Chapter 34: Consequences…

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

When I woke in the morning today, I stretch my body from a good long sleep damn that bed is really good…

As soon as I got up again, I look over to the new update from the system looking over it there seems to be a new function for it now, "The Bizarre Challenge? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Soon enough I got my answer from the System and it was really interesting to do honestly.

"[Host Eis, the System has undergone an update since last night considering to your rise to power of Stands and with your Stone Mask you will surely surpass most of the powerful people in this world.]"


When I heard the news from the that I won't get my Requiem Stands I asked the System with clear frustration but soon calms down as he realizes an important fact of the Stand Arrow, 'What the hell System! I thought once I get my Stand to max level it would evolve into Requiem what is the… the issue is that the Arrow will reject me wouldn't it because I'm unworthy…'



"[… Yes, at the current pace you're going the Stand Arrow will reject you if you don't prove yourself that you deserve a Requiem Stand or you have to prove to the Arrow that you have the will needed for your Stands.]"

Sigh, I guess I can't get much done now, wouldn't it?

Well from the looks of things I should at least hear what the System says about this Bizarre Challenge that is now useable, 'Sigh… well then System can you explain to me what the Bizarre Challenge does for me?'

"[The Bizarre Challenge Function was made with the idea of you have been training this much and gaining more power to a point that you will reach the Stone Mask sooner but the Stand Arrow won't accept you to evolve your Stands to their Requiem States at the pace you're going so with that in mind the System decided to update.

The Bizarre Challenge Function is for the user to get to fight other Stand Users from the whole JoJo Series as a way to prove to the Stand Arrow that your worthy of a Requiem Stand but with your Superhuman strength it wouldn't be much of a challenge now wouldn't it.

However, since you don't have all the Stands from the JoJo verse you can only challenge the Stand Users of the Stands you have already gotten.

So, the System has put the characters at the same level as a Superhuman with the Stone Mask Human Edition ready to use they as well will have their Stands in the Ultimate States.

This way is to prove the Stand Arrow that your worth to get a Requiem Stand is by defeating the Ultimate versions of them is only when the Stand Arrow will find you worthy of that version Requiem form of the Stand!]"


Seriously what the literal fuck!

You mean to say that I have to prove myself to the Stand Arrow that I'm worth its use of power to evolve my Stands into Requiem is to defeat their literal versions of their Ultimate States?!

Do you know how insane that idea is that literally means I have to face off against literal monsters that have the ability to increase their Stands basic abilities to who knows the increase of their boost!

Seriously just imagine me facing off against a more powerful version of The World Ultimate or even worse King Crimson Ultimate what the hell would that even mean just a boost to its stats and ability?!

What about an Ultimate Star Platinum and Ultimate Golden Experience no… Ultimate Wonder of U?!


I shouldn't worry much about them I should worry more about the protagonist's Stands and their Ultimate versions and face off against a super-powered Vampire and Human!

Before I could panic, I managed to calm myself down saying to myself bring myself together from the sudden news, "Breathe in Eis and release sigh… calm down now there is no reason to panic right I mean I have all my Stands to fight with me, right?"

"[Actually Eis, before you go in a challenge you will be needed to lock into only three Stands to help you in the challenge but you do get to keep your Semblance, Aura, items, and weapons with you to help even the odds?]"

I swear somewhere out there is a cruel God is making my life more difficult than already necessary…

Shaking my head out of those thoughts for now making me rethink the idea of using the Mask now would be a better idea to challenge the JoJo monsters and their Ultimate which actually made me think of something important…

When I had the idea in my mind, I immediately asked the System curiously, 'System if I use the Mask would I get an Ultimate Stand immediately or is there a level criterion I have to meet in order for me to use it?'

That was something that went over my head for a while now but now that I have the mask with the stone it should be possible for me to ask at least to know if there was a level condition to use?

"[Host, Eis if you use the Stone Mask to evolve yourself into a Superhuman and get the Ultimate Stands it's possible for your Stands to transform into their Ultimate States when they reach Lv.5 but for some, it's not possible till they have all these levels max.

For example Tusk Act 1-4 even though its level 5 it won't get its Ultimate State since it needs ALL the parts to have an Ultimate State available the only reason why you haven't seen them in their stats is that you AREN'T an Ultimate Lifeform for humans or vampires to get an Ultimate Stand.

However, make sure to note this down despite having an Ultimate Stand and being an ultimate lifeform of a human, it will drain you twice as fast as long as you have an Ultimate Stand out if you aren't careful.

