Chapter 29: Overdrive!

~Weiss POV (12 years old) ~

Ok Weiss taking on the Teryx may have been not your brightest decision to do after taking care of the Arma Gigas.



Damn this thing scales are certainly tough, and its wings isn't making this easier to catch luckily if I was by myself, I would be in trouble good thing Harriet, Vine, and instructor Elm is helping me defeating this thing.

Teryxes are large raptor-like Grimm resembling the now-extinct family of the Dromaeosaurid dinosaurs. They possess large, translucent red wings with visible veins. Teryxes have bone-like spines on their necks and tails, resembling feather quills.

Their black skin appears to be somewhat frozen and has white patches, most likely due to the fact that they inhabit the cold tundra's of Solitas. Their toes have raptor-like hooked claws.

But that what's makes this perfect for me to get since Eis could always fly away with his Stands and float over long distances and the Teryx here are tough enough to travel long distances away.

I look over to Vine going above its head and slammed it down while Elm and Harriet go after the legs and managed to make it fall!

This is my opportunity to end it right now!

Looking at the Teryx is distracted at Vine I used my accelerated Glyphs to increase my speed to increase my thrusting force into its skull and finish it.

When the Teryx finally look towards Vine and I took my chance as my brother says if you want something in life than you have to risk your own life to get what you want!


With that I managed to pierce through its skull, and I looked at it with my unwavering eyes to it as I recall what my brother would say to this, "Sorry but you just got extinct? This is what am I supposed to say right?"

Still why does Eis recommend me to have some good one liners and good ending ones in the future is it to look cool at the end I will never understand?

With that done with I see the Teryx vanish into the dark mist truly fascinating in a way, if you really think about how these Grimm are created I reminds me when I hunted the Arma Gigas with Elm weapon Timber with her rocket launchers it made it easier for me to beat the Arma Gigas but still difficult for me to win but I did in the end.

When I was done killing the Grimm Elm comes up from behind me and grabs me by the waist and swirls me around to my enjoyment, "Hahaha! See Weiss I told you were a strong girl if you follow my training method in no time at all you can handle these Grimm all by yourself one day but still congrats on killing the Grimm!

I looked at Elm with a happy expression while politely asking her to put me down I'm not that little girl now Elm, "Please Elm can you put me down already and thanks for the training to help me be strong!"

With that she lets me go currently were on the other side of Mantle wall that is protecting the borders of to Solitas there were reports of an Alpha Teryx here and that was how Winter got the information from reports of our family Dust was being stopped here.

Vine comes over to Elma and me while saying to us with a calm expression that makes me feel nervous, "Elm were needed back to deal with the Megoliath apparently there was sudden problem on Clover side that there was two Grimm attacks one of a new recent variety so were instead stationed near the borders of around here for the Megoliath with other Huntsmen and soldiers."

Wait that means something happen to Eis again!

But before I say anything Harriet was the next to speak to me with a calm attitude towards me to lessen my worrying, "Don't worry there kid with Clover and Marrow your twin should be safe plus there was a team of professional Huntresses there to help them out ok so stop your worrying?"

Well at least I know Eis is at safe hands I can't help that I feel useless again after learning how to defend myself, but my twin is another step ahead…

I really don't like how Eis is brave all the time always going around with proud look on his face at times facing danger when I asked him why he smiles in front of danger and have the courage to do what he does the two times when the assassins attacked…

The answer I got from him was always the same as I still remember him expressing a determined look, 'Huh? Weiss my twin sister I do what I can to help my family when you cried for me I promise myself that as a brother I have to put up a brave face for you to show you that can be brave too and always have some faith in yourself to get through the day, but I even do feel scared at times as well so I keep myself smiling to make sure I can face my fears head on.'

Always smile in front of fear Eis?

I couldn't help but laugh at that but I always know one thing since living with Eis is that he will always try to help, be strong, and be goofy at the same time so I think I have nothing to fear I suppose but a sibling can worry right?

With that I see a Bullhead coming over to our direction I suppose this is where I get going home but there was one thing on my mind, 'Still Eis please be careful out there…'

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

I see that Clover managed to put Marrow down next to me while his behind me his good for now the real problem is the Orochi Taijitu.

So far it has been blasting me with that annoying acid already good god stop that already damn it!

