Chapter 23: Test

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

I finally managed to catch up to Weiss as we finally enter the new office of Winter to her custom style to which I approve.

I know this because I helped her create the new arrangements of scum bag previous stuff well more like some of the staff and family helped renovate the room to Winter liking since she became the new head of the CEO to which I'm happy that it's in her hands.

When I and Weiss entered a bit sweaty into the Office, we see Whitley and mother are here well this might be important after all considering the most time, we all meet together is to have some fun or some family business.

When we entered the room Winter was finishing in some paperwork and noticed our arrival and smiles towards us, "I was wondering when you two would come soon I just finished the appropriate paper works needed for what I'm about to discuss with you two."


What exactly is so important that you need to sign some paper works for?

I look over to Weiss and she seems to be very happy for some reason is something that everyone knows, and I don't?

Willow noticed my confusion then expresses a surprised look as she asks me, "Eis… don't tell me you forgot it's the day you get your summons, right?!"


It was today that happens huh.

I guess it is long overdue I suppose I think I remember Willow mentioning it about this a few weeks back why didn't I…


Now I remember that was when I was testing to see the effects of what happens if I cook some mushrooms with my Stand Pearl Jam to see what benefits it gave me the only bad thing it did was get me high not my best days.

When I looked at Willow, I scratch behind my head in embarrassment while now remembering what it was today, "Oh! It's that day when me and Weiss get to defeat the Grimm and have summon once we beat them yes? I thought it would be when were a bit older though?"

I mean it is true from the White Trailer show that Weiss is facing off against her first big alley from the trailer the Arma Gigas.

Weiss and I listen in to Winter explanation for this while putting her hands together while looking down, "True it would've been good that you two waited a bit more to get your summons however over the course of the years knowing you two always compete to see who is stronger and both want to be Huntsman and Huntresses from a very young age…"

Winter raises her head at our location and smiles toward us as she continues, "Plus considering its time for you two to get your own summons might help you improve on your summoning Glyphs but in order to even work on it you first have to beat the Grimm which is why I brought along some people to help out with that."

Who is coming here to help us with that?



That was when I look over to the door direction to see the General Ironwood is here and following him are the Clover and Elm with the rest of the complete members of the Ace-Ops Vine, Harriet, and Marrow.

I went to see Clover and Elm my former combat teachers and General to greet them, "Hello Clover and Elm it's nice to meet you guys again and also you as well General."

Clover and Elm went on over to me and Weiss direction while the other Ace-Ops are confused at the scene before them as Weiss goes over to Elm talking to her, "Hello again Elm and Clover it has been a long time after you guys left 2 years ago so how have you been?"

Elm was the first to respond to Weiss and greeted her by raising her up in the air, "Ha! Look at you now pip squeak you were just a little girl that always gets tired to quickly now I see a strong independent woman Ha!"

Weiss was laughing a bit while asking Elm to put her down, "Hahaha… yeah, yeah Elm I know but can you please put me down!"

Clover went over to my direction and reached out his hand to give me a handshake while I return the shake as he says to me with a smirk, "Well it's good to see you again Eis I see you changed a new look on you and how is the Weapons you have doing for you?"

I responded to him with a smile while letting go of the handshake as I look towards him and Ironwood, "Thanks for the complement and also thanks for hooking me up getting my weapons for my birthday! As for the weapon thanks for creating it to my customization General."

Ironwood was the next to respond to me with a smile on his face, "Don't mention it after with your help capturing the Class-AA criminal Blutig and exposing Jacques for his crimes and friends it's the very least I can do since you helped Atlas more than you know."

Well that was encouraging at the very least to know my actions did changes around the city at least.

I look over to the rest of the Ace-Ops who seems to be surprise from Ironwood complementing me about my achievement 5 years ago that Harriet seems to ask Ironwood, "Uh… General Ironwood sir, is it true what you said that kid Eis managed to capture Blutig?"

Ironwood looks over to Harriet then nods his head confirming it to be true while saying to her, "Yes Harriet its true if it wasn't for Eis right here we wouldn't be able to capture all those evil people corrupting our city making it a safer place."

Then General Ironwood seems to forget himself as he coughs into his hand as he introduces us to the other remaining Ace-Ops, "Cough, sorry where is my manners these three is our latest recruits from Atlas Academy top agents this year. The woman is Harriet Bree, the one with the piercing is Vine Zeki, and the last one with the Faunus dog tail is Marrow Amin."

They all wave towards our direction but the three of them seem to be observing me while I'm getting a bit creeped out by this.

Clover saw this and laughs at the scene with a happy expression, "Don't worry Eis they won't hurt you and besides we came here on a mission today to help these three get used to how me and Elm work."

