Chapter 37: Killer Queen Touch the Chapter

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~

Looking at the scene before me I knew that Blutig screwed up big time but from the look he has on his face he seems to be determined about something well not like it really matters in the end.

Once I use King Crimson's ability to see 10 seconds into the future but only the results not everything only the ending for those few seconds I can see.

When I saw the next 10 seconds, I saw that I and Blutig are destined to have fallen on a cave in that is something we can't avoid that can't be changed no matter what he does it's all according to Fate…

Still, if I was him and wanted to kill me, I would train my Semblance to the best of my abilities, and considering his is all about waves I can guess he can hear the sound waves of my thoughts right Blutig?

Looking at Blutig getting more paled the second I hit right on the mark about his power being increased, 'Blutig your power has increased to hear my thoughts hasn't it?'

Blutig getting wide-eyed at my questions seems to get my answer he tries to run away while I was looking at him with a cold expression, 'Oh Blutig… I already foresaw the future you can run away all you want…'

Still having my Soft & Wet out I already placed the bubbles all around the cave as well as place some above the ceiling already eroding the stalactites that have Dust inside already slipping down from the sky.

While I was preparing the necessary setup to make my future happen, I thought, '…but no one can escape your fate.'

Shame no one noticed it but looking at Blutig hearing my thoughts he saw the ceiling from above as he grew pale then enrage as he says to me, "You brat! If I'm going to die, I'll do it on my own terms and not yours!"

Soon he tries to grab Penny with his strings as I pushed her away from danger, I knew he would target her if he heard my thoughts earlier than it was the logical choice to go after someone else that is an easy target.

After all, why would Blutig go after any members of the Ace-Ops they will distract him long enough for us to get him, Marrow is too far away for him to grab, Ironwood is a hard pass since he can't beat him with evident expressions he has shown thus far, and not me since he already read my thoughts of clearly ending him so that left Penny as the likely way for him to get back at me.

As soon as he grabs me instead his expression immediately pales when I took Penny's place as she was surprised as were the as I began to play the act, "Quick Penny move out of the way!"

I pushed her aside with clear shock was on her face and everyone, but they took this chance to fire on Blutig but not fast enough to stop what happens next…

Blutig just looks at me with clear anger shown as he tries to say to everyone, "No d- "

That was as far as he was going to get as soon as a stalactite finally eroded for it drop that contained numerous numbers of fire dust causing a big fire explosion to occur pushing everyone but me and Blutig aside as we both fell into a small cavern while the ceiling above us was sealed.

Getting myself ready to prepare for the next step Blutig prepares to run away by letting me go and say to me, "You! You… stupid arrogant brat! How dare you stop me from having my fun why didn't you listen to my demands!"

Hearing the idiot why I didn't listen I gave him silence since I could have hunted him when I was away but would he really have been honor-bound as to let my family live and even if I did stay with them and put them in the mirror world that would mean they would have to be there all the time just waiting to capture you.

I have no patience for that nor the time for that to happen but thanks to you Blutig I have to show my hand now with that I think it's time to clean up the trash!

Blutig notice where I was going with this, but we were heading to the ground soon, but I couldn't let him escape so time to bring out The World, "ZA WAUORDO!!"

Just like that everything froze in time as I look carefully at Blutig while giving my order to my Stands, "Blutig I would like to thank you personally for giving me that lesson of letting your enemies live I'll take it to heart as to not let them live, now then you two know what to do but keep him alive ok."

With that, The World and Star Platinum both appeared behind me as I was now dealing with the Blutig once again they started their beat down of the man brutally as possible!

The World started with his phrases while beating up the lower portion of Blutig body, "MUDA MUDA MUDA! MUDA MUDA MUDA! MUDA MUDA MUDA! MUDA MUDA MUDA! MUDA MUDA MUDA! MUDA MUDA MUDA!"




While Star Platinum was beating up the upper portion of Blutig body making sure to avoid any fatal punches on him, "ORA ORA ORA ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA!"




Soon enough my few seconds are up while I say to myself, "Time has begun to move again."

With that Blutig body was soon landed hard on the ground with his aura broken his body was mangled with all his bones, arms and legs were distorted in all the wrong places with him bleeding a bit.

While I was walking near him, I saw that his face was heavily damaged he tries to speak to me but fails to do so as even his words are mumbling, "Pwesh dwent kilele mewh!"