You can even get yourself stronger since you can still use the Stone Mask Vampire Edition to have all the abilities of one since you have the human version.]"


Wait a minute you mean there is more than one version I mean I know since I have the human version, but I thought it can change people into Vampires but for me, it's for humans is it that much of a big difference?

When I have that in my mind, I decided to ask the system with a confused voice with clear doubt, 'System what do you mean that the Stone mask for Vampires would increase my strength already I can already assume that I get more powerful if I did that but isn't that what Kars did in part 2?'

"[True Kars did achieve that becoming the Ultimate Uniform for his race but don't confuse Kars as a Vampire since his race is a Pillar Man, unlike vampires who has similar abilities as the Pillar Man ultimately, they are different in their genetic code.

Ultimate Human lifeform can still die from old age as they are not immortal just increase their life spams unlike Vampires, they are immortal and can live on forever but needs blood for their survival as well as the sunlight weakness.

Remember Kars created the modified Stone Mask specifically for the Pillar Man race as they are made to withstand the sunlight not for Vampires, so the bloodsuckers have a different evolution path, so they have a Stone Mask modified for vampires.]"


In the end, it all comes back towards me using the mask, but I'm concerned that I will get too buffy if I use it, and then I have to explain it to my family?

"[Host Eis… you do realize you won't get buff right you just get the bonus immediately also you need to light the mask with red stone and power it with Hamon (Ripple) to activate the process will be immediate but is a bit flashy.]"

Well I do have only one life in this world I suppose I could get it over with but for now, I'll do it later in the day at night since I have practice soon.

With that finished, I got dressed in my usual black tracksuit get up, and hurry on towards the backyard where the rest of my family are there.

When I was about to go out, I see Klein come out from my door and look worried, so I ask in concern, "Uncle Klein what seems to be the problem you look very worried about something?"

Seriously I hardly ever see Klein this worried about something other than the time from the assassins or the times from when he was worried about our health.

When Klein sees my expression of concern, he says to me, "Young Eis… please follow me to the dining room immediately it's something of great importance…"

I don't like where this is going…

When Klein says that I immediately followed him towards the family dining room where I see everyone having worried expressions even the staff looked a bit scared seriously what is going on here?

As soon as I enter the dining room Winter was the first to break the ice, "Morning Eis I wish to say that it was a good day, but today is anything but good today…"


Ok, that was ominous as fuck, but something tells me it's going to get worse isn't it.

Then Willow comes in to hug me saying to me with clear worry with her voice, "Don't worry my young boy I promise that I will keep you safe from that mad man I already called in the General for this matter please bear with it until they capture… him."

Bear the what, him who, and the General huh?

Ok now, this is seriously wrong here who exactly are they protecting me from that they need to call in the General for assistance I mean he wouldn't come personally unless something happened!

Soon Winter gives me the news of what exactly is happening, "Eis please don't be scared ok… according to the Atlas news today the former criminal Blutig Jack has escaped…"


I continue to listen in to what Winter wants to say while I slowly express pale expression, "… with the assistance of another criminal of the Class-S Tyrian Callows soon followed a massacre of inhumane proportions…"

No, no…

I still listen in to what Winter says before expressing a frown expression, "… the General managed to block out this important news from the public saying to you in the blood of the victims 'How's the time been, kid? Hope it was good for you because soon I'll pay a little visit soon enough, I would love to rip you apart love, Jack the Ripper'…"

It's official it was my fault that I captured him alive when I had a chance to…

It's my fault for not killing him when he was vulnerable if I did then those guards…

No use crying over spilled milk, but I can get a good guess on how he escaped if Tyrian was there then the possibility of Watts was clear as day with them only a genius level scientist is able to accomplish this feat…

Looking over to all my family looking at me with worry since I gone all pale at the idea of an old assassin coming after me or my family.

If they went to get Blutig then they will learn of my Stands and my time stop as well as properly inform Salem…

Screw with waiting for a chance to use the Stone Mask I'm going to use it!

But before I could do anything there was a ring call coming from my scroll to look over to see an unknown number I hesitated as well as with my family but answer the call, but I did, "Gulp… uh, hello who is – "

When I heard the voice, I knew my blood ran cold for sure knowing who this is my first mistake to properly take care of a problem…

"Why hello Eis Schnee it's been five years since we have last met, but surely you saw my work of art yes?"

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.4, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Modified Stone Mask (Human Edition)

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