Chapter 31: Luck is Bullshit or is it Plot?

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

Alright now with Clover Semblance Good Fortune I can expect to get some good probability from the Bizarre Gacha System but with two BTs I can't get much so…


With a heavy heart, I asked the System how much the Sword Pluck does would sell in the shop much to my dismay…

"[The Sword PLUCK would sell for 45,000 Lien to the shop considering that it was an ancient sword that could be used to shown in a museum since it was in an old era.]"


No choice in this matter so I replied to the system, 'Sigh… The system just sells the sword and purchase the remaining Bizarre Tokens from the shop as well.'

While having the Sword Pluck is cool and all but I really don't see myself using it much considering I now have the power to get what I need at the moment and hope for the best what the Bizarre Gacha could give me with good luck now…

"[Processing… Done Ping! The Sword PLUCK has been sold to shop you have gained 45,000 Lien now transferring into your account… Total: 152,340 Lien.]"

"[Processing… Done Ping! You have bought a total of 5 Bizarre Tokens paying 150,000 Lien now taking out from your account and you now have 7 Bizarre Tokens in total… Total: 2,340 Lien.]"

Good, I have 7 to use from but the question is what will be the most useful for me to get?

I could go for using 1 right now to see if I get the modified stone mask and even if I don't have it, I could probably get an increase to my Hamon Skill Lv. Up a few times yeah let's go with that first to how lucky I am.

Before I do anything, I notice and see Clover has a lucky rabbit's foot, so I took it as well, what I need as much luck as possible on my side damn it!

With that I told the system to use one of my BTs to use on part 2 to see if I can get anything good from it, 'System uses one of my BTs on part 2.'

Now I just had to wait and see how lucky Clover Semblance is really is when using it for a Gacha…

"[Use of Bizarre Token on the Bizarre Gacha now processing… Congrats you get the following Skills or Stands:

Part 2:

Skill: Hamon Lv.1

Skill: Hamon Lv.1

Rare Item: Modified Stone Mask (Human Edition).]"

"[Skill: Hamon (Ripple) Level Up! Lv.4 -> Lv.5.]"

"[The Skill Hamon (Ripple) has gained the added effect of Enhance Physical Strength.]"

"[Skill: Hamon (Ripple) Level Up! Lv.5 -> Lv.6.]"



Well, that was incredibly easy to get, and to get a Human Edition for it I didn't even know it existed before?

But I do have the stone mask and the red stone to finally make this complete Ultimate Lifeform of a human but…

Shaking my head of those thoughts and rethinking using it now might not be a wise idea at least currently it would be a bad idea since I don't know what effects this brings me I don't want my family to see me fully buff as a 12-year-old would be very weird and ask a lot of questions to me than it already has.


For now, though I think it's best to use this when I'm 17 years old and attend Beacon or unless something drastic has happened that I might have to use this sooner than expected but for now this mask will be my trump card for a later date.

Since I still have some BTs remaining, I need to upgrade my Spin Lv. Of my skill to get it to a better power but I might also get a saint's corpse while I'm at it…

But I also need to upgrade my Stands more specifically my Silver Chariot so I can upgrade him to his Requiem State so that I can collect the 36 sinners' souls needed for Over Heaven Stand sigh…

Calm down here Eis I still have plenty of time left to get strong considering that I'm 5 years away from attending and an additional two more years when the story goes to the volumes that leaves me 7 years in total to accomplish all of that during that time.

Hmm… I could use some parts of Steel Ball Run skill and hopefully get Tusk to help me out, but I should use two on it while I use the other four on which parts…

I don't have a lot of time till Clover and Marrow wake up so I'll put two in for each part 5 and 8 to see which Stands I can get out of it!

As for the last two I should put them in part four so far I have no real Stand that can travel a long distance as well as have a colony based Stand to help me out while my Stands are pretty much unbeatable in a one on one fight but in a fight against a lot of enemies my Stands and myself can only do so much before were swarmed.

But I also don't have a Stand that can find people in a long-distance other than Hermit Purple as well considering I have the power of close-range fighters I need some Stand that can search over long distances for it to work hmm…

With that in my mind, I asked the System another time to get me the parts I need and hope for luck to get me the ones I want, 'System use the remaining BTs on part 5, 7, and 8 two for each part!'

