Chapter 35: Exile or Hunt…

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

In a happy voice, Blutig responded to through my scroll, "Why hello Eis Schnee it's been five years since we have last met, but surely you saw my work of art yes?"


Why did he bother trying to call me to let me know that he's around but that makes no sense why call me here now?

As soon as Blutig said his voice my scroll was immediately taken from me from Winter clearly asking him, "How did you get this number?!"

Hearing Blutig over the scroll he says in a sarcastic voice of care, "Oh, how I got this number is no importance from that voice it seems you must be Winter Schnee now CEO of your family company my how my targets grow up it makes want to cry… sniff…"

Oh, would you do me the favor and shut up already and say why you're here already!

Hearing him again he sounded like he was done acting and continue on what he wants to say, "Sniff… as much as I would like to remind myself of the good times, I have called you Eis Schnee here to make a deal that you can't run from, no wait this is more of an ultimatum really now that I really think about it?"


What the hell does he want from me anyway I would think if he had any brains, he would have taken his chance to escape from Atlas already so why do this course of action?

Winter was soon to speak to Blutig with clear fury in her voice, "Now listen here you criminal scum you won't tell my little brother what to do you – "

Blutig responds to Winter in a sour tone with her as he says, "Bitch do me a favor and shut it I'm talking to my admirer here so please be a good girl and shut up the adults are talking here."

Winter looks there shocked but soon returns with her fury clearly expressed with Blutig remark if anything I have to say to the criminal, he has guts, "Bitch-h! How dare you piece of – "

Soon he goes to a serious voice finally wanting what he wants from me at the end, "Yeah, yeah you can bitch as you much as you want but deal with it you ugly banshee! Now for Eis Schnee here's what I offer you and I promise to keep my end of the deal if you follow my Ultimatum to the deal, what I want from you is simple… I want you to exile yourself from Atlas as well as Mantle."


What does he mean that he wants me to exile what the hell is going through that assassin's head?

From the looks of everyone from my family, they are just as surprised about this as I am what's the point in him making me run?

Willow was soon to ask the assassin with clear worry in her voice, "Why would you demand such a thing from my son you scum!"

Responding to Willow request he says happily to her but it seems to be an echo in the background, "From what I can guess of your voice you're the mother family Willow as about what I requested, I want Eis Schnee to exile himself far from Atlas and Mantle to never return until I get my hands on you personally."

Bullshit I'll listen to that what can he do to me that he has a chance!


With clear amusement in his voice, he quickly says to everyone hearing this, "Ah! Another thing to point out is that if you fail to comply by the end of today, I will personally visit the Mansion again and finish the job where you Eis stopped me last time but this time I will be more than overly prepared for the assassination this time around since my targets are where it hurts you the most… your family…"

Now that made me fully stop when I heard he was threatening my family…


Everyone around me looks surprised at the sudden turn of events from the words Blutig has said but I managed to listen in to what the madman wanted.

Soon the mad man starts to speak as if we're friends or something, "Trust me Eis my boy I would do nothing more than to face you here and now on a 1 vs 1 fight to the death, it would've been glorious… if only I wasn't so, weaken from the 5 years imprisonment I would've been glad to take my revenge on you… but sadly time isn't on my side when we first met but it was for you right?"

Once again, my blood ran cold again when I heard him say that, 'No… he figured out The World ability of the Time Stop from that one encounter!'

When I heard that part, I managed to understand what he meant behind those words at the end gulping my saliva I really fucked up this time and I'm to blame for my carelessness…

Then he soon tries to give me a lesson about how to never spare enemies seriously is he giving me advice about this, "Besides another thing kid you really should have killed me when you have the chance let this be a warning to you never leave an enemy behind or something like this can happen. Also, kid despite how you think your strong you forget that even if your strong the people around you aren't right?"

Soon Weiss asks Blutig with clear anger in her voice speaking out, "You monster if you are that scared to face off against my brother again why wait when you can face him again or against us all together!"


From what seems like for a few seconds we all finally hear him respond, "Hmm... how about no I'm not stupid to go against your twin brother brat at least not the way I am now while having a family ready for my capture. After all who knows how strong he's gotten over the 5 years and I have no attention in facing him right now either! Hahaha!"

I really hate Blutig right now going for the low blow right now using my family as a barging chip!

"Besides the annoying brat rambling as the way I am now I have no real way to face you at the current time and as soon as you have your chance I die instantly so making you run is the best I could give you as punishment, as we speak I'm soon going to be long gone from Solitas continent for the Atlas morons to capture me."

Next to speak was me clearly asking him a question, "How can I be sure that you will keep your word that I will do as you say?"

Honestly, I was scared when he responds to me in a cold tone, "Because you don't have a choice to believe I would keep my word or not besides you don't have much of a choice, the second I regain my strength I will start to hunt you and you alone, but not without leaving behind a gift for you to get the message."


