for Blutig earlier he dodged and suddenly returned to the direction of where it was launched!

Unaware that the icicle was coming back again like a boomerang Eis finished his thoughts with a smile clearly shown on his face, '… they can also return them to the Spin Glyphs by themselves like the Steel Balls in Part 7 Steel Ball Run.'


The icicle that came return managed to hit Blutig hand easily slicing it up instead of crashing into it since the icicle was spinning!

When Blutig noticed that his hand was sliced off he was no immediately angry while glaring at Eis from the distance thinking, 'You bastard I will kill you for this! Shit! And that was my good killing hand too!'

With that was a start of barraged attacks of icicles powered by the Spin Glyphs all in Blutig direction with him having no choice but to head in Eis direction in order to kill him as well as focus on dodging the attacks.




Eis started to think about his next step while thinking to himself while expressing a grimacing expression, 'Good it looks like his finally coming here but the wounds on him aren't pretty he has slash marks on some parts of his body but its time to play the fool.'

With that Eis started his next step before he starts his last when Blutig finally managed to get past Eis Spin Glyphs he holds on of his Daggers and started to pierce Eis through his stomach while he acted to be in pain!

Unaware to Blutig that a small piece of yellow blob was now in his hand, but he was too enraged to notice now…

Eis body was now looking like he was injured while he tries to talk to Blutig, "Why… why Blutig you were a Huntsman right why did you turn into an assassin hurting people?"

The yellow blob continues to grow more…

Blutig didn't see any harm in telling a dead kid so he started to talk while this was what Eis wanted to stall him, "Why you ask you piece of noble shit? Easy because it's easy to get payed once you are great as I am but sometimes that isn't how the world works you dumbass!"

Blutig kept on stabbing Eis multiple times over and over while Eis Yellow Temperance kept up the physical appearance to make it look like that Eis was injured but in reality, he was completely fine.

The yellow blob continues to grow more, and more…

Then Blutig kept on talking about more how unfair the world really is and how rotten it is continuing to kick Eis multiple times in the chest while he pretends to be in pain, "But here let me tell you a secret kid this world we live… its completely unfair… you try hard to work up in your life only to fail of one little mistake then your imprison for life I just only sacrificed a village for a mission isn't that so wrong no?"

The yellow blob continues to grow more, more, and more…

The reason Why Eis put up the Yellow Temperance was that if his Stand The World didn't beat him then he would rely on his Yellow Temperance to finish the job if The World couldn't beat him he wanted a safety insurance of his victory in case it all goes wrong.

Blutig finally says to what looks like a mutilated corpse of Eis and says his piece with a smile turning his back to him, "But what does a kid like you would know anything besides after this night there will be two members of your family gone kid good riddance… what?"

That was when Blutig finally noticed that the yellow blob from before that was once small started to appear in the whole arm getting him panicked but he froze on the spot to hear Eis voice again with clear determination, "You… Blutig Jack you have walked down this path to harm others and sacrifice all for a goal, that is not a path I will follow…"

When Blutig turned around again he faces morphed into fear since he saw the kid he killed was floating above the air and he was nowhere near dead instead he was completely fine!

While Eis was floating now and listening to the words of a deranged killer he will show him his willpower to perceiver this, 'There's only the way to beat him. I'll just have to show him... just which one of us has the greater resolve! I'll show him! It's do or die now!'

Then Eis looks at Blutig with his face shadowed out while using The World to float while he finally says to him, "Well then Blutig you have your mission to kill my family, right? Then to complete my mission and protect those close to me. Having to do both at once is what makes being me so tough. Are you ready for this? I know I am."

Before Blutig could do anything Eis says these words that froze everything in place, "ZA WAUORDO!"

Like that everything as frozen in time and then The World rushed towards Blutig with a smirk across its face as he begins to launch all his punches to Blutig all focused on parts that will make him suffer but live through this…

With that The World started to say its iconic phrase as it beats up Blutig with all its might, "MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA!!!"

With that done with The World immediately turned away from Blutig while Eis says the final words to Blutig before time resumes again while putting his fingers in motion of a goodbye, "It's been nice knowing you Blutig, but this is where we part ways… Arrivederci."

With that the mirror world time returned to normal launching Blutig to a nearby wall creating a crater from all the blows that The World punched at him and that followed with his aura in the real world as well to which it caused a big commotion to which brought everyone to see where the aura of the hunter was.

When Eis heard he completed the mission he ignored it for now seeing the crowd of people in the real world with clear surprise expressions shown.

"[Bizarre Urgent Mission: Defeat/Distract the Assassin Blutig (Urgent!) (Completed)

Description: The Butler/Assassin/Huntsmen of the corrupt politician Lerrer Schatten is a specialized assassin that specials in fast hits in all of Atlas once a noble Huntsmen turned criminal once he got his fill in killing using his Semblance: Instant Waves using the surrounding waves to travel all across Atlas wherever he wished only drawback being can only use in two jumps a day.

Objective: Defeat/Capture/Kill Blutig Jack 1/1

Failure: The death of Winter Schnee

Rewards: 65,000 Lien, BT x5, LUT x2, and Stand: 20th Century Boy Lv.1.]"

When Eis saw this, he could only frown at the situation he was in and could only say these words before bringing Blutig and the evidence with him into the real world again, "Gimme a break here damn it…"

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1, 20th Century Boy Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform, Scroll, BT x5, LUT x2

Lien: 70,000