Chapter 22: 5 Years have Passed…

~Third POV~

5 years ago, was when Eis was 7 at his age and now he has turned into 12 years old of age wearing a whole new look.

Eis was now wearing a full-on color black tracksuit with the pants to match with his shirt as well as the famous Speedwagon Hat and have gotten a bit buff over the years of training his body and testing on himself the food buff effects on himself to get the perfect health for himself as well as increase his stamina.

During the five years that passed a lot of events took place around Atlas as well as some new changes thanks to Eis's involvement.

The first of the changes that were happening off from canon was the new changes happening around the Schnee estate.

During the years Eis had the idea of using the Relic of Creation to create weapons he wanted but soon released as he got older that idea was plain dumb and chalk it up to being in his kid state and would've been dumb to do it since it would mean the literal downfall of Atlas and Mantle if he tried.

He was even embarrassed at the times when he would call out his Stands names in the open while he thought it was cool at the time now saw it as rather childish now and was embarrassed about the whole thing when he could have just called them through thoughts.

But now Eis was fully equipped with two weapons on himself and finally managed to recreate the Ea Weapon to his personal customization of using the weapon that has a cannon, lance, and sword functions all in one utilizing the power of Spin to attack and the power of Hamon (Ripple) to charge the canon using solar power shots spinning inside the weapon.

The other weapon he created was standard katana like sword but was specially made to transform into a katana sword and revolver with a capacity of six shots the hilt that holds it together is a disk that has six open Dust Slots inside to use the elemental effects inside as ammunition for his revolver that acts as a cylinder while continuously spin around and transfer the energy into the blade to increase its power and using Hamon to power it as well.

The second weapon was used using the Anubis sword and Mista revolver gun to create and with a bit of Atlas Science, Eis was able to imbue the Stand into it while having additional skills attached to it as well as use Spin, Hamon, and Dust.

Eis also decided to save up his LUTs when he has enough to get one of the Stands to max level one day but ever since the big load of BTs, and sold some of his stuff from his inventory that he no longer needs and he wasn't able to get any missions for the next 5 years…

How Eis got his weapons were for his birthday as well as a favor from the Atlas Military for helping him catch the so many corrupted people that infested their city thanks to the evidence he helped provided in Jacques case so with the General approval it was easy for him to commission the two weapons.

In those times Eis managed to be more playful at times with his family and train as much as he can whether it was knowledge or physically using his body to train and has gotten well with everyone.

However, Whitley seems to now hate Eis but it was around the time when Eis was turning 10 that he eventually tried to reconnect again with his family but with Eis seems the most difficult since he was the caused that their father was now in prison but understands why he just can't help but accept the person he looked up to was that rotten to the core but still holds resentment in his heart...

Weiss also heard the news about what happened to their father Willow and Winter explained everything to her while Weiss was sad that Eis her twin gotten himself into trouble but was glad in his heart that he did that to save Winter and catch the bad people.

But when Weiss heard that their father was the one who called the assassin to hurt her big sister she longer considered him as a family after that and thought she was glad that someone like him is gone in her life she didn't know why but she felt really happy that he was gone so she can pursue what she wants to do.

After that for a while Winter started to take up the mantle of taking care of the family business being the new CEO luckily for her she was still able to train her skills as a Huntresses while taking care of her company and with Whitley and Klein help she managed to get a good grasp on how to work in the business.

Ever since Jacques's crimes came to light the workers that were previously revealed under him were immediately arrested on the spot for Faunus mistreatment and branding which earned them a nice little home in prison where the other scum lives.

With the sudden loss of workers that were Faunus haters and traditional Alsatians, the Schnee Dust Company newest CEO Winter Schnee was now taking charge of making changes to the company in order to regain their family honor as well as reestablish peace with the Faunus after the previous head worsen the peace with them.

Despite the changes for peace that Winter tried to make with the Faunus they couldn't really be helped but viewed her as the same as Jacques after all there were victims of his still alive that will hate the Schnee's for what they have done.

But despite the changes, they at least for now swallowed their own pride for now since despite their clear hate for the Schnee's bloodline for what their father has done to the victims.

However, Ghria Belladonna was the bigger man to know what the island needed and personally that he can't punish a child for the sins of their father so with a chance for peace he was the first person to agree with Winter to sign a trade agreement.