While I was blocking the attacks, I had to think of a different game plan here as much as I would like to leave my spot right now and rush forward the damn thing is far out of my Time Stop ability reach to affect it!

And I really don't want to show more of my Stand abilities than already necessary really if this was originally had to deal with just one, I could get away reviling a few but another Grimm just had to appear didn't it just great.

While the Orochi Taijitu is busy with me I look over to the Happy Huntresses are able to deal with the four heads, but it looks like the other four are interested in me by continuously trying to shoot me with acid.

Come on here Eis thinks which Stand is useful here in range!

Using Killer Queen can't since I want to keep him a secret, using King Crimson absolutely not I don't want to reveal that one's ability to Erase Time just to get an advantage over it while others know it, Star Platinum no its too far for me to use since it needs to be close to me…

Well I guess I Dark Mirage will have to do here since I can't get close to it in a normal sense, I could try to beat it in an odd sense…

I look over to Clover and he already went ahead with me already knowing I have to defend Marrow from the Orochi Taijitu ok at least I know I have to defend the agent, now then how does the Grimm feel having an anvil fall on its head?

With that I knew what I had in my mind that I wanted I summon Dark Mirage to create some heavy mirages into reality and I do have my Ea still charging…

~Third POV~

Clover went on ahead to get one of the Grimm heads over to his attention in hopes of killing one of it so he can help the rest of the Happy Huntresses with his weapon.

While he was fighting one of its head all the five heads that were fighting the Clover and the Happy Huntresses, they were surprised to see an anvil fall on their heads causing a large amount of pain to make a dent on it!

Robyn saw this and was surprised to see an anvil fall on them at the most critical time to kill it she looks over to Eis to see his Stand Dark Mirage and sees how the anvil came into reality, 'What! How the hell… no Robyn you have a bigger issue here you can ask the kid later right now killing the monster Grimm is a priority!'

As she and the rest of the trained fighters go after it, they were suddenly stopped when they saw an avalanche of boulders just as big as the Orochi Taijitu head all fall gown on its body causing enough harm for it to scream in discomfort!


Eis saw this and the rest of the trained fighters took out who were there long-range weapons out in an attempt to kill the Grimm while Eis looks over to his Ea finally glowing a brilliant red light.

Eis smiled at this as his cannon was finally ready to launch, 'Good it finally took you long enough to be charged Ea.'

With that Eis points over to the Grimm direction while releasing his two Stands for him to properly aim his Ea on the thing with all his current power of Spin and Hamon (Ripple) all inside the weapon!

Eis warns everyone to get out of his way immediately since it was going to be a large explosion of solar energy, "Everyone get away right now! If you don't listen now, then I can't be blamed if you are burned from this!"

Everyone noticed a flash of red light coming off from Eis Ea as he finally released from 20th Century Boy ability as he aims his attack while thinking of the name of the attack, 'Now what would be the most appropriate name for this attack hmm… how about Hamon Overdrive: Spinning Ripple Cannon. Yeah I can work with that.'

With that Eis fires off his new cannon blast attack of the Hamon Overdrive: Spinning Ripple Cannon towards the Grimm when it finally made contact with the highly concentrated spinning sphere of solar energy…


When it made contact, it enveloped the Grimm Orochi Taijitu in a ball of red solar energy bursting off with incredible heat close to the sun while Robyn, Clover, and the rest of the Huntresses were forced away from the blast as to not get burn from the attack the cannon produced.

When the explosion dies down it reveals the dust of the Grimm that was there as well as a scorched crater leaving nothing burned while Eis thinks to himself, 'Whistle! Damn I knew I made the right choice to create Ea to hold a cannon function if this is the result but just imagine a powered-up MAX Hamon (Ripple) skill with this baby…'

Clover and Robyn looks slowly towards Eis as he notices them giving him an undetermined expression while he looks annoyed, "What? Is there something wrong with my face or something?"

The five others just smacked their head with their hands at Eis response all thinking the same thing, 'Really kid/Eis you basically one shot a Grimm that gave us trouble with a damn laser cannon!'

With that they all sigh out of exhaustion knowing that there done for the day while Clover calls in for a Bullhead to come pick them up.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.4, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3

Summoning: Gefallener Engel

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.2, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.2, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.2, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.1, King Crimson Lv.1, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.1, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x3, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, BT, Sword PLUCK

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