I think I heard him say please don't kill me with his watering from his eyes pathetic he was all talk with me and my family on the line and he breaks down right now with his life now in my hands!

Glaring at the fool I began to summon Whitesnake and do what needs to be done, "Whitesnake take the discs of this man first his Semblance and the second take his years of combat!"

With a single nod from my Stand, Blutig managed to say with what I assume was a wide eye look, "WHAT PLEASE NO!!!"

With that my Stand swiped its hand on his head and took his years as a Huntsman, and Semblance away from him as I quickly look at his Semblance it would've been longer if he was still headstrong but now that he wasn't it really wasn't much time to take everything from him.

Without a second thought or command, Whitesnake inserted the disks into me to gain Blutig years of experience and Semblance!

"[Use of Disk has made Eis learned the following skills: CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.8, Knife Proficiency Lv.6, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX.]"

Raising my eyebrow at that I guess Blutig would be more of a master of his wires since he is more used to it than his knife proficiency it seems.

Looking over to Blutig being pathetic at the moment I asked him with an uncaring tone, "I highly recommend pissing yourself followed by a course of praying to your impotent god for what is going to happen next."

Seeing that he was panicking I decided to ask the system if it possible to sell his skills on the disk?

"[Yes, that depends on what the contents it has inside I will value how much it's going to be.]"

With that as my answer, I told the system to sell the Disk making sure no one has it but I'm keeping Blutig Semblance after looking at it from what the System has detailed about it.

"[Disk: Instant Waves Lv. MAX

Description: This Semblance belongs to Blutig Jack an infamous killer with the ability to listen to waves in the air whether they are electro, sound, or radio waves in the air, and can travel once he knows the location of the wave.


Overhear Waves from small distances Lv.1, Instant Wave Travel Lv.6, Sound Wave Hearing Lv. MAX.]"

"[Selling Blutig Experience Disk… Done! You now have 220,000 Lien your account for the high-level Skills inside.]"

With that, I soon look over to Blutig as he was now terrified of me while now, I can hear his thoughts, 'No! Stay away from me you monster!'

I'm a monster now?

Well isn't that funny the man that every Huntsman or Huntresses that used to fear are afraid of me?

Not like I care that much now but soon I brought out Blutig Dagger I had over the last five years with me and Killer Queen already ready for what is needed to be done.

As I walk over to Blutig I say to him my final words with a cold expression while giving him his dagger, "I shall not allow anyone, no matter who they may be, to threaten my everlasting climax. I will eradicate every last one of them and sadly for you Blutig you just got in my way…"

With that I say to him as I was readying my King Crimson to do the Time Skip, I don't want the explosion to be heard as Killer Queen touches him, "Killer Queen can erase you at any time. For, you see, Killer Queen's power is to turn anything it touches into a bomb and I just let my Queen touch you? You already know what that means yes?"

Blutig eyes widen in shock as I continue to say to him with a smiling expression in the end appropriately saying to him, "Lately, with everything going on, the waves of my life have grown rough and violent...But from now on, I'll be able to live my life in a peaceful mood. I matured a lot today, all because you cornered me...rather, I felt a truly powerful will radiating from you today... You even managed to threaten me, and now I will finish where I left off."

Before Blutig could think or try anything I say to him, "Killer Queen has touched you…"



With that, I activated King Crimson ability to Erase Time for the next 10 seconds instantly I move away from the explosion and land in a place far from here, and jump to the entrance of the celling of the cavern as I place myself on one of the rocks to hold me as I see that celling from above me slowly begin to form a big hole.

Soon I look below that Blutig was no longer with us any more good riddance.

Seeing the hole I saw the rest of everyone with me as I think to myself in worry, 'Finally with Blutig dealt with I can rest assured for now but since Watts and Tyrian weren't here I can only assume they already left to Salem can't do anything about them for the time being.'

Seeing time return to normal I had a thought go through me as I think of what to do next, 'Two years left before I leave to start my own path, I can't wait!'

Soon I see the first to see was Penny as she reaches for my hand and asks me with concern and say, "Friend Eis are you OK!"

Responding to her with a smile on my face I say to Penny, "Yeah I'm ok can you guys take me home Blutig got away."

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.8, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7, Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv.6, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball

Lien: 222,340