Chapter 19: Justice

~Third POV~

Everyone in the real world that where inside the Schnee Mansion were all brought to the attention of a person with aura inside the crater but with no one physically there!

The only ones not present were Weiss, Klein, Whitley, and a few members of the staff that went to protect the twins this time.

The rest of the family and staff were just flabbergasted of what they were seeing that Clover was the first to say what they were seeing, "What the hell am I looking at here Elm? Because it looks like someone's aura but the way it looks…"

Elm nodded her head at the scene with a confused expression carrying her weapon over her shoulder, "Yeah looks weird… what ever happen to the aura has to match what happened to whoever this son of bitch original body. I mean just look at it all the places that are supposed to be normal aren't!"

True to Elm words the aura figure looks like it was beaten too brutally as if it meets some kind of monster that can easily turn it to meat paste, but Winter already knew who the culprit is, but she couldn't help but think something is wrong.

When Winter saw what was happening, she only has a few thoughts going through her head but the most that was questioned was her little brother concern, 'Eis… little brother what happen to you that forced you to do this to your enemy…'

But the to everyone surprise when they noticed that the body was returning to the real world of Blutig showing his original broken body but is unconscious with his aura finally healing him but next to him was… "Eis!"

The family members of the Schnee estate and staff all hurriedly went towards him all except for Jacques as he now pales and starts to slowly get away from the situation.

If Jacques thoughts are right, then his own son caught everything that was happening and if won the fight against a professional assassin… his only choice was to run.

But Eis wouldn't let him even if he was extremely tired at the moment, he managed to give the scroll to Winter providing everything needed to win.

Eis says with the last amount of strength he says to Winter with a pleading look before he is knocked out from over exhaustion, "Winter… play the record… and get the-e… truth-h…"

When Winter heard that she managed to piece together what was Eis last message before holding Eis scroll as if it was last thing she will do.

Willow just looks between the two getting confused of what was going on, but the Ace-Ops had their eyes surprised on who was Winter informant was and now identified who the person who was injured was a wanted man considered a Criminal-AA Class.

But for now what happen next was when Winter started to play the recording that Eis managed to get but also managed to over exhaust himself, 'Eis… don't worry I'll play what you managed to find and show everyone the truth you wanted to show to me.'

With that Winter played the play button on the screen and with that everyone listened in to what was playing before them…

After what seems like hours for them in that short period of time, they all look towards Jacques who was trying to escape the scenario that was going to befall him.

When Jacques saw all the anger looks of everyone present he tried to run away only to be stopped by Clover weapon using a fishing rod tying him all up and bringing in closer with a pair of cuffs now on his wrist and Elm did the same to Blutig as well while roughing him up a bit.

When Clover goes over to Jacques, he follows his procedures as he was trained expressing a cold smile towards Jacques, "Jacques Schnee you are hereby under arrest of Atlas Authority for attempted murder, indirect murder, and criminal accomplish to the attempted assassinated attempt of Winter Schnee anything you say here and now will be used against you in a court of Atlas law."

While Clover was doing this to Jacques, he couldn't help but smile at the scene while thinking to himself while looking over Eis who was now asleep in Willows arms crying, 'Heh… I guess the kid me and Elm were training wasn't some pushover but to beat someone like Blutig Jack a wanted man that was categorized as a Criminal-AA for very serious crimes of assassinating other Huntsmen and Huntresses is certainly something that can't be done normally?'

Clover could only shake his head while he could try to think of how Eis did it wasn't as important in the moment as catching some important corrupt people but now with the video recording that changes everything.

With that Elm brings over Blutig over her shoulder and asks Clover, "Ok then what next Clover from the video that the Eis kid brought it looks like we can ask how Jacques knew of his little service and finally get the corrupt bastard down right?"

Clover nodded his head in agreement but then Jacques tries to plead with his wife saying anything to get out of the trouble he was in Willow had her eyes shadowed by her hair and told Winter making her flinch, "Winter you and I will have a 'talk' about bringing Eis into this mess at a later date and the same for Eis as well… for now I have to 'talk' with a certain annoyance and please do me the favor of taking Eis into his bed."

Winter could only gulp her own saliva at where her mother mentality was at the moment questionable but follows her order and does what she was told.

With that Winter took her leave but not before transferring the recording to Clover scroll before, she left with Eis to his room to drop him off.

When Willow came near to Jacques the man, she assumed to have love with pleads to her, "Please Willow dear this is all a mis- "


That was as far as he could say a word before he was slapped across the face leaving Elm and Clover somewhat shocked but did nothing since it was family thing happening that needs to be said.