Eis nodded his head then listens to Winter says to Ironwood, "Hello their Ironwood it's a pleasure to meet you again and thank you once again for helping me do this favor."

Ironwood just merely shakes his hand of the complement and looks towards Winter with a gratifying expression, "No, no I should be the one to thanking you ever since you helped give Atlas Academy with good deals for Dust supply and provided some practice protection missions to guard your staff it's been a pleasure."

But then I saw a sudden change in his expression as he frowns at the end, "Although I do apologize that some of them act rather foolish treating the Faunus workers you have and I have taken your complaints into account and treated them accordingly if they disobey the orders."


I remember I read the rules they have in Atlas Academy for a student/soldier that disobey an order is given some difficult treatments in the team as a consequence for their foolish acts on the job as long its outside its fine but never on the mission.

Well at the very least Ironwood teaches his students the meaning of discipline while on the job.

But that also brings me to think there is a reason why they are here if it's what I'm guessing then it might be a good thing then.

Winter then begins to explain to me and Weiss the purpose as for why they are here and she brings with her four file documents with some pictures attached, "Ok Weiss and Eis the reason the General and the Ace-Ops are here today is because they will help you get some Grimm to hunt so you can practice for your summons but you can only choose two from the report files ok."

Ok then Professor Winter I'll make sure to be the best Grimm trainer that ever was.

Weiss and I nodded our heads in agreement and then Winter gives us the files that contain some unique Grimm from the series but from what it seems like all of these Grimm are alphas of their own species.

Now with Golden Experience I could always create my own Grimm trust me I tired but I didn't for the reason because when I try to create them it always wants to fight and kill humans its in its blood to kill Humans or Faunus.

True I could have done this sooner but the main issue is I know the Grimm's I wanted to have in my summons but the problem is that there very unique to kill and very strong physically for an example I read a book of what types there are and abilities.

I found a few to my liking but the issue is that I fear that Salem would figure out who is summoning or rather creating new Grimm and use my creation to use it as a way to figure me out so that was one of the reasons why I never tried it and another being I'm to weak physically still considering I'm 12 maybe I could if I'm 14 but not now at least.

When looking over the files I saw one was an Arma Gigas, Megoliath, Teryx, and… "Orochi Taijitu? Never heard of that Grimm before and from it looks like it's a merger of 4 King Taijitu into eight heads cool I want to take that one."

Weiss also looks over to the reports as well and takes a liking to the Arma Gigas and looks towards me with a confused expression, "Hmm… if I'm in need of some heavy power… I think I'll take on the Arma Gigas then. Hey Eis, you don't mind if I take the Teryx would you I think I need a way to fly considering you have your ways, right?"


Aw what the hell she can take it I was hoping to get it but then again with my Stands I would probably just create one from scratch plus I do have my ways to fly, "Well… you know what yeah you can take it but be warn it can be a handful but it will help you so I'll take the Megoliath then."

That was when I heard Harriet beginning to ask the General with some concern clearly shown on her face, "Ugh… General Ironwood sir are you sure it's wise to be doing this I know that you are friends with Winter Schnee but doesn't this seems dangerous to bring a bunch of kids along for this?"

To be fair you do have a guy that can pretty much take care of himself but then again, I see her concern considering were still just kids, but I can at least keep two Stands up for a time before I exhaust myself with some tricks.

But then I see over to Ironwood agreeing with her and proposed an idea that Winter agrees with as well, "True this would be very dangerous to do… however I do owe a favor for Winter, but I cannot let myself do this with a good conscious without testing them first to see if they can defend themselves is that and if they do so then I will lend them my soldiers to help out."

Winter nodded in agreement and says to the General, "Of course I wouldn't have done this if I already knew they were ready for this, but I do agree with you General so in that case how about you let two of your Ace-Ops see if they can defend themselves on a 2 vs 2 is that fine with you?"

Ok now that is something new but then again, I would like to see where my skill is so this could be good practice and I look over to Weiss agreeing to this wow I must have been a big influence in her life to accept that kind of challenge.

Well at the very least I won't face the elephant and mythical nightmare alone at least so that's good.

That was when I heard the mission again after a long period of time has passed and smirked looking at it.

"[Bizarre Mission: Testing Strength

Description: Your skills of fighting has been called into question prove to the Ace-Ops that you and Weiss are strong enough to fight your Grimm of your choice.

Objective: Work together with Weiss to beat or impress the two Ace-Ops in a 2 vs 2 fight.

Reward: 45,000 Lien, BT, and Sword PLUCK.]"

Well then challenge accepted!

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.4, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.2, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.2, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.2, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.1, King Crimson Lv.1, Star Platinum Lv.1, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x3, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball

Lien: 12,340