Chapter 36: All like Clockwork

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

When I got inside, I was met with a few surprises of the Ace-Ops, Ironwood, and even Penny was here, but I don't get why she's here for?

When I entered inside General Ironwood came near me to explain what is happening, "It's nice to meet you again Eis I wish it was under better circumstances but after what Winter has told me about Blutig I brought someone…"

I see he pauses for a minute to find the best words to describe the situation before finally saying, "… here to help you in your stressful time the young girl there is Penny she will be your bodyguard and when Blutig is still around."


Well it's not like I can complain much considering Penny is technically a secret weapon for them and everyone seems to think of her as such, 'Fools… even in volume 8 they tried to control her but she resisted the viruses planted in her that proves she's more human than all of them combined.'

As soon as the General finished saying that Penny immediately came close to me saying, "Salutations Eis Schnee! It's a good pleasure to finally meet you I heard so much from my father saying how unique and challenging your weapon was to create as well as the materials to use it he says his thanks for a challenge."

Her father, oh!

Ok now that made sense where she found my weapon it was because her father created it well, I have to thank Pietro Polendina later for creating Ea and Anubis, but I have urgent matters to tell the General.

When the General was facing in front of me I told the words needed to get his attention, "Mister Ironwood sir, I found out where is Blutig is at using my Semblance his in one of my family Schnee Dust mines 2 with people in danger there."

Just like that he stood there stunned he wasn't alone stunned at what I told them, but I know I was already playing with fire here and I just increased the fuel.

As soon as I finished Clover and Marrow remembered how I did it the first time with the Grimm incident yesterday with Clover to say first, "Of course Eis didn't your second Semblance lets you have divination on your scroll to see what is going to show you."

I simply nodded my head with a yes it seems to get the General thinking, but I don't care if he knows or Ozpin right now, they are a problem for later while I have here problem to deal with known as Blutig.

When the General came out of his shock he then orders his soldiers, "Alright then thank you for your assistance Eis but from this point on let the adults handle this you already did more than enough – "

However, I interrupted him immediately saying to him shocking my family, "No! General, please let me help you get this guy! I can be useful I have a way to make sure he doesn't know where we are coming!"

When I said those words it clearly brought clear anger to Winter and Willow in the room since Whitley and Weiss aren't here, Willow was the first to say, "That is enough young man! Just let the General and his men capture him you don't have to put your life in danger."

That is where your wrong Willow it was my mistake to let him around, I'm just making sure to correct that mistake.

Ignoring Willow and Winter's anger I explained to the General, "General Ironwood sir, with my second Semblance I have a way to safely reach Blutig without him being alerted from your men I can hide them somewhere they can't reach or hear them coming."

Please take the bait General you may be a very cautious person, but you are a man willing to go to any length to get an advantage.

Before Winter or Willow could say a word, Ironwood comes closer to me while saying to me with an unreadable expression, "Alright then young man I'll bite what is your idea to make sure that my men won't be caught easily from Blutig?"

Perfect with that in my mind I know I'm going to say a few words but with Achtung Baby, and Soft & Wet for it to work…

~Third POV~

In the mines of the Schnee Dust Company Mine 2 was being occupied by one person while every one of the workers was forced to be hostages after Blutig latest protesters tried to attack him was mincemeat.

In the mines, he ordered everyone to place a huge crate of Gravity and Fire Dust in the middle of the cave where there were a lot of people huddled together with no choice to follow the mad man.

Blutig was looking at everything smiling as everything went according to plan, he thought to himself, 'Ok everything is almost ready for the big bang! Still shame my two colleagues left ahead but no matter…'

Blutig looks at a special scroll with Salem symbol clearly shown with a black and white color depicting the Grimm as he smiles, 'They did leave me a way to contact them for and invite me to their little group I wonder how that brat is doing…'

Blutig hugs himself while thinking the clear expression of despair on Eis's face as he enjoyed himself with a blissful expression, 'Oh I can't wait for him to ripen up and feel fear for when he does leave I will take my time with his family… the despair on his face would be too much for me!'

As Blutig was fantasying his expression suddenly turned cold as he hears the thoughts of other people coming inside the cave while he thinks to himself, 'How… how did they manage to get in here without my notice? I think I may have lost my touch being cautious are being cooped up for so long…'

Blutig readies himself with his wires and daggers as he suddenly hears rockets coming towards him as he effortlessly slices them up using his wires from a great distance while using his wires as shields to block bullets coming towards him.




The more that the Ace-Ops continue to hear them he manages to read that there are five of them here and accounted for but can't focus much on their thoughts with the other people around discussing their own thoughts of what's going on.

The more the fight ranges on Blutig finally gets enough of the firefight as he rushed towards them with the intent to kill, 'I think I had enough time to playing with you it's time to die!'

With that Blutig finally goes into close combat a skill he excels in as he finally reaches the Ace-Ops he begins to strike like a wild but coronated animal!