Jacques looks shocked at what happen and looks at her angrily by saying to her, "What the hell do you- "


However, he was once again slapped hard across the face revealing to show an angry Willow seeing everything that has happened here seeing the man, she thought she loves denies attempting to kill his own daughter…

Their own daughter and son…

That seems to be the last straw of patience she has had for Jacques she was somewhat afraid of Jacques mostly because of his influence but there was always a line to that she will cross if Jacques truly does something beyond redemption.

It seems that day is toady not only did Jacques has tried to harm Winter but also lead to one of her little children to face off against another assassin that was brought here by the man arrested in front of her.

Willow finally says her piece to Jacques while expressing an angry face glaring at the man, "Listen here Jacques I have tolerated your ways for a long while now… but it seems like you have crossed the line this time not only have you try to kill one of our children, you try to kill another… I have had it with you piece of shit?!"

Now everyone in the room was feeling very scared at the scene before them especially the staff since they have never seen Willow this pissed before and it was only beginning.

Jacques tries to defend himself but it only fell on deaf ears since no one will listen to him Willow grabs the man chin and started to harm him by increasing the force she was clenching his chin hard enough to cause him pain, "No you shut up and listen! From now on you will no longer bear my family name down to the mud with your stupid ways from this point onward you are no longer CEO of Schnee Dust Company but a stupid pathetic sad little man."

With that Willow grabs him by the chin and throws him down on the floor causing him to wheeze out in pain but only looked more scared as he saw Willow brought out her summons of hers in front of Jacques intending of harming him at first.

When the Ace-Ops saw this, they were about to intervene when Willow cancel her summons and tells Clover and Elm, "You two… please make sure that you make his life a living hell if possible and what time would you return to train my kids again as soon as possible?"

Clover and Elm were left a bit stun but they did agree to train the twins for three years till they were ten or at least they were able to defend themselves but Clover was the first to react, "Well considering all of this has happen and it might take us a few days to get the corrupt politician… I give it a month before we return is that alright once the case against Jacques gets under way which might actually take less time to take."

Willow nodded her head towards the agents then says to Elm with a smirk across her face, "Please Elm can you make sure he gets a 'comfy' ride to your cell please?"

Elm could only grin in appreciation of the meaning behind Willow's words while saying to her with a smile on her own, "Aw, now I know why I look you more like this consider he gets a 'comfy' trip there done."

With that done with the Ace-Ops took in the captured Jacques, and Blutig away for a long time as well have arrested the corrupt politician Lerrer Schatten they made the trials for Schatten quiet clearly wanting him arrested before he could call in for help and for Blutig was sent immediately to Atlas Prison in the hopes he will never cause trouble ever again.

As for Jacques in the next morning he was found arrested and immediately sent to prison as well once the news hit it on the morning to every Faunus out there was clearly surprised to hear about this were screaming in joy for his arrest.

The news went into detail about every crime he has done under the Schnee name as well as provide evidence that supported that it was Jacques that has done everything illegally while the rest of the family members were left unaware of what has happened.

When the crimes for all that Jacques has done was fully viewed to the court to see with the evidence that Eis has collected for months to Winter and Ironwood help made Jacques pales at how much they caught him in the act.

The sentence for Jacques was done for life imprisonment in the Atlas Prison for life that made Jacques lose all hope in his eyes of ever getting out since the crimes also revealed other people who were in leagues with him now had to either run away from Atlas or caught it was only a matter of time when they are all caught.

The Faunus celebrated all this happening for the entire day for this happy day of justice.

As for what was Eis doing at this moment when the news started to talk was when he was waking from the fight the previous night while still feeling sore but smiled knowing that the mission is done.

"[Bizarre Mission: Change the Plot (Completed)

Description: In this world version of RWBY your father has been doing some questionable if already illegal activities happening in the family company behind the backs of the Schnee's and Winter has been investigating him ever since 3 years ago when he threatened her to quit her dreams of following to be a soldier and be under his thumb.

Objective: Expose Jacques (Scum Bag) of his crimes to the proper authorities with Winter assistance before Weiss 10thbirthday.

Rewards: BT x5, increase favorite in the Faunus Community, increase bond with Atlas Military, Stand: Memory of Jet Lv. 1, and Level Up Token (LUT).]"

But that smile was soon turn into fear seeing the two people next to him was a very nervous Winter and a very calm Willow saying to him with a cup of coffee in her hand, "Aw! Eis my little son we have much to 'talk' about for keeping me out of your little secret with Winter yes?"

The only thought that comes to Eis is how unfair this is, 'Aw come on! Can't I catch a break here!'

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.1

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.1, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book, Cooking book, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Sailor Uniform, Scroll, BT x10, LUT x3

Lien: 70,000