~Eis POV (12 years old) ~
I, Clover, and Marrow were waiting for our ride to pick us up so they can take me home already while I got the notifications from summoning but I also didn't notice I had a mission huh?
"[One Summon has been added to your Semblance Summoning Glyphs: Orochi Taijitu.]"
"[Bizarre Mission: Take out the Grimm Stand User Edition (Completed)
Description: Two unique intelligent Grimm are attacking you and your allies to make sure to kill all humans and Faunus alike because that is their goal.
Objective: Defeat the two Grimm quickly before losing an ally 2/2.
Failure: Anyone currently with you could die from the attack.
Rewards: 50,000 Lien, BTs x2 and LUT x2.]"
Well go me I have two more BTs to use and three more if I pay with my Lien but for now, I think I'll save it for the time being because the time is almost upon us…
I shake my head of those thoughts for right now as I see our ride is almost here but I look over to Robyn and her friends and asked them kindly, "Miss Robyn, Fiona, Joanna and May are you sure you four don't want a free trip to Mantle!"
Robyn and her friends look at each other but lightly laugh off my offer for a free ride as Fiona tells me and the soldiers, "Haha… sorry there Eis but as Huntresses, our job is never done with the Grimm around but have no fear were fine."
May was the next person to speak to me but she shows a difficult expression while she asks me, "Say kid you wouldn't happen to know my cousin by the name of Henry Marigold – "
Wait a minute I interrupted her immediately with clear hate in my voice, "Wait a minute you mean to say that annoying piece of shit of a human dumbass is your cousin!"
When I said those words, I left quite the impression of all of them with my choice of words while May asks me with a raised eyebrow, "Yeah that dumbass is my cousin how exactly did you meet with him?"
Well shit, I guess I overreacted again with my sister complex better explain before I leave a bad impression while I innocently expressed, "Easy dumbass thought the arranged that Jacques tried to get us to accept when he was around was still active and tried to swoon over my sis and one thing lead to another to which he managed to piss me the fuck off to the point I literally attack his family jewels full force to make sure he gets surgery to get the hint. I was grounded for half a year for doing that…"
I see over to the adults while they were processing everything that I said was that a bit too much I said.
Before I could explain any further May burst out laughing rolling around on the floor trying to breathe again, "HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, my Oum! So that was why that fool was avoiding hospitals because he got his balls busted that he needed surgery to reattach what little of his brother that was left! HAHAHAHA!!!"
We all waited for May to return herself to normal and managed to get that out of her system damn I guess she really didn't like her family I can't help that her family was trash for throwing her out hah!
Just when the war happens, they could have used her help I can't help but think that the Marigold family were a bunch of fools.
May got herself together with a helping hand of Joanna lifting her up with her hand as May says to me with a smile on her face, "Hahaha! Oh, man kid, you have no idea how funny it was to learn what happens to him…"
May gets herself together and looks over to me with a thumbs up saying to me with a smirk on her face, "I guess you are different from your scum bag of a father and the majority of the Atlas nobles if you're that wild with someone I approve. Hey if you ever in Mantle be sure to come to me or any of the Happy Huntresses to give you a tour around the place."
I nodded my head with the idea yeah maybe I should I only have been busy with my training I should open my ideas in the open yeah, I could even meet with Penny!
I wonder if there's a hidden mission if I turn her into a human that she always wanted to be but that means I get questioned immediately hmm…
I could start my traveling around Remnant at 14 years old but I highly doubt that my family would let me go by myself I guess I can leave at the night and leave a note behind but I guess I could tell Weiss before I leave.
Next to speak was Joanna looking at me with a smile before returning to her what I at least assume to be her usual expression, "Eis Schnee, you're ok in my book be sure to stay that way."
I nodded my head yeah I'll stay to my core and be myself no matter what then I see towards Robyn as she says to me sweetly and begrudgery did the same for the agents, "Well then Eis I wished that we have met under better circumstance but we have to get back to work. Clover and Marrow… stay and well… Now then Happy Huntresses we have work to do!"
When they left is another Bullhead entered into the field of vision as it descends before us and we entered inside took our seats and sat down waiting for the ride back to Atlas.
I see that Marrow and Clover went to sleep immediately I guess I can understand Marrow since he lost his arm and was exhausted from the fight now that's going to leave behind some bad memories.
But for Clover sleeping?
I could only assume would be from mental exhaustion from the earlier fight against the Orochi Taijitu Grimm and seeing a down teammate lose an arm yeah, I guess I would be mentally exhausted too but first…
I see the door to the Bullhead pilot room was closed... good.