Just hope I get the Stands I need to help me out and pray to luck that I get the ones I need…

"[Use of Bizarre Token on the Bizarre Gacha now processing… Congrats you get the following Skills or Stands:

Part 5:

Stand: King Crimson Lv.1

Stand: Silver Chariot Lv.1

Stand: King Crimson Lv.1

Stand: Gold Experience Lv.1

Stand: Mr. President Lv.1

Stand: Sticky Fingers Lv.1

Part 7:

Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Lv.1

Skill: Spin Lv.1

Skill: Spin Lv.1

Stand: Tusk Lv. On Spin Lv.

Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Lv.1

Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Lv.1

Part 8:

Stand: Soft & Wet Lv.1

Stand: Killer Queen Lv.1

Stand: Wonder of U Lv.1

Stand: King of Nothing Lv.1

Stand: Brain Storm Lv.1

Skill: Spin Lv.1.]"

"[Stand: King Crimson Level Up! Lv.1 -> Lv.2.]"

"[Stand: Silver Chariot Level Up! Lv.2 -> Lv.3.]"

"[Stand: King Crimson Level Up! Lv.2 -> Lv.3.]"

"[Stand: Gold Experience Level Up! Lv.1 -> Lv.2.]"

"[Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Level Up! Lv.2 -> Lv.3.]"

"[Skill: Spin Level Up! Lv.2 -> Lv.3.]"

"[Skill: Spin has gained the added effect of Enhance Destructive Damage!]"

"[Skill: Spin Level Up! Lv.3 -> Lv.4.]"

"[Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Level Up! Lv.3 -> Lv.4.]"

"[Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Level Up! Lv.4 -> Lv.5.]"

"[Stand: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap has gained the ability of Activation Requirement Lifted!]"

"[Stand: Killer Queen Level Up! Lv.2 -> Lv.3.]"

"[Stand: Killer Queen has gained the ability of Explosive Bubbles!]"

"[Stand: Wonder of U Level Up! Lv.1 -> Lv.2.]"

"[Skill: Spin Level Up! Lv.4 -> Lv.5.]"

"[Skill: Spin has gained the added effect of The Golden Rectangle!]"

Well shit, I think Clover luck is bullshit itself that it gave me this boost in power…

I look over to him and sigh out while I commanded Whitesnake with a grateful gaze towards instructor Clover, 'Whitesnake return the disk I have from him he already did a lot for me more than he can realize.'

Whitesnake agreed with my command and removed the disk I had of Clover and returned it to the original user while I sat back down thinking what's the next course of action to do next…

Let's see from what I can remember from the past and any unexplained trivia from the show I know only the main points so what does each Kingdom provide that I will need to go the nearest of here is Vacuo but that place is more or less corrupt with the nobles there being dumb.

Vale is a good place for me to start an organization of Manga and Anime since the only thing entertaining in Remnant that it has comic no manga hell and no anime as well might be the best place to start from there since in Atlas they have censorship if it isn't for their Kingdom of Mantle or Atlas propaganda.

There is the island of Menagerie that I can go to meet with Blake a future member of Team Rwby as well as some friends in that place as well but with the White Fang I'm not sure, so I'll consider it as a maybe for now…

Now there is Mistral the Kingdom of the somewhat corrupt with its own kind of problems ranging from hidden criminals to drug dealers of all the sorts, but it does have its upsides being that it's one of the few places to get what you want in the black market that you can't get anywhere else.

Wait I think if I remember correctly that the annual Mistral Regional Tournament is going to restart again in the following two years by now so that means I get a chance to fight with Pyrrha in a one vs one fight since she did won four times in a row this would be her third if I don't participate…

I smile at the idea of ruining a perfect record now that is something I can change and have fun while doing it.

What else is there from what I can remember in Mistral I remember that there was something important in that area but what…

My eyes suddenly widen as I finally remembered why I have to go to the Anima continent immediately after I leave Atlas and Mantle!


I just remembered while it wasn't mentioned in the show, I did read their site to know that there actually another relic in Mistral that isn't the lamp…

There was still the magic necklace to control the Grimm somewhere in the Anima continent in a mountain just waiting to be discovered till it was found by the criminal organization of either Hana or Wave group in Kuchinashi…

Shit… looks like I have an urgent reason to go to Mistral now but now that raises a question as to why Salem doesn't have it originally, I mean if it was to control Grimm wouldn't she want to keep it?

Urgh… I may be overthinking things again but for now, though I should probably see what my Stands are capable of at least before napping to my home…

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.4, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Modified Stone Mask (Human Edition)

Lien: 2,340