The trade agreement was an agreement that the Faunus of Menagerie would get the shipment of Dust to them as well as some valuable technology needed to help them expand their island city while in return that they have some workers work for them in their island to help mine Dust in the island and other local items from the island between there's and the mainland of Mistral Kingdom.

While there was some confrontation from both sides of how they would go about this the Faunus wanted to call Ghria a traitor but realized they would finally get what they wanted to expand their homes, and equal rights to the trade so they kept quiet for now.

The trade agreement also made sure that Ghira was the one in charge of how it would go since the Faunus island of Menagerie is a Faunus land only so they agreed to it while the Schnee's are left out of their control except for Ghria or other Faunus to take care of the place.

While also providing the Faunus with good job opportunities to help them earn Lien as well as provide some manuals on how to work on machines and some basic education to help the town of Kuo Kuana.

Although despite the change Eis has created there were other places in the other Kingdoms that didn't approve of the Faunus and with Ghria taking charge of the Island of Menagerie shipments and as acting chief of the island, he was pretty much to step down from his position of being the White Fang leader and give it to the next person to Sienna Khan.

Much to Eis's dismay however there was an announcement he heard over the news that the White Fang was under a new leadership wanting a change from the other Kingdoms more specifically Atlas and Mistral since Vacuo and Vale gave them a more respected view of them.

Eis could only shake his head at seeing this is inevitable but at the very least with the trade agreement, they will stay out of harming his family at least if they don't do anything drastic.

As for what Eis is doing at this moment right now he was sparring with his twin sister Weiss in a friendly match to see who is the better swordsmanship was in their private backyard stadium…

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~



I look on over to Weiss carrying around her weapon while I have my Ea in my hand parring her every attack while I smirk at her, "Hey Weiss still not going to admit that I'm the better swordsmanship than you!"

Weiss gave me her reply while having an arrogant smirk on her face clearly shown, "Not a chance Eis since you are using your Stands would have made it impossible for me but with the promise of not using any at least this way I have a chance."

Yeah pretty much but you still have to get past my Ea first with that in mind I started to use Spin on my blade to increase its power while I breath in to activate my Hamon (Ripple) to charge its cannon function while powering it up as Weiss narrows her eyes.

She started to begin summoning her Glyphs under her leading towards me and other open space around me and started to charge at me!

I merely smirk at the idea while I use my Spin Glyphs around me as well to clearly match with her speed and with that me and her clash our blades multiple times.




After a few hours I finally came out the victor of the fight while having sweat all over me damn, Weiss really doesn't want to lose but she makes for an excellent sparing partner to push my physical limits to the nearest it seems.

I go over to her and reach out my hand to her to which she accepts and says to me with clear expression of frustration but then relief, "Sigh… I guess it's your win again Eis, but at least I got you to use your Spin Glyphs at me this time since you use your Ea to overpower me."

Yeah that is true with Ea it makes it easier for me to overpower her with Spin and Hamon (Ripple) but as time goes on my sister is improving lots of ways, "Yeah you made me use my Glyphs this time around but I see you are getting better being able to stay in the fight."

Weiss gets up and pats her dress down while giving me a small glare towards my direction while pouting her face, "Well I do want to become a Huntresses in the future Eis and you wanting to become one as well only makes since we train but what school are you going to anyway?"

Well that answer is pretty much obvious I haven't received any Bizarre Missions for long while now and pretty much that place is where I might get some missions to help me.

I answered my sister question with a smile on my face, "Easy I'm planning to enter Beacon Academy since the one here in Atlas is for a better less than the term… boring and uneventful with becoming a soldier and all I just want to see what this world offers."

Weiss laughs a bit of my response but then answers to me with a smile on her face, "Well I was planning to head to Beacon as well so maybe we should go there once we hit 17 years I bet were able to knock the socks off the competition right!"

I laughed at Weiss answer while head patting her, "Hahaha! Yeah will definitely be the bee's knees when the initiation begins."

Weiss seems to enjoy my head pats on her but then she looks to be reminded of something then quickly hurry over to our home as she yells at me from a far distance, "Oh yeah! Eis Winter said she had something plan for us later, so we have to meet her at her office hurry up slow poke!"


You were the one not to tell me at the last second well let's see what big sis Winter wants now.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.4, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.2, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.2, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.2, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.1, King Crimson Lv.1, Star Platinum Lv.1, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x3, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball

Lien: 12,340