With that done checking the door I asked the System a question about my Whitesnake ability of Disk Creation, 'System is it possible to use Whitesnake ability of Disk Creation to take the Semblance of someone and for me to use it, or is it impossible to accomplish can I take there fighting experience? Also is it possible for me to get the Maidens power in a form of a disk from Whitesnake Disk ability?'
"[This question needs time to be processed host Eis… processing… processing…]"
Well, I could at least wait a bit but while I'm at it I brought forth Whitesnake to create an illusion, "Whitesnake make sure to create a powerful illusion to fool the both of them when they try to wake up."
My Stand nodded its head as it started to begin to create a powerful illusion on Marrow and Clover to be sure I kept this a secret.
This was the good thing that Whitesnake can do other than create illusions and acid its Disk Creation ability is the deadliest in the series since it can forcibly take a skill of theirs and make it the user own but it takes time to accomplish and the target has to be psyche down for it to work.
Good thing Clover is mentally exhausted from the fight and his teammate losing an arm this will make it easier for me to extract the specific skills I need from him and with his Semblance Good Fortunate is superior to Qrow Semblance Misfortune.
Clover Semblance Good Fortune also does an added bonus that I don't think Clover is aware of if Clover's "Good Fortune" seemingly only affected and brought him "Good Luck" in whatever he did, instead of indiscriminately constantly giving "Good Luck" to everyone around him.
This means if I get his luck, I can get the positive probability of getting something good from the Bizarre Gacha system meaning I would probably get the Stands I need to level up or get the skills I need to level up whichever works.
So, I waited to hear an answer from the System to see if it was possible or not…
"[Processing… Done Ping! Answer:
Using the Stand: Whitesnake ability Disk Creation it's possible to rob the Huntsmen and Huntresses of their innate skill of Semblances into disks and you the user can use one at a time with the one you already have so you can't have multiple Semblances inside your soul unless you feel like being a suicidal idiot but if you have an ultimate life form state you can have two in your soul to handle.
As for the Maidens magic power yes you can rob them of their magic power and integrate them into your body but since your body no longer have the blessing of the Darkness God magic destructive power you can't use the power of the Maidens to its fullest potential only semi able too.
Also requesting to gain other Skills through the power of Disk is also possible as it will get you other unique skills in your arsenal that you can't get from the Bizarre Gacha but if you have an existing Skill of the person used it will be integrated as another copy and level up the Skill only if the target is more skilled than you.]"
I wasted no time at all to command Whitesnake to get the Disk of Clover's Combat Experience and Semblance Good Fortune!
With that I saw Whitesnake go towards his head and carefully removed the two disks from his head one was showing an aura which I had to guess was his Semblance and the other shows some pictures of his combat training in his time with Atlas Academy.
I could only smirk at the disks and Whitesnake knew what was needed next as it places the two disks inside my head so that I can process the data from Clover memory and Semblance into my own.
While looking over to him I expressed a sad smile while thinking to myself, 'Sorry their instructor Clover but I'm going to need to borrow your Semblance and gain your experience from your time in the Academy to further increase my own power but I will return them to you once I'm done.'
Yeah, I know what I'm doing is pretty scummy in my eyes but in this world, there was one thing that Raven said was always true in all worlds than just this one, that those who have power will prey on the weak that will always remain true.
And I have two capable agents who can help me further get stronger than beyond my current level why wouldn't I take it since I have a feeling that I will need to power up soon or else I don't know what will happen next…
I already know the locations of where all the Maidens are, but the problem is going to be the Summer Maiden since I have no idea where that person is but when I used Hermit Purple to find out the answer…
I curse my luck to know that it was in the Grimmified Summer Rose still have its power of the Summer Maiden knowing I have to find her too when I leave at 14 years to find her not looking forward one bit of this.
Shaking my head of those thoughts for now I was holding my head in some amounts of pain as I accesses all of Clover battle experience over his years!
"[Use of Disk has made Eis learned the following Skills: CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.4, Fishing Lv.5, and Staff Manship Lv.7.]"
"[Use of Semblance Good Fortune has now been integrated as equip power.]"
When I saw the notifications of all of this, I could only smile of the possibility of what would happen if I rob of all the skills of Huntsmen and Huntresses of their hard earn skills and Semblances…
JoJo System:
Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission
Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.4, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.4, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7
Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu
Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Good Fortune
Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.2, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.2, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.2, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.1, King Crimson Lv.1, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.1, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1
Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, BT, Sword PLUCK, BTs x2
Lien: 107,340