With that done with everyone in the room fell to silence knowing the options of what happens today leaving everyone speechless.

Soon throughout the day, I didn't manage to train that day thinking of only hunting down Blutig with my bare hands he has just done something I didn't think I was capable of…

Truly wanting to harm someone to kill for going this far against not only me but putting my loved ones on the line.

I was alone in my room asking my mother and everyone for some peace and quiet while in reality, I was only thinking of a way to hunt him down for even going to threaten me…


Looking around my room with some photos of my family I care about are threatened because of my stupidity for letting him alive was a mistake.

I gripped my fist hard and used my scroll to use Hermit Purple to see where they are at while I was glaring at Blutig, "Ok then Blutig you have gone too far now… Did you want to hunt me down? Congrats you got one but not the hunt you are expecting…"

When thinking back to the first call Blutig I would guess he would get my number from Watts but still remembering the echo sound from the background leads me to believe he's somewhere in a cave or an isolated place that can produce echoes.

But there was something that was bothering me when mentioning a present while I was biting down the nail of my thumb, "Still though what the hell is that madman thinking of while he mentions leaving behind a present for me…"

When I finally see the location of where Blutig is at is somewhere inside a cave but he wasn't alone as there were other people there as well that has ice all over the place and some mining carts by himself, but I knew immediately where that sign was after all my family does own the Dust mine.


I immediately paled at the idea of what was Blutig idea of a present was, "Son of a bitch… his planning to cause a cave in an explosion with all the Dust inside with the people stuck there with him…"

Now this bastard took this too far now, but where are Tyrian and Watts if he's all alone then where are the other two… no matter for now though stopping Blutig takes first priority I can take his memory to see where they are.

I immediately go over to my drawer nearby and open it to reveal a small wooden box, "Hmph! I never managed to think the dagger I have for the last five years would be useful to me in this situation to find him."

Opening the small wooden box revealed to be a fire Dust Infused Dagger I kept it with me as a trophy for my first win in this world now that I see this weapon again, I rather get rid of it since now it just reminds me of my mistake.

Before doing anything, I use a decorative key with me and started to use Mr. President's ability then soon I was inside a fancy room looking around it looks nice, "But I have no time to admire this place now. It's time for the mask…"

With that done with I grabbed the Stone Mask and Red Stone of Aja and placed it in the slot and put it on my face, "I need as much of an advantage I can get well time to begin!"

With that, I activated my Hamon (Ripple) towards the mask with the red stone as I suddenly was blinded by a shining red light while the mask activates piercing my brain unlocking my body to the fullest!

After a few seconds have passed the mask came off but was soon destroyed but the red stone remained while I look over the system screen to see the new skills I have.

"[Host Eis have used the Stone Mask to evolve into an Ultimate Lifeform Human!]"

"[You have gained the following skills through evolution: Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX.]"

When looking around I feel incredibly stronger than before I went towards to get the red stone and put it back into the inventory, "I feel stronger than before and I feel my better control over my body now. The mask is a truly amazing tool shame it was destroyed but now."

I return myself into the real world while getting my weapons but before I could do anything, I see Winter comes rushing in saying to me, "Eis the General is here with his team can you please come to the dining room immediately!"

Great the tin man is here I bet he came as soon as he can from the Atlas Academy to hear what happen, 'But this maybe a good idea instead with his help he should be able to get everyone but with Blutig Semblance it would be near impossible to get near him unless I do the same trick 5 years ago…'

I did as followed and quickly return to the room with the General while I thought to myself, 'I better show him where Blutig is at using Hermit Purple, at this point I don't care if he knows anymore all I want is Blutig dead now!'

As soon as I enter inside, I saw everyone there, but I also noticed the robot girl with him that knew from the show, 'Penny I didn't think I would meet her like this, but it would be good with her help.'

Penny had short, rather curly orange hair that came down to her chin with a small cowlick on top, and she wore a pink bow on the back of her head. She also has bright green eyes, light skin, and freckles. She wore an off white old-fashioned styled off the shoulder blouse with frill detailed trim and frill flared cuffs that half cover her hands alongside copper button detailing on the lower parts of her sleeves.

She also sports a short gray pinafore dress with golden trim on the hem alongside four light green stalagmite styled stripes on the lower half of the dress, two on the front and two on the back, accompanied by two matching colored circles above the tips that have a stripe that runs around her waistline, with golden outlines, and a detachable black and light green collar.

She also wears a pair of black thigh-high leg pieces that seemingly are attached to black shoes. The leg pieces have a single green stripe up the sides that appears to light up. She also has her silver backpack carrying her weapons.

As soon as we meet, she says to me with a smile on her face, "Salutations!"

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.4, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7, Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Blutig Dagger

Lien: 2,340