However, the Ace-Ops weren't pushovers as well since they fought just as hard!




As the fight goes on with every member using their years of combat to the test, they can't manage to hit Blutig as long as he hears their thoughts before their actions, he can avoid them all day long!

However, as the fight between them prolongs he managed to hear their footprints again but that was when he narrows his eyes at them, 'Impossible… they managed to hide their sound of these steps… impossible unless they have someone who can hide sound but which one?'

As Blutig was reading their thoughts he managed to read the thoughts of Marrow and what his Semblance can do, 'Ok that Mut is going down first before I deal with the rest!'

With that Blutig managed to maneuver his way through the other Ace-Ops as he weaves through each attack from Elm hammer, Vine CQC aura, Harriet fast speed punches, and around Clover fishing rod skills he dodged them all while leaving behind a few wired of his own.

As he got close to Marrow, he was about to say something when Blutig interrupted him with his knee crashing into his throat, 'Sorry mutt but that Semblance of yours is very annoying to deal with.'

When Blutig crashed into his throat then soon sent him crashing into a nearby wall soon left a crater while the other teammates where distracted in that time Blutig took it as his moment to strike the rest of them.

He managed to get Harriet, Vine, and Elm in his wire while Clover managed to avoid it with his luck on his side literally helping him avoid being caught but he soon sees Blutig smirking.

Blutig thinks to himself in a clear voice of joy for the quietness, 'Aww… much better when those extras are quiet now, I wonder if that boy scout and his crew are in for a shock better send my regards to the doctor.'

Blutig clicks a button on his new wire rings to begin the special effect.



"Shit that hurts!"

"Grr you bastard!"

The wires begin to light up using the power of lightning Dust as it courses through them into the soldiers leaving them electrocuted!

Blutig was enjoying himself as the look of Clover expression but that was before he remembered something important, 'Hahaha! The look on his face is priceless I bet… the people… wait why is everything quiet…'

When Clover saw that Blutig looks over to where the people have gone, he secretly sent out a hand motion secret that only the General would recognizes.

Blutig notices that his hostages are gone with clear surprise on his face, 'How! How did they escape it wouldn't be possible unless I heard their thoughts this – '

That was as far as he was thinking before the General came out from the location uppercutting Blutig on his jaw with clear silent anger expressed on his face that sent him flying while Ironwood crack his knuckles while also Blutig lets go of his grip of the Ace-Ops.

Blutig looks clearly shocked at the sudden development, 'What?! General Ironwood how the hell did he – '

Once again he heard the sound of a laser charging as he managed to avoid it from a flying robot girl saying to the General while saluting, "Ironwood sir all the hostages have been safely secured and the crates with Fire and Gravity Dust safely secured away with Eis help sir!"

When Blutig heard Eis name he freezes himself and thought with clear rage, 'Eis… that BRAT AGAIN?!!'

Eis appears on the scene with his Stand Soft & Wet bubbles carrying him safely without making no noise whatsoever as Blutig managed to realize how they happen as he says out loud, "Those bubbles… they aren't making no sound… I was foiled by the stupidest things… BUBBLES?!!"

When Eis heard that he hid his smirk as he thought to himself, 'Yes Blutig this is all according to clockwork!'

This was Eis plan all along he revealed his two Stands to the General when they were best used against Blutig especially Soft & Wet bubble creation with the plunder ability to plunder the sounds from the Bullhead and the shoes under the Ace-Ops as to not notify Blutig there presence.

Using Achtung Baby ability to turn the Bullhead, Eis, Ironwood .and Penny invisible for them to secretly go inside the cave while the Ace-Ops were busy with Blutig so that they can rescue the hostages.

Eis already have been prepared ahead of time to coat everyone with his bubbles around them to keep their noises to themselves as well as keep Blutig from hearing them and the General gave Clover a hand signal ahead of time for him to join the fight when Clover knows they couldn't handle the job.

When the General heard the abilities of Eis second Semblance he was no interested to see if he can convince him to join Atlas Academy but for now accepted him to join so long as he rescues the hostages first and not fight.

Of course, Eis agreed but that was not the full truth as he wants to finish off his own way permanently.

Now Blutig not only has to face off against the Ace-Ops but also the General and his merry band of boy scouts!

Ironwood looks coldly at Blutig while getting his weapons giving Blutig his ultimatum, "Now then Blutig you have two choice one you surrender willingly or the second option you come surrender once we deal with you…"

The clicking sound of Ironwood weapon Due Process while expressing a cold look to Blutig, "… the hard way."

Eis used King Crimson ability to foresee the next 10 seconds and smiled that he sees that his caught in a trap with Blutig and seeing the scene around him that a cave collapse was going to happen, 'Good now I get some alone time before they try to take you away where no one will know what happens next, better be prepared to face the consequences.'

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.4, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7, Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Blutig Dagger

Lien